Eon. Ulaad Wolf
oouaty Auditor
Howar oount7
Big spring, T8ur
OplnlonHo. O-1981
to the general or
ipaet ior an opin-
ior. upon the s
andent coraring
8. would it be le!E-
hargr mm to the
of the eountfl
ounty oofhaibrionerr'oourt im 6 creature
of tha Constitution. It ha8 no power exorpt that rpeo-
la117 oonforred by tha Conctitutian or b7 strtute. It
hem only ruoh parcerto rx&wnd publio funds of the county
lm ma7 br lrprecrl7 or implied17 oonfarrmd by law.
WR. Clw& rals,Pogm8
, .
Ser tlo
t u
of Artlolr S89Ob providea:
Wdtabla offloor and rtationer7
bluikr neoerrary In the pertonnaace st their
du a8 may la tha biromtion or the aamlr-
81 " rm Court also be furnirhod to nnidmnt
+ riot Yudee8, rasldont Dlstrlot and County
Attorgey8, County Superintendent8aad Oountr
Survepr8, and say be paid for on order of
tha Caaml6slofmra Court out 0r the count7
Undsr Article Z686 it 1s mndatory upon the
codssioners* oourt to turnlsh the oounty aohool mapor-
lntandrat xlth an 03lee and with aeoessary office fur-
niture and rixtums. It 1s dlacretlonar7with tb county
cozxalssloners~oovrt au to whether or not it 8111 prorldo
*nultable offices and statlomry and blanks* andsr AIM-
cl. S899b. Constru& the two rtatutaa to&athar, it 1s
our opinion thtitthe county ccamlsslonercl'court must
rurnlsh the aounty school 8uperlotcndcntrith a mltable
0friOa and nemesstry 0rric0 rimitu2‘9 and equligmnt,
but siaruse Its discretion in the mtter ot lupplyIn6:
latatlonexy end blanka".
Tieare l11olodng a oopy ot aa opinion of this
daputment, dated February 24, 1931, writtenb7 the Eon.
Bltaorvi.Sryant, at that time First Anal&ant Attorn
Ooneral, to eon. '1.3. Cratrn, Count7 Attorney, Heather-
tord, Terar, aLloh is reryumh in point. It raa therein
held that under Artloler 2688 and 3899b, the oount COD
clissionors’ courthad no authority to furnish a k I ephons,
tj-pmtritaror adding machine to the Oountl rohool aupsr-
intdndenf and 3ay tcr it out 0r the general fund of the
county, because suoh equlpmmt did not amoant to “iurni-
tire* o r lflxtaraa* under the rormer 8tatutr nor *station-
a* or *blanka* withIn the meaning of the latter arti-
It WEEIheld in raid opinion thet wider Utlolo
2tWQb, mgra, that the county oomIssloner8* aourt had
authorit to lW&bh perm~aoentreoord boob, Class A
. .
mn. ClmldKol?,Page4
Artiol* IWU, Vmson~t Aanotatoa Civil Btat-
u&3*, lie8a ir wrtatioaaryg
-Tha rtationery ahal be dlrided Into
roprolasn8; Claw *A*shallwnbracoall
blankbooks aad all work requiring pernanek
ana rubatantial blm!ing. alam ‘8’ ml1 WI+
braoo al1 logal blaakr, lattmr head8 aad other
prlatln& rtatfamry and blank paper& Clam
‘0’ rhali embreoe typaitor ribbon8 pear
ink mucilage peno:lr, pmholdera, ink sth
and'wam OS rim kind. Class *De poll tas
receipts ana 811 elrotioa auppller 0r whatorrr
nature and dO$oriptiOn, not hrnlrhd by th
State. Beoh and avor~bid #hell be upon I
partlaular olass, npareto rad aptirtfrun aor
otheralarrr. To the lowert blddor oa aaoh
01rr.a 'ehall be mmrdr$l the oontraot for 8ll
work of that olaa~.w
Ia 8nmer to your seoond qaestlon it 1S our
oglnlonthat underArtlclos 2dBs sad %39gb IEec.Z),
Vemon*r A.motetod~CiTil Bt-tuta@, the county ~ormaiarlon-
ore'oowt for thr we sob
hts authorityto jnirohere
bemilt of the offloe oi the oounty @ah001 8uperlntrDdcct
fur~ltun and only auohol'floeaup::lloa@IIwould 00~
withinthe olacsltlcatlon of grtatiorrerp ~+¶a in ml010
Clrilsttmtar. whlohlmbraoa8
pr1nti.a~uia blanka.
Yours vqry truly
or Tiis