Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN --=-- Ron. GJn* LCfOY?4 county riud1tor Clay county Hbnrlotta, ?exas and 0onsidoreQ. nFlease advis of a County on to p ur o h a l nb r o r istms 0 R e v ised Civilstll- tuta s @ fTsx l wch mnth OS hia ioox nerd harein le bush shall mnke rsqulmd by lew, 4tat4flentOS 4311 the rxp4anr4 inouzrad by tlr oftloe, much aa tU?ZFS, t4lOFhOZl4, FrSriWS 05 n@lJ, iZiOiUdin.? th0 OoBt Of 4Ul-4. hia 2eputie4, precium on fim, heft, '"-"J,insurano4 pmteot- lo funds, traveling exponoas and other naceesary 4xpen444. Tbbr Cocr&srlon4ra1 coxrt af the oounty of the OheriifwB mni- amor nay, upon the written end morn appll- cation of the Ehcrlff 8tuti.ng the neW388lt9 HO& vrayn4 Lerevm, Page z therefor, purohase equipment rok a bureau or orir,inelitlentiffoatlon such a8 oamraa, rin- ger prlnt oarda, Inks, chemloala, mlorosoopss, radio and laboratory equipmcmt, filihg oardrr, Ww cabinets, tear gas and other equipment In keepi% with the eyetem in ~4 b9 the De- ptmbent of Publio Safety of this State or the United States Department or cTuatloeand/or Bureau of Criminal Idsntlrioation....w (under- aooring cure) You are themion, reepeotfully advised that It la the opinion of thls departrcent that the oomisalon4rs1 court is authorized to purohase and expend oounty fund.9 ror a radio Sor the Sheriff's orfice under the above arti- Oh. Very truly goura AToxfx OENERA’, OF ?Ex;s wrl. J. Fanning Assistant