OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAG AlJlhN s&xl. P. c. .Ita&ord coulrty Attoaney Yoaklm county Plains, 'Pexaa chat mount Yaur xequal&tf on the above rtated quea Your letter r tlmy were .A&tf$l- ior the year of tote tbmnel~rs the sum ble purposes of the ourrent pear. ulcticn for .Pederaloemu6 oi 3950 lzo0 luld1500. At preosnt due to arkera and transient popnlation we have e papuhtlon of betman 6000 an0 6000 en4 our aaeosoable oeluat',on for X939 was 10,6ko,900. Plea86 o;ive00 6 ruling:es ta ahat pay our County caaafraione~s ehoul4 hall)?. . . .” The papulation ar Yoakua ctauntyacnordlng to the last Pedaxd Census ww l,IM5. The assessed *elnatian of iIon.P. 0. Gtadord, Pago 2 3xvpart7 of Yookw County for 1939 wa6 010,4~0,900.00. Artlole ZSSO, Yarnon's Clvll &motated Gta- tuter, l-on48in P82-tus followllt *‘Xnouuntios havbg tha followlo~ aaseas- ed valuationa, reepeotlTely, a8 sIiiwAby the total a13ressod rnluatlono of all properties certif'ledby the county nsno~so+ an4 approved by the Coeainslonorc Court, toy county purpoaeci, for tha p.reoiouoyear, trot tira to ttie, the County Comleol@~~rs of much counties shall each rcJoefVa4AAUti 8&bri8s Ati. 4XOeed the amounts heroin vlpeciflad,said talarlea to be paid ~II qqual xonthly lmta3lrrants at least ens-half;and not exoeed2g three-!ourtha, out of the Road an4 3rldege Fuad aad .the rmaaiader out of the Oeneral Fund of the oounty; said asseaoed rolu4tioAs an4 aalarlee apgliceble thoreto being e8 follows: Salariso to be paid lAa sesR OVa d luo tlo As~ aach COtUdSSiOAOT. ~‘i~‘wo 001 and lens than B13:wo:wo not to exwed... ........Q1600.W . . . . . . . . il ArMale E5SO(:a),Vernon~e Civil Annotat44 Sta- tutos reads a0 iolltms: VhtiiCoxzlrsioners Court at $ttsflret regular wet& eaoh y4ar oholl, by or4er duly nade an4 suterod upao tha tllautos of 6-e Court, iLx tho salaries or the County Carm;la- s1cxnu-sfor such year, within the ltilts as provided for IA this ii&.' 3n view of the toregolag tstetutss,you are x-46- tpactfUllJ advSea4 that the 2%a%ia3Un #Mary for each nmber of the oomlesia~ern oourt of Toaktm County io ~1,6W.W e mar* b@a’din& YOUT 84SOoAd QWStfOA, W4 O&u your lttsntian to ArtlclecrS885,25891anb 3095 or V4mon*e cl~il Annotate4 Stetuteo whloh r-4 In part as followsr aArt. s9- Exaept aa othawiso provtded HOA. I?.0. Ihaford, Tag4 S in this Ashot,the annuel r408 thst cllobe re- t&ml by prwinot, oouaty oad blstriot oftl- ;ifi$n;tloned la this rttlole shall ba a8 *I. fn OOlXIti48 OCAtCiilli~ tMHIt.7fiVB ~&S&00) thousand Cr bss lAhabifnAt8x County tudg4, Elstriot or Crimlntil Mstrlot httcraey, Sheriff County Clerk, Con&y Attorney, Clr- trlot Clerk, Tar Collootor, Tax &aeosor, or the Adseaoor and rilleator o? Taxes, Twenty- four Eu~4rs4 ($i34W.W) Dollara 4soh; Justloe or the Feaae aAd Constable, TlmlYS mAdr4d (blZO0.W) Dollera eaoh......* ~mtIOlS 3891. E&oh officer Aawad in thla Cha tar! shnu. first out or the OUZ-lWAt twe of iiLa ofriae pq OP be pal4 the aaount ellrrrredhia under the provlslcma cb Artlole 368?),together with tbn salaries or his asBi.s- tenta and 44puties, and euthorited expenses uader drtiale 3099,~and tho uaountaeoeesery to oov4r ooetn at prexluraonwhatever sur4ty bond ma7 be rqulred by few. ff the ourrent’ r09s or auoh offZa0 4ell4et4Q in any $eer b4 aore thsathe amuat 1144404 ta pay the aacuatr abme npootfisd, -4 e&all be deew4d excess raw, and 62~411be dIspose4 of lathe aenn4r bereiaafter provided. *In oountlae 4oat4inla~ tmmty-flvo thowond (&OWf or less fnhkbitants lXstr%ot and County orfloers nrse4 horein shd retain ona-third of suoh exaew fess until euoh one- thin& tomthnr with the ammts critie4 in Artlole s803, am?uAta to *a4 % - oufmA4 Dol- leTa (l3,oCO). Prwllnot oriloers shall retaia one-third Until suoh oaS?-thbd, tO~~thOr aftb the eaount 0pocIfi4d in Artlale SSO3, amunts to 7ourtaea Mn4red ihllsra [#14W)...... *iirtIoleS998. The Com&sIoaewg Court is hereby debarrsd fca~p allodq ocPspeneatlon for 4x-ofilaio aonlcsr, to ocaaty afffoI~la ion and exoee8 tees whioh when the oompentlat they are allow44 to mtaln shall maoh the .;: _.. .- .- 243 . . Ron. aaxliam provided for %a tNs ahapter, in oa808 where the ocuspenbationan4 exoe88 fees whloh the oftioerr am allowab to retain shall not mnah the amxintnrprovided for ln this ohapter, the Ca~mioeiouera* Court f&all allow oomphnsatlonfor ex4fiioLo eorvloee when, in their jud~nt, auoh ooazparrsatlon 1s n~oclmtIly, provided auoh 0~3 nnat foa tor cxdfiioio aor- rises ad 4wod shfil r rmt hrnase ths ooupeas~- ti0n 0f the orrioial bepia tht, I~SIX~~W~4f o~penfmtion an4 exoeaa fees allam to be re- talnbd by him under this ohapter. Pmvlded, howaver, the er-oitlolo herein authorized shall be allawed only after aa opportunity for 8 publiohearlnr: tina only upon the atflrazatlve rote of mt lcaet three umber8 of the ocmmis- riomm3~ a4urt.* sat*(L oa 4 Tao beair. Thereroro, you 8uw reqeotruny ud- rise6thatwhernthe ooqensatlon trd CIIOOB~ feoorhlohthe oountyattorney 1s allowed to ret?& does not reeoh the maxlnuaprovided ior br Artlo3.e38U3 and Artlole31791, ~upro, the txnd,mdoners* court my allow 04tzpenaatlon for ex-ttrrioio renloee when, in their jUa@mnt auoh wmpensetlon is (Leo- lneary provi4e4 ruoha~esat~oa for sx-offialo senioerr dla?d aha I& lnona80 the ompenaatioaof the oountt attUrner beyoad the tartxlmwnof oo?apfmwtlon 8nd cxoe88 fees allowed to be retaineed by hln under the two ~bovo tentloned statutnrr, Pmvl4e4, the ex-offlolo a8 authorlrod by Arti- cle SfNS mqmi, shnll be allow&? onlyef%erunopportuaity ror a pt&lL hearing and oaly upon the airi8dit6 rote or at lenutthreenonbeteof the oawdssionerd e~urt. Rhether o r no tlx-oLTioio ocx@enscltien la neossaary is wholly with- in the Judgment 0r the uoailenloa0ra~ oourt en4 the amount thereof, li any, auat’b~ detennixmd by ml4 court an4 not by thlr ilqmrfmnt. Truatfnu that thb ?oregoln~ iully anmera your inquiry, m mmdn Yotwa very truly A?"inrn tmERAl OF 7mAs APPROVED JAM z23 lg4% &.s&.&&&!rtT&
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion