Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE AJTORNEY GENERAL our TEXAS AUs'nN. TEXAB martha by 0--?'15¢ ?’en.. ¢. 3.-. $-:. munson “"e:¢e¢ 121 non $yatvm Hentmlle, '!ema war gus opinion n¢. 0~1916 m mere w am prast chain to the winn 3d owen te are 1a mims edf your letter et zmery 2}, 19&6, ' maxim the tallman request et tide depex~thnnt¢ we a special mtia' er the me ‘ mer&an¥e§:er§ &, S::B,elet-» 2 wl nw fm s w mrte:n 1134 MI, Bu'.'r$,s away diem data maxim tex themm3 wmhi$eheh~atw the w arm "3111 nephew give ne en ina ne ta ether it weld be ' able roe the mm anton se mike non sell these chain to the 1104 arose et t minimum eart¢‘* ron ore advised that your question 1a controlled by tee. 16, ¢h¢ 312,p ute neg., tech both l- laura nw be tied 130 Vema'a £mteted a h 11 Mtutee, m garmon er null statutes material to the question is se renewal . “"i'he mart mm ante power te authorize the meager to sell end nine pose w 111 gesture of all tom and industries demoted e£th the mann exam ana 1111 perml md leme poverty et seen priest end an nunn term en renter each rules ss it stay deem bent end edept; end it my lean any reel estate mr egrieu}.§urel er grazing gurpnnee ar lease other fixed property eat appurtemneee belonging theme nyse auth tom et it eis deem save-moment te the interests of the griesa systm.* ft seem true the wrote language need in this statute that thai risen 51 meager in vested with the never i:,<:~n. .’-'>.. .;'. i?:"'ll}.lr.§:non -» "a;;o 2 to sell any arti¢le mmfoot.ured v{hc.h¢ `-;'-'riaon ’€‘yutm, upon men term usi conditions-ns ve zier my deem bast. lt iz.- murders apparent mem the advisability or naming the elmira in questloa, in well as the wm upon mich such sale would m sw¢¢, lie exclusively in the diners- tiox; of the T&:\:er. ?Tia¢n Bear¢. hunting meat the foregoing gina you mm inr¢r- motion ¢f':ca£.raé, we arc ¥our:.= very truly 1‘;*2 U?€HZ-€-'Y -L?'£.*Mtliiz‘¢& €3¥’ TEH.:";H ?ey /s/ Grovar isolle ' -lrr.lu~;$»ama-lt:‘t1 fix-amser w-.-'§.: <;vz’~:.:z '1»';:;.10, mm /a/ -‘C`»ersl€: C. §»‘mm A*,-£“I‘iL-‘H!E$? €‘¢§EH§?RAL GF ‘T'}§'.'X_§=E‘~'- éi’£l;?‘:Wz".B iH-"IHI€>H 6€§£3;1':’§%°*!2 B‘¥‘ ’MB_, Ghairmn