EonorRble8. II.Tuaer
clollingmrth Oonntf
w~llin&on, TIxaB
Dear sirr
Thlr depetment
DeaemberlS, 1959 request
ment upon the foliouliqqu
lae EJourteon-
tin&entupal OOnYlO
W.&ml Pmoeduro oi Tex-
Qlrtri4ter oridml
ld.Tsokar,Page 5
of a day that they may aama as sosh.e
Art&de 1057,Code of CriminalProaednreof Tes-
-9 rsacs as Pollows:
wOne summned who attvmlaas a juror shall
receiveno pay aa a juror if'ha baa not bsan
sworn as such in a ease or for tha term or weak.*
Artiala1059, Code of CrimlnslPmaedure of Ter-
as, reds as r0iiow
9%~ amountUue juroraand ballfttsshall
be id by the aoantytreasurer,upon the am-
tiireat8 of the proparotsrk or the justleoof
the peaea, statingthe neltlee,when findby whcnn
remdared,and the amunt due there&or.*
Artials1075, Code of CriainalProoculars
of Tex-
em, reads as r0iiomt
*fr the def,tenQantis aomisted in a otlxd-
nal action
triadby a jury La a justlaoaourt,
a jury tee of three dollars#hall be taxed against
ArtlalelW6, Code oi UrlminalPMaedure of Tex-
a n, r sa ds lttSolltmst
*Only one jury tea &all be taxad ag;sinat
severaldefendantstried jointly. A jarp fae
shall be farad in aaeh trial if they saver and
are tried septtrately.a
~rtiele 1077, Code at CrlmlnalPmaedtaraat Tax-
as, reads a8 followar
*A jury i6e shall be aoLLeot6das other
oosts In a ease, and tha offPearaolleetfngit
ahall iorthw%thpay It to the aountytreasurer
or tha aouatywhare tho eonviationwae bad.*
Artfeb 1688, RevisedCivvflBtatitasof Tmaa,
reads as follmven
"The funds rmmioed b the aounty traasar-
er shnll be &ass& a6 to1rma, and shall bo rp-
proprinted,rsspsotivaly, to the paymentOS all
Eonorable W. M. Tucker, Page 5
Alma re&stered in the first,secondand
third alaesca:
"1. All.jury fees, all none7 received tram
the aale of estrfiys,
tutd8ll oaeupation tarea.
~3L.Allrnoneyreoeived under any of the pro-
visiollB of~tharoad and bridge law, including
the penaltiesreeoverul from railroadsfor fcil-
;zzm;tpair erossings,an8 all ilncs end for-
*3!.All money reaeived,not otherwlrsappra-
priatedherein or by tte eomdaoionars court.*
Article1626,RevivedCSvil 5tatutesof Texas,
readll68 sollows:
*Claimsagalnsta county &hall be re&3-
torti in three alw3138.BS r0ibt0:
-1. All jury earipand scrip 18oued ror
l2. All scrip i&vuadunder tha pmtlsions
OS the road law or $02 work done on roads and
*?I.All the gensrelindebtednessof the
eouhty,ineludingfeedingend guardllug prison-
er6, 4nd paupers’alaI.mfs.*
Article1065 of the Code of CrlmfnalPmaaduxa
(dots 18'16,p. 2911, 1925 Edition,fhioh provided fese for
the Jostiaeof the Pease in orirpinal bM8es contln$eutupon
convictionwas repealedby Aattt OS 1029, Pert7-firstLcgie-
letare of Texas, First CalledSeasion, p. 154,,Cheptor54,
seatian1. The aasee of %x parte Kelly 111 Cr. R. 54, 10
S.W. (2d) 7.28, end Ex parts Biges, 111 6r. B. 655, 15 2.x.
(2d)851, held tlmt a Justiceof the &aae whose eompenraa-
tion dependedsolely upon oonvlationwas dlsguallfieff. The
Texas Court of CriminalAppealsset aside theee eowlottens.
It is fuud8me&tnlthat no aoste or feea uay be
taxed againste defendahtin a erhhal uase where he la
ft is a~lsofun8aaant~lthat our wble system of
jurlspruduwe demandsan& require8thet both judge8and
jurorashall be fair, uublased,tigartial,and must bare no
peaunlarylntercstln ths aonvlotlonof any dofondantupon
whom they sit in jud@aent.
You am, thcrofon, mitpootfully
ndrlsd that it
18 the opinion ar this department:
1. h'oJury i44 14 taxed a6 aa3tsagainsta defendant
whe5 ho 14 acquitted.
2. Whet a defendant lo oenvlatsd in the justloo
wurt of a mls&wseanox,a three dollar Jury fee 1s taxed
against him ae part of the aosts.
‘iBat it suoh j.uryfea 1~ texod and aolbotod it
1s &I& into the Oountp Traasurp and plaoed into tha Jury
Fund of the County.
4. That jWOr0 rho J4l’VJ in jUJtl44 OO& UZ%dti
oams aro~entitledto tholr statuto~ gay, regardlesso?
t&s out.oomeof the 4a~4, end rogaxdbm of whothor or not
a jtuy Se4 is oolleafod from the defendant.
5.That in all oases *4r4 ~urera rone in jostles
oourt arlminal oasm they are entitled e0 their rtatutory
pay and that th8 sam* 1J $0 b *id to than by 8'aT'JSnt
4xewn on tA4 county Fr4Jsury p4yubls oat or the hry mu
of tho eearmty.
Trustingthat this satlstactorlly
lnqulry, x4 are
Y0uxs vorf tluly