Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN t ot your letter ion of thet*m tkouaand tour lx m r dlRDg O’ ot, oountf or p mo ln0t eer vioo es ic 4eputiir, 352 the ooqxumatlon to be paid thea tithln the liotitatlonahornin p,rssQrIbcd ariddOtsmIne the ma&or to be appei.tie4se In the dIr.ure- tion iS srid uourt my be groper: pmvltied thet la no ctxsenhR11.the Comxlusiwyws* Court or any member ther+of attmpt to Influ- mot! the eppo9lntrmtof any person as wg&!aai~, aesletant or olark in any ofrim. $oa.the CSK?,T~ oi 6uch Order the OffiWJru mpplyI!I& for suoh (~sslstanta, deputies or olerks shall be authorized to appoint them; provtae4 bhat said aac.peneatlat shall not lxaeed t&e maxl- mum mount BerulMttar metout. The earapenoa- tlon whiah nny 8s allowid to the ~deputIbs, nas:stnnta ar alerks above named Ear their semloos shall be a roseona&le one, not to oxosed,the fallowing 6usvxmtst *l. In oountles having a population or twwty-five thoun6ad (S&00) or leue iababi- tents, first essistsnt OP abid deputy not to mxoeed Li@teen Ruedred~(#18~0.~0) Dollars pet ennum; 0th~ assistants,ita fibs 0T clerks not tf~ sxoed 4FW8eea lftmdred(rlSOO.001 DOI- lero pnr snnum 6sch....* 'Ihelan l..pos*ouyoe eaaa elecatlvs '8Imoldl of the county oertaln d#ilss commoted with bie'attlo~rrhioh he ia obllpm#d to fsIthfullydlsuberg0 and.parfo~~~.Es is msponalblo for oerteln aatr ai tla deputy; m&in She ratter of attsndiae;to end periow~ the autls8 ef hlr, office, tha law holCs him res)pnslble. Xi~nfduties oonneot- ed with a public o?flae nuat naossaarilg be pertomU bl olarloalworkera, asslat~nts an4 deputies, who eonsaqusnt- 1.y pe9l=fOr~ their dUti@S 60101r Wider the diTSatiOll Of the prlaalpal *n of'tluo. ~epaalally 18 this true ahers their Uutiee sre ncltre%ulatsctby statute. %unty alerk deputies are oonaidsrrdpub&~ offi- CQFB. 'i?la true senm they .performgovsrnmontrrl~~funotions, sharing the rnsponsfbilitadirof~ios with thefr pritiolpal. In our oginioa Hi5 01lG41, 4lreate4 to Ron, Tom lkray,county At;tomey, &zarlllo, 'Paxsa,arittawby IIan.%I. 47. 3. ~-ia pl, izttorney ~reistant Ganexul, it wae hdd that "the ccy;.~:iml::n@ra'crux-tof a county does not have the autkqrity to ~?a% an order providing that no vaoations with pay aball be allorPadany emplo~so of the oounty or deputies ar astiistnntn of aouat7 offleers until kmd un- leas ~N!I percons have b6en employed for a parlod of OIM year. Suo!lordm, belnff.bb%yond the soaps oi ptxferand suthority veatad ia the a~mia~tioaers’ crnwt, Is ultra rims nnn vo:d." Tjnderii*lcle 3802, eupm, the omqmnsatlon which ia sllcwed to dqn&ies, uasi~ants and elerktr o? the various aountp ofiicla~n fox their nsnlara h f$xe4 on an annual beaia not to exo~d the maxiapsrthsre1.n~ st0tod. You tee rss+pecttully 8drlocrdthat it is t&k oplnicr:of this deprrrtaent that the oomty-clerk haa the aathoritp to,pay a deputy WI wgu.In~ salary during the .+#tJ?@or 6th deputy f%m a~bys!ont due to aioknese ox raaatioa for a reasamble length ot Wm. Quang tlwt th? hregoln& fully anmnora your inQUiXY, we xemln very truly youra A?l”‘W:W 0&2#E'RAL 67 TEKAZZ BYoblueNL Ardell Willlaas keaiattont