Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hollorablb n%Id a. Branaon Banking Oommiealoner Austin, Texas Dear Sir: O&raioaer shall ‘Few eaah oharter, mmantlaentor snp- plement thersto, af a bank or bank and trust oo~~eny a rsi OP iiity dollers shall be pnid when said aharber is ill&l, md it the author- ized eapitrl etoak d suoh eorporatloa emtoeeas Honorable Fred U. &an#on, Page 8 ten thowaha aollar8, it #hall be roqulrea to pay en aaaltlonal fee of ten dollar8 for rush additional ten thousand dollare of ltrr authorlrcrd aapltal hook or fraotlonal part thereof.after the flrut, prorlaea 8ubh foe &all not emeed twenty-five hundred dollar8 .* The PreOlae quemtlon precienfed by you ha4 not been deolded but a reri~ aimllar fee statute has been eon- atrued by the Bupreme Oourt, and the holUng in that ease le det6nninaflve of the qu4stlon presented by you. In St. Lou18 9. tff. Ry. Co. of Tmas, P. Tot%, Seorstary 64 8. W. 718, Ohlef Jwtlae Oainee of Stats, 0onstrued Artlole a439 of the statute whloh provldedr *The reoretarp 0r atate, beside8 other fees that map be presoribed by law, la author- lesd and required to oharge for the use of the 8tete the following fee@: For each and every aharter, amendmentor supplement thereto of a private oorporatlo oreatea for the purpose of operating or oon#Wuotl..ng a railroad, magnet18 telegraph line, or rtrert railway, Or espre88 oompany, authorlnea or required by law to be reoord- ea In raid aepartment, a far of one hundred aollara, to be paid when eald charter is fii0aa provlaea, that if the authorlke~ aapltal stoak of sala aorporatlon shall exceed one handred thousand dollars, it shall be re uired to pay an addltlOmd fee OS twenty-flvo a0Uar.e for aaah one hundred thowand dollars authorized oapltal’&oek or fraetlanal part thereof, after the first.” The Bhisf Justdoe mentioned the possible oon- struatlon of the Artiale but oonoluded aa followa: “We oonolude that the only reason- able ooxmtruotlon of the rtatuts In question 1s that when an amendmentto a ahartsr le filed, if there be an lnoreaae of tha oapltal stook by an amOuntwer $lOO,OOO, then the ad- tlltlonal fare la ohargeable upon the.exeess of sueh lnoreare over the amount named, but that, if the nmen&aentd,oea not authorize an ln- Honorable fred 0. Bramon, Page 3 oreaae of #took, then the fixed fee of $100 only shoulb be aharged for it.8 filing.' Applylug the aeolslon to your bane, it would follow, that in all offs08 of amendment8of a bank’s charter, which doer not inrolre an inoreasc of the oapltal fzto$the fixed fee of ,$SOO rhould be oharged and ool- ff, however, the amendmentinvolves an inoreaae of the*oapltal atook, then in addition to the fixed fee of $50.00 there should be ohareed and oolleoted a further fro for the lnoreaae, upon the bad8 of $10.00 for eaoh aaaltional $lO,OOO.OOor fraotional part thereof of suoh lnorea80. You will aooept thla opinion in lieu of the one sent you earlier lti the we6k, whloh 1s hereby withdrawn. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GELEXhLOF TEXAS BY Oole Speer Aesl etant Approved fan. 30, 1940 (slgnea) Gerald C. Uun AT!RBRBY QEL9p.RAL of ‘l’EXk9 AIT’ROVED: Opinion Commltteo Bdaftgi B.