703 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN am-c- -- I(onorab1. Xoasr Oarrl8oa, Jr., Direotor Dep&rtlg4r& of pub110 UrfotJ &lrtin, texar Desr 8irr ca8e of Calll8on v od down br the Oou in the oarr refe inal opinion. th4 polios oriicarr or the ant proper17 obtained, 8elzetd al8 md other punch board 1088 to b8 vlthln tha oontemplatlon of Artioler 636 and 637 of the Penal Code of the atate or Tax88 it murt ap- pear that raid derloer vero being u8ed or exhibited for gaming pprpO848. The ooupt held that punch board8 ~41-4gamblm de- vi048 per 80 and oould not be u8od for any other purpose. Vith ref4renoe to the proporltlon that the derioe8 murt be exhibited OF be u8ed for gaming purpoaea, va quota from the deoi8lonr 704 goAOrabl4 HO8or @arbIaon, Jr., Dlreotor, Page 2 "Thb air of the rtatuto, under vhioh thlr proooedlng brought, la to prohibit la thb U#* OF exhtbltlon Of l11 pO88iblO g-48 that fall under the ola88l?ioation of lotteriaa Or garbliZ@ d4VlOO8. The oharaotrr of the pl'Op4rt~ melLed, th88 18, it8 dCO-Up, doer not lUth Or iLb it8 OOpii#OatlOn md dertruotion. the bOarda Voro rtorod and lookrd In a varo- hou84, and v4r4, in no 8armbr, ured or rxhibitsd for th4 pur9084 of gsnlng or obtaining bettora. ‘fa th4 OMOtBWit Of the #tlhtUtO# undrr vhloh thla action vaa brought, the L8glrlaturo did not 804 fit to oond4m all property th8t might br urrd for g8n!i and authorize it8 d48tz'uotion,adlo itT* 0 #hOWi that 8UOh pro- pbrtr VI8 dbrigned for @Lming and VILI, at thr tlm4 of 84l~ur4, bslng u84d for th4 purpo84 of @Y-w* Thur, oourtr oamot extend the atatut4 80 that f$aring d4ViOe8 Mf bo 0onfiaoat.d and dertrored lo the abreaob of evidenoe that 84~4 vere being Urbd or 4xhIbit4d for Bating. That much VI8 not dofondant' pur’poae, 18 evident. Th@ PrOpbrty Vh8 80 #tared that it oould not rearonablf be maid that it Yam exhibited, and, oertalal~', It Yam not being ured for ga81ng.*~~e An lpplloation for vrlt o? drror vaa not spplled for to thb 8uprma Court. W4 believe for your protoctlon that thr ruling In the Calllron oaae lhould b4 follov8d. vb b4lIov4 th4r4 18 no di#tinOtion betvaen punoh boarda, tip #hObt# or #lot Mohin48 In 80 far a8 the 4??44t Of the opinion 18 oono4med.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion