Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Gerald C. Mann HonorableCharleyLockhart State Treasurer Austin, Texas Bear Sir: OpinionRo. O-1787 Re: Whether certaininstrlrments must be stampedunder Arti~ole~704i'e. V.C.S. to be entitledto record. In your letterof December19, 1939, you requestour opinion relativeto'drtiole7047e,~Vernon*s AnnotatedCivil Statutes,being Senate Bill Ro. 24, 46th Legislature,in responseto the followingquestions: "1. If an obligationis securedprimarilybg'chattelslisted as being exempt,but also is scouredby propertyof negligiblevalue that is not listed as being exempt,shouldthe instrumentevidencingthe lien be subjeotto being stamped? '2. 'Ifan instrumentis for a specifiedamount,and any and all future indebtedness,should the 'any and all future indebtedness' be considered when determiningthe amount of tax due9 "3. Should the term agriculturalproductsbe extendedto foodshifTs in the stage of prooessingor curingwhen not owned bythe produoer2 For instance: A bank t#es a mortgageon 20,000bushels of sweet potatoes owed by a produoe&omgeny;'potatoes being~5.n.a~ storagedehydratorplant. lfouldthe instrumentbe auljeotto being stamped? "4. A motor oompany‘eAesell8 sn automobileto "Be, the ohattelmortgage being properlytaxed. *A" 'eitherrepossessesthe automobilesor agrees to a transferof equitJI(presumably,there being no record of such repos- sessionor agreementin the CourP+Clerk*s office),and sells same to sCe. '0n the chattelmortgage~~given %y eC" to "As (whioh eB* does not sign), there-isnoted: 'Transferof equity of “An’. Should the latter chattelmortgagebe tared? "5. Should stampesbs placedon aninstnmrent signedby a nationalbank acting in the oapaoitiof executorof an estate or as a guardian2 '6. When a line instrumentrecites&at a speoifiedportionof the mono borrowedhas been or will be used for the paymentof State, County,and/ or City taxes,should the specifiedportionbe deductedfrom the total to arrive at the amount to be tared? "7. If so, should a transferof tsx lien be recordedwith the instrument, or would it make any differenoewhether or not the tax lien is recordedt" HonorableCharleyLockhart,page 2 (C-1787) The applicablepart of said Article 7047e reads as fol- lows, e(a) Except as'hereinotherwiseprovidedthere is hereby levied and assesseda tax of Ten (lo+) Cents oa each One Hundred.($lOO.OO) Dollars or fractionthereof,over the first'lkro Hundred(&DX.CC) Dollars,cn all notes and obligationssecuredby chattelmortgage,deed of trust, mechanic'slien contract,vendor'slien, conditionalsales contractand all instrumentsof a similarnaturewhich are filed or recordedin the offioe of the CountyClerk under the RegistrationLaws of this State; providedthat no tar-shallbe levied on instrumentssecuringan amount of TWO Hundred ($200.00)Dollarsor lessi After the effectivedate of this Act, exceptas hereinafterprovided,no suoh instrumentshall be filed or recordedby any County Clerk in this State until there has been affixed tc such instrumentstampsin aoocrdanoewith the provisionsof this section;providingfurther tiat shouldthe instrumentfiled in the office of the County Clerk be securityof an obligationtthat~has proper- ty pledgedas securityin a State or States other than Texas, the tax shall bs based upon the reasonablecash value of all propertypledged in Texas in the proportionthat'saidpropertyin Texas bears to the total value of the propertysecuringthe obligaticn;.and, providingfurther that, exceptas to renewalsor exb4nsionsof accruedinterest,the pro- visions of this sectionshall not apply to instruments given in renewals or extensionsof instsumentstheretoforestampedunder the provisionsof this Aot or the one amendedhereby,and shall not apply to instruments given in the retiding of existingbonds or obligationswhere the preced- ing tistrumentof securitywas stampedin aooordenoewiIh this Act or the one amendedherebgtprovided-further that the tsx levied in tile Act shall apply to only one instrument,the one of the greatestdenomination, where severalinstrtientsare contemporaneously executedto secureone obliga- tion; and providedfurther that when oaoe stampedas provieded-herein, an instrumentmay be recordedin any number of countiesin this State without agaixbing so stamped. This sectionshallnot apply to instruments, notes, or other obligationstaken by cr oa behalf of the United States or of the State of Texas,~orany corporateagency or instrumentality of the UnitedStates, or of the State of Texas in carryingout a governmentel purposeas expressedin any act of the Congressof the UnitedStates or of the Legislatureof:the State of Texas, nor *half the provisionsof thZs sectionapply to obligationsbr~instruments seouredby liens on crops and farm or agriculturalproducts,or to livestookor farm implements,or 81 abetraotof judgment. "If the amount securedby an instrumentis not expressedtherein,or if any part of the securitydescribedin any such instrumentappearsto bs located withoutthe State of Texas, the County Clerk shall requireproof by written affidavitsof such facts as may be necessarytc determinethe smounf of the tax due." In our ConferenceOpinionNo. 3061, dated June 17, 1939, ad- dressedto you, we expressedthe view that a mcrtga&eis subjeotto the tax where +&hesame is primarilyupon real~estateor chattelsother than Hon. CharleyLookhart,page 3 (O-1787) livestook,farm or agriculturalcrops or productsor farm implements althoughsuch mortgagealso coverspropertiesof the kinds last mentioned. It is our furtheropinionthat it is immaterialas towhioh class of prop- erty includedin the mortgageis greaterin value. If the mortgageCovers propertyother than crops, farm or agricuturalproducts,livestook,or farm implements,then'thesame must be stampedto be entitledto record. Our answerto your first questionis an affirmativeone. 3inoe the statuteprovidesno measure for laying the tax upon a mortgage securing"any and all future indebtedness" your second questionis answeredin the negative" We answeryour third auestionin the negative. The exemption was evidentlyintendedfor the benefit of the agriculturalindustry. We do not believethe &egislaturecontemplatedthat a mortgageshouldbs relieved of tie tax merely by reason of the fact that t&e propertycoveredby the same had its origin in agriculture" Section19 of Article 5 of the Constitu- tion of Texas providesthat "farm productsin the hands of the producer. " . are exempt from all taxation." This sectionof the Constitutionwould not, of course,apply to the questionbefore us, since the tax leviedby said Article 7047e is not upon the proper,@Lnoludedin a mortgagebut is upon the privilegeof recordingsuch an instrument. However,it is a matter of o-on knowledgethat in many if not nearly all instanoesthe costs involv- ed in recordingmortgagesare as a practicalmatter borne by the mortgagor, and we think it not at all improbablethat the Legislaturewas giving effeot to the spiritof Section-19of Article 8 of the Constitution when the exemptionhere involvedwas placed in said Article 7047e. In our said ConferenceOpinion No. 3061~" held that the exemptionof farm implements was intendedto apply to implementsused for farming~U~~OSSSand was never intendedto apply to an implementwhich had never come into the hands of a person who would devote it to a farmingpurpose. We regard cur answer to your third questionas being in accordwith that holding" We do not fully understandyour fourth question. We under- stand from the SCOW that "C" executesa new mortgage to "A" who presents the same for record. If ?A!’ had repossessedthe automobilefrom "3" under authority@'en in the first mortgageand sold to"C" under the powers also containedthereinor with the consentof "I?"then, of Course,the first mortgagehas been extinguishedand the mortgagegiven by "C" to "A" is to all intentsand purposesa mm mortgateand would be requiredto be stamp ed in aooordsnoewith the Aot. The same would be true if by oonsentof all partiesupon a sale frcan"B" to "C" of the former'sequity in t,h" automobile,the first mortgageis cancelledand "C" gives to "A" a ncv mortgage. If this does not answeryour question,pleaseexplainmore fully the problemwith which you are concerned. Hon. CharleyLockhart,page 4 (o-1787) Addressingourselvesto your_fifth question,it is pointedout . . .. - that the Act itselfwould not exemptan instrumenttaken Ly an instru- mentalityof the UnitedStates unless the same bs taken in carryingout a governmental purpose. Such Act containsno exemptionof instruments signedby Rationalbanks. We have heretoforeexpressedthe opinionthat Nationalbanks are exemptfrom payin, e the taxes leviedunder Article 70479, VerncntsAnnotatedCivil Statutes. OpinionNoO.O-1486,addressedto Hone Tom S ay, CouatyAttoraey, Amaril10,Texas~ In that opinionwe directed atte&on tc tilefaot that such exemptioncomes from the inabilityof the State to levy such tax againstNationalbanks. The tax is leviedupon the recordingof lien instrumentsand the person ordinarilypresentingthe seme to the clerkfor reocrdingwculd be the mortgagee.,It does not ap pear From your questionthat the mortgageeis en instrumentality of the UnitedStates. The mere fact that a mortgafeis signedby a National bank acting in the oapaoiiyof executorof an estate or as a guardian wculd not entitleit to be exemptfrom the requirementof being stamped as providedin said Article 7047e. The use to whioh the prooeedsof a mortgagemay be put has no bear- ing upon the questionas to whether the mortgagemust bs stampedin order to be reoordede Qsnthough the mortgagebs taken upon propertywhich the taxes so paid were againstsuoh instrumentmust stillbe stampedas provid- ed-in the Act. The averagedeed of trust or chattelmortgage confers widely differentrightsfromthose usuallyacquiredthroughsubrogationto a tax lien. Sinoe we answer your sixth questionby saying that the amount to be used for tie paymentof taxes shouldnot be deduotedfrom the totel to arrive at the auount tc be taxed, it bsoomesunneoessaryto snsweryour seventhquestion. Yours very truly ATlCRR!lYGRNkXALOFTEXA3 w /s/Glenn R. Lewis Glenn R. Lewis Assistant Approved OpinionCommittee I$BSPB Chairman