44 OFF\CE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN a& to another turo or seoobd omidoration by third written i!ay 9, h6retO of Map 16, quest for ~1 moomlderation the fo1lming Btatement 61 e partlaular oltuetion nw y 6, 1900, Saetion 98 Bl.ooket, th munty wae awarded by the Et&e i:. crlsweld at a prlob or '$1.00 a dry geti 0iOwri0c;ti0n. and relnstatemnt or euoh IL19lX3,the taouthea5tl/4 of Saotion 78 was, on Bovember 28, 1908, oome ed by Ci. 3. Criuwsld to B. C. %all8, and ouo1 southesat l/4 ot Sdd saotion wan pia00a in 0 ecpsrata aooount la the Land Mfloa. on July 1, 1927' the male awarlrng the southeast l/4 oi Saokon 78 WPPCIforrsited 44 Honor6ble Baeoom Clleo, n3Ce 2 ror non-gagrrent~oridarefit. mr.:ertar, on cotober 2, 1930 tho uxthmst l/4 of rcotion 76 wu5 awsrded ty the State to I..A* Caner at a prlo6 0r $10.40 per 5-3-5,under a mfneral and ~rariEg olaruis?lostian. On Oototmr 15, 1939, the 84s to.Catey WE& r0hittd far ncn-payant or i.ilt6l-O5t;aPd ssid traa% was; put ug Zor rr?leon Jenotry 2, 1940. A, l!.Sdth ~5 the high bldder et 8uoh sale with ti bid of $lO.EO p": tore, but elf bid8 wera releoted by the Zohoo Lend 30~6. On January 20, 1940, 7zl*tesimllngton, Jr. m&f a;plioat%on to reinstate 8& aouthenct l/4 of 8bOtiOIt98 under the Ori&Ql 8dla k, I?.1;. GriPsfld aa% tendorsd the 8%~ oi +$95,15,whiqh amount 1s eufllalent to rsiast.~“~the eooamt under that ade, it ths right to mob rolnnetsta- xmrtteziste. En this coAAuotioA, *e ~Qmlu3 th3t %lter ;?orlinp ton, Jr. is ~4'3the log1 ovrller oi 8uoh rfEht.88s were mned by H. C. wi8 tttthe tfne 0r the 1927 r03eim. 'Lfthis $8 not 80, %+rl*tOn, Of OOUW@, would have 80 right oi reia8tiitcmfmt118he would be,sn 4ntiro stren@m to the title to thi8 land SlIti to ettyTi&8 tbsrcin. ?O\rrrt)qtteSt icS 8SiO&dtiOllthea prOOe6ds 88 r0u0vret "!I%18OfriO i8 in r608ffi 8f tW0 OptiiOXt8 from your Departnrent.Opinion o-060, doted !Zay 9, 1969, aad-8~;;~lex+ntalopinion, C-780, dated hold, tn lffa c tt Say 16, 1939, both of ws'ttloh *that the mere rQht of rOin8tateacAt without being exerofsed by kiak* 8 writt.sn rc-,asstfor reln8tatcmentend peying tha awney into the treasury a8 required b ArtSole ba&It is not 8ufflOliUt rlcht PI w iIl ~e&Ut8 dl8tat -lit 0r tta orl&.nal rorroltiogcmmr'6 These opinion8 vmld 5110~ refrutatement in tbt in- 8tanO8 8et out above or &oO per aore ml0 bearing a ;ry grazing ola8sifioation 8~3 would deprlos the Stat6 of the b&ra?t$t8to be gelned Hoaorsble Pazoom Clles, Face 3 under a por~~;fEle~relnetntentmt utkter the L. A. Camf edo, xhloh ‘1988 ior k10.40 per aom 8na 00x-ea siosral olsorlflo.stlon, %uch or the Fubllo school Land, asnod by the State at tlm prosent, tits, haer been j~0baSSd and iorieltad et loart tmxt - the fir&t snle boari.ncB dry grating ola~slfloa- tlon and the lster sale beerlnc a mlmral olasslriostion. To allox relmtatemeat and= tb? riT8t 8&O would dcrprln the State of sny niaortalinterest in euoh lnnd, It wculd hato a mineral reesrvatlon under the later 8d.e. *Xt has been tha preotloe or thlm oilloo iormy years to hold that ths laot stale only wit sutjcct to reinstatenmnt and that an out- 8tatiiAg right of releotatamnt pwoludod 8n Orir;inairCWre:tiXIgOatairiXW& heri= hl8'8dle minetoted, &my pople, ln roraer yeaor8, have boat informed alox thet'lla,by thi8 offloe and haos acqaiemosd in that interpro- tstlon or tho law. *Hnoe neither or the above nentlonsb opinion8 appear ta be conrennos oQln10M md 8h?e it 3.8 of parewuat importanoe to the Stats and to the Iubllo Sahool Fund to deterrPirU,whether the rl&httoreinstate a prior rorrsfts4 rale erirtr in 8ltuatlon8 40 8.t out above, I m mJ8peotmlyreqwJst- lng that you glY6 as a oonfer8noe oplnlan on the iallowIng qusetlont -*is the right or rolnetatezaentheld br L. A. Caeaf 8 *YeBteC right in a third psrekm whlohwoti pmalude the T8iA8t@t%tWAt Of t!W Ottle Of the SlZl/4 of 8800 70, ?U.el b ~the a?+ oord #LImr U&W- t&e OrfdAtt I 8de t0 R. :Z.F,rlsvald?= 44 .Fnrthcrlmos~l~atlon of the Lund Orrice recorda dloolooss the teat ttst more than one tillion aeren of pub110 school lands hve heretofore boon txlae sold cud txlcc forroitcd, thus plaolw suoh lend In the ocnc eetcgorgr ~1sthe partioular 160 cam6 hlq&crd about b: you lneofrx irs tho rl$ht of roinat&mwat by ths’orlpJan1 pur.robser notwlthatnndinlj. c aecond.sels an8 moond forfeiture ia oonoorned. The roO0l-b Of tht @?EWCd Land @if164 furthor rerecl that the Cwl~lnJ s&m of seocrsl tiJ.llon corce of pub110 land h6ve hfsetofore bee.aonce forfeited end euoh 1%&s sold a saocti tht. If, lnthc rutalrt,de rcoond 46145 of euch lantisera forfeited for non-paywnt of intorest or Srozaothm CuuNocs~all Oz tho6e ecrcral alllloa aaroc till be lrood ti the 8ame eatsgory es the 160 aaree in- quired at out by yau with respoot to the ri&t or tha orhi& nol purchamr to r&&tar-d the ale.lnal male notwlthstand5ag the second sole. It la fustbor rhcm by ttm reoordr et the aenerel LazndOifloe thet in the -et PeJorlty of oses the second osle,.aftsrthe flrct i&@olture wea EE.~Oby tha Stete a~$ a.hfgher prlao than the flret sub, .&adfhet-the s4oond atile was often rwrdbwith a tieral ofa8*riflostloa, thuo rOr to the Stats an iatereot la the mlnar&ls whereus &ml oolao on n;uohoi the pub110 rohool iends oierelaeaerra3ero dry greela non&ercl 0i44~1rio4ti~, without any miacrol rcservat Poa to the Steta. These fasts are alluded to In order to s&e olcer the loss whiahwlll neoesserll~be aufisred by tbs Stats from a hordlmythat tlm rlfht at relnetatmcsnt War c forfeiture of 6 eeaoad sde dots not bar th4 rl.&t at re- laststeiwnt under E flrot aale. Tha loss occulting to the State from such a holding results from the toot thet it has beea deoidad by the ~4xm3 courtc.that the re5netstelPsnt ltatuts, Article ES26 A. C. G* 1926, cltts to tkj ior- ft1tln.g owner, i: r1Lcfit.ao:‘third portlea have not lntor- osaod, the:rQ.ht of rohtstr~t~~nf et the if?%mFsiOe cad nlth the eae ~nerel raaervatlor es ~135contained laths orQlnsl mat to h&i. sec.l&@iolia PQtrOl0m CoI vb ?%lktW, 12% Tbx. 430, 89 3. 3. (2) 929. The foro~o4& 1crq$hy atatencnt has boea nede in ardor to m&e olecr the aaopc and lxtportanccof the guestloa involved. 44 Eonorable Besaon Cllea, Pa@ 5 Your inquiry io a4 to Whether or not an ouktondine rlffht O? relmtoteaont (that lnoldeat to the eeoond rnle) Is euoh 8 rQht aa will oporete to bdr the ri@t o? ro- lastat4laentunder tka flret ml*. hI?tiOlO EX526, 2. StatUt4 bore involved, providoa %E ?o "I? say portion of ths laterrjston any ma14 should not be palC ttran due, the, &nd eh%U be subject to rorteltum by the Co-~l~slon4r eater- lac on tho wrepper oontalning.the paper4 lL%ad For?elttd*, or words 0;‘sldlsr kzport, wlth the Bste of euoh wtion end eign it c?flalel.ly, and thereupon the lane aad all paymanta ahall to for- tolted to the Stato, an4 the laada shall te o?- fered ror l%le on a subsoqnent 6.h data. In nay ok60 whore land6 hare been forteft4d to the Stste for the non-pcrgaento? Interest, the pur- oheeere or th~lr vendserr,nay here their ololms .reinet.%~cdon their wlttta roquwt by paying into the Treesurf the full mwuat $ labrest d\a on euah aleim up to the dsts of relnatattmtnt, rovided that no rlEht6 o? third t6rBon8 MY hare nteneneac In ll auah oases the llnl obll~utloaa nad &mltlos rha d ther&gboiomo 44 binding 818lf 00 fOr?OitUlW bed 6VBT oaaurred. I? cay purohmer shall dl4, hi6 hslr6 or lee%1 reprorentatlrss rhall bar4 oae par In rhUh to make peymmt-attor the fir8t d4y a? Nmomter atrt after ruch derth. Xothlng ln this artlale ahall ln<it the State from inrtltutlag such 14g41 prooeedinge a% my b4 a4oesksry to enforut such rorfelture,OF to reoover the full amunt o? the intsrtst en? euoh pemltlcs ea map be due the Ststc at the tl?Joeuch ?orfslture occurred or to proteot any other right to euoh 1anb.w (Under- aoorlng ours). The 4afmbr to four question depend6 up0n tha oonstruatloa4nd e?Sect to be given to that pmtloa of E?OnOrsb& Baeom Cllee, Pa@ 6 mtlcle 8326 whioh provides for reinstatement or rorrelted rol.oaa~rovlUed that no rtihts ol thirdP r&Km8 nay hmo intervenf+d.n If,dor ths r00t dtuatlonyou havep-e- -rut, tho oufstandlng rlphtof rolnatu:ermnt, holdby tb seoomlpuruherer, L. A. Oasey, is sn “inter- veeabq right” ae assat by Article 6:26, tbon suoh right ~51.1oprsrate88 a bar t3 B rc~ostatamsnt or tht? first s~10. Y not, the tlrst e>la la subjr.otto relrmtatezwmt. In Cal? Frobuntlon Coxtpny 0* State, EZl z, ;:.124 (ait 0f aror hr.), the son mtOnl0 COW or CIP~ A~~~EIS in rcierrirq:, to the %itcneninr. rlchts’ provilieiz for la Artiole 5326 stated that by such len,p~go the LeElslature monat %uah rights of third parties BLP. oonstitute a present orlatw bar to relnststament - 8~1sxlatfrgre8t~~dright, snroroonbleat th@ tim, by the party miw Such r1Cht.w Eowcver, an analysis of tho hota involved in that awe dlsalosesthat the moon& ~18 whloh was there 01aiasIto bc a bar to the rkht of relnstatemnt ol'therirat o's10ww 8 sale nado upon or;n<loaof ssttlemsnt, whloh cotiltion had not been performd, hrther, the oeoszzd puroheanr hsb eotuallg abandona& the 1snC findmds knowa hir; abrndoment to th0 tend Oawal8sloner. In 8uohofrcuawtano:‘sho r@ht- 0r rrinnatement exhted in ravoror tlm seoond purohiaser, aa his feflur6 to oolaply w;tththe eettlezmataondltlon oi hir purahaas wholly imalldoted the rale to h&n and put en endto his rlphtsin the land. Thle oonolualoa km tiflrmad intbe opinion 19 the culr oaaoe Tbererere, as ao right 0r ro%xueditraperlrt adated in furor or the 000-a purohciser, him eals bay* been *oldal, tbsre ~8s no lntermalng right whloh would’operate to bar e r8l.natato~ntof tb¶ flmt mle to hml. In maklny.B rimllngaad oomlarion whioh WNB at?- oeaearyto raaaoh the tomlt arrived et by tho Court OS Cloll kppeiiis,la cif v. State oxme, 6upr8, the Court at pa* 134 of the report el@fioantly mndo thio statement with reageot to tbs oharaoter of thz right ~8 roiPstatem%nt oxned by 0 rorrelt~ puruha8att *It %a true,also, as held in Levless v. xrlght, that the State of Texas at tbot time WOO in+este& with the title to the lend, aad the rQht 44 Ronoreble Beaoom Cl&e, Pam 7 t&m 0r the trsmfer to Lewis, And that was a oeetod %yht whioh no 8tstuk or UOt of the Land Coomisslomr aould take away f'rozhim.* (Uaderaoor~ oura) Thus, it is fcmd that the Court In Gulf Production 00. v. State expreeslf held that t&w right ot reinstatmzmt owned by B ftn-feltingpurchaser la a vested rlfiht. In Cruzaa v4 Edker 119 Tex. 189, 26 3. v. (2) 906, the Supreme Court la &s&La& the 9ntarvonI~ right&n tment br Artiolo 5326 at&e& thsf auoh righta &ust be *?elfd arlstent aad leplly snforeeuble when uittsn re- quest for rciastatmmt Ir toads. . .* Rowever, tb only guortlon determined by the Court me whether or not the right8 or 8 ~rmlttea whosa pmnlt to prospot r0r 03.3 oad gas bob been 00noelca an;:. fortsited, was an inteneniag rl@t within the zeanlng of ArtlOT, 6326. The Court held that the r&hta of the iorteltily oil e&l gas pfmaltttse did not bar a reiaatatemat of first ssla made eubasquentto the r0mitt4mk 0r the oil and ~5s permit.. The U~UZ~S oam 58 dlstin@lsbnbU horn @be ~Itaetlon presmtca by your rer,uestin this ro otc the OIL arkagao permIttao La the Camzen O&W had no fT ,ht ot reinmtatemont after rorreiture of hlo plait for foilura to begIn develop mentwithinthe tLpb rhtd by rtatute, All 0r hi8 rigbtll eadod oompletel~and tUmW with forfeiture of hi8 psnnlt, rad woh r&hk were a& mbjoot to refartatesant. i%wwe, onderthe feats relate& by you,the seoomlpuroharerCaser, by vIxtue at Artiola 5326, dOc6.hev.e the rQht to rskatate hlr forfeited 8ale. This r&lit, ln 0uJ.fPro5uotlon Co. Yb State, eugira,was rtated to br a Vested ri&ht.' In Free18 v, aelkar, l20 To& 291, 29 S. a. (2) 62T, l% was held that the r&ht aoaming irons mom tU%ng or an opplloatlonto prospeat for.oil aad gas with the County Clerk did not tmWitUt4 fmO& ai IntWVeJAhg right a0 ~56 Bet!& by ArtiOle 8224. Prsotlaallytba acme lazgua$e es la round la the Gulf oaae end the Cnmm 083~ suprae 11~8wed by the oourt Indetlnfn& the oharaoter of rhht mant by tha torn "Inteenenlngrl&t" in Artiole 6326. Am in Praels v. valker, the oterefil%w of an appFe*LaetiQn*dtd not cloerlee to a te6ted rlgbt la tba applimat bHause the Luud Ctwonlrsloaer was m~tcd by rtatute~withEOP(I discretion In dotqmiWng whether CA not to iasuuea pemalt in tbe went un rpplfoatloa roi- pm-alt #houla later be mea rpitht&s tina coadsnlo~er. Y.5 rh4 no oerct other thpn cur v. 3t3:0, 61zp6, in whloh thbr6 has bean 4lscu8s!:c: the .:ueatlon or ta&t&r or not ths rlqht of rofastotcmenttaatls~ drtlale 63&6 ooa- 8tltutca cn snforoeable rested riqht. In ~1st~o: thr rmt that tbs &~~r=emoCourt haa tdoe elta: PI* amovcl the culr ve i;tatts docimioa we real omzstrnlnod to r0ii0r: fbe lcnp~ce in euohdcals!on %-hlohOolda t&a’:the rlcht or ralnsteta~nt ls a rew.cd ri&t. You m-5, therorore, advised that,la OUY oplnltn, the rkht or reinatazcment arlstla~ ln favor ol:the reoon.5 purchaser (here 3. A. fximy) is aa tnforocable,rcrtsd rQhtwith?nthe mmilng of the hove quoted drclolon, end that euah ri&t or relnstatezxmt, 80 lox~ee it ia out- otandlry;,1s an einte.-vsnimgright” within t!aemrnln(; af Artlob 5326, vihioh Op8:at-W to bsr 8 Teioatetownt, & the rest rorfel~sd abale. X6 rosllze, end bars rraakly rte"ue, tk.t *om dotit exleto an to the oorifmta6~s ai this holS$ag In vtiw of the broth languisfeused in the,ebove oito& 005e0 ln b6rin:nc: t&e aharaoter af rl&t naeersary to oonstltute pa lntervani~ ri&t 40 that tena io used la t&e 8tstuto. It hss long bocn e We ct the Attorney Geoeml'a Dapart- ateat,hcwmw, tbstuhen doubtful quaotloao lv~ presented to this Cepertmnt with roepeat to the rights OS the atnte ln tts publie lu~d~, cuoh doubtful ~ue&lons shalL ba detonzlnec by thle aepartmat la favor or the ateta. Thir rule, ea.2tb m+dson uhloh form ltn br#ti 81.0well otateb in en opinion oi thl8 dopertment vdtten ln 1932 by then kaslstant Attorney Gcmwal R,.‘,. Yarborou~, Opinioas of Attorney Genaritl,,X93+32, peg6 ZZO. Go QM.O framthet oplnloa a8 follu~G1 wl%ls rule ha0 b0cmfollow0d ems sinob the etkinlstratioaoi th0 EoaoraOle C. ?J,Cum- ton a0 Attorney t&nor61 snd lo mcst brlefl atated in an o~lnlon wr tttea bf the Boonorab L E. I’. Smith, former Aosi~.faat Attorney Geaertl, oatf, spyrmed by thoXonmotle Ohlef Yastloo Oureton, then Attorney Gancwel. Tb 6tntemnt lo es follov~sr *If t&c atee man the nlaaral.ela may be of 1lttU thl8land, Buoh ovmsrshlp Eonorable Da~coa tllos, 3ac.e9 or fTmst value, but ii YO advise thet thla ownership be aurrondsred on the st-ts or ieote-Qresentsd and our advlae rhoold be wrou& our error ocn never tm otzrdotsd, mhcrsas if our ad~loo not to.surrcnder the rk,hts or tha staitu1s wrcag, tho vaaeues or 33. Clboon oen hsta ou: er:oroorrcotsd by proper lo& prooeed%ngs. *Yn 811 00ntrorcrclcs liwolv* the r1Ght.e or th0 seute, it la the duty end 1lkoMlsc the polloy of tha Attorney c-an- eral’s Ceiartmntto aeolde all substilntlal doubts 1x1favor of the State for the raaaom Just rentlonod.~~ se feel that the foregoing 1s c wholesome rule an< thct it properly may be here a;plled, It we hold that 8 flmt sale my be rolnstrxted, not\:lthztcndinE. the otitlrp rlpht0r relnfstatcncnt in fever oi B, seoond purohasor, the will possibly never be se.t:lodby on opinion of the r,~uottloa Suprene Court. On the other bend, ii tic hold that the right or rolnstetsnont of a ‘scoond purohsse bars the tilnsteteaoat or the rlrst purchase, the ~tmst%o~ osn be tasted on mn&amua prooeedlnge In the Eupruso Court, awl e dlrcot jtilolal es- oertalmrwnt 0~11.thus be obtained. Further, plaroe1 botraE. to Givegreet Weight to the 0dr0m degartmmtal 0olLatructlonwhioh the Oeneral Land orrice h86 p,ioento this 8tatute ror mny yrtmb. This Ir c mttor which Clrectly involves the ed&nlstratlon of the atrzdru of the LanC Off100 ati a long Bettlad preotlco tml c0nstruotlon cX the Lam?? Of.?ios 0Oollot2?nlqe mattor~ xh:hloh ft ia ohnrgec!to rcdmlnlstershould not be werturmd by this departxaantunleos the construotion enc! practloe of the Lana Otrlae in cleerly wroe, Thla we do not ria to be- the ORG8* Aeoordin~ly, O\lr OpiQiOaiTO&O-780 and oar 611pp18- mental opinloa of L%y lb, 1939, both adOrssscd to you, are upon reooneti~rretlon\plth3rm.m,and you are nm otlvisod thot, in our opinion; the outatandlnf rleht of relnstatumnt o:md- by L. A. ca~cy, tha seooad purohasar of the is a bnr to tka rsinstetmicnt of the torfeito2 13, 1940 Yours Y&y-truly u .p.&J ATTl,RlT,W G-tiYNFRAT. ,-,I? TTiX1S
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion