Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iion.BtlrXingT.Phelp8 county Attorney vobb cotulty lamdo, TOxa8 thaEoaorsb1 Toxa8ha8re letter that ttm county jwsaauy tIete2niasd 46th L8glolabtw, lo for0 do08 not &wmlly veet hir w the aet roquerttsdto be dam depaetmmatexproar lt8 optnion eiutionauty of ~ouue BIU x&o.614, 0 ua6oward 8ltuatlon oroated by Judge 1optlMJ lauaa cmM~byoortp~- If8have glvsn CsaIwfulcon8ldoraticDato .yournquert* and baV8 deondaed that lxwlsrthe 01roum8owII008, vo mast dsoli.neto rsndeP the 0pLlosl whloh you r8quwJt.. non. stilmng 91.Pbelps, Page 2 It is riotwithin the proper mope of the f'unetiona of this depsrtmeat to serve a8 a qua01 appellata tribunal for the correctionof vbat are oonaelvui to be error8 QQI- pitted by the aowts of this &ate. The method Sor revlev&g andaorreotlag auehwrors doea not lie lnmappealto this departafintfor an opiaioa upon a disputed question, but ln action by ttm proper retievU@ tribunal. hn authorltatlvcrQeteradnationaf the quwtioa in- volmd ln your 3nquu.y pry b4?bSd through theIprosecutionoT axmw%mus prece*dlngagalaatthe County JuQeto conqmltbe porformmos of the dutlm requ.l.redaf hia by House Blll 615, Aots or the 46th lagld.atum. Us mast, theref’oru, roopeotfully decline to 8nsvef your ilwpllry. Yours very truly hTTORlQEY fSEFIBRALOFTXAS B. Y. Fairuhlld Amlstant