OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorrblo Vi’. Loo O’Danirl Governor of Taxar Aurtin, Tsrar Dear Oovornor OIDanlrl: eeoond thir “1 have been Info one Harry Lacy was giv murdet by the is ty, Texas, and t, July le. ) 1939. Bald Harry Lao tion in acoor Constitution oution date are also been into-d th by the United d that on Ootober e writ or certiorari, rrstanding that on Noor- re-eentenoed and given l Dlstriot Court or Pant- the exeoutfon date 8et for e foregoing information I would like or or not I hare the authority under 3ection 11, Artiole 4, Comtitution or Texas, to grant Harry Laoy another thirty (30) day 8tay of oxsoution.w The applicable part O? Artiale 4, Section 11, Of the Constitution of Texas (which was adopted at eleotion Rovsmbber 3, 1936) roads: Konorablr :V. Lee OIDanlol, Page 2 ‘The Covernor shall have thr power to grant one reprfera in any oapltal oam ror a period not to exceed thirty (30) day8; , . ." As statad in your latter, you have already exer- cfeed the power siren you by thla constitutional provision to grant wone reprieve*. The Laot that a petition for writ of Certiorari has been denied by the Unltrd State8 supreme Court in the aeantinm doe8 not conetituto thir a dirrerent “oapital ease” rrom the one in which you granted Harry Laoy a thirty (30) day atay of exoaution on July 11, 1939. It is, thererom, our opinion that you do not have authority to grant Harry Lacy another thirty (30) day stay of exeou- tion. Yours very truly ATTOl-NEY GD??RALOF 'TEXAS By (:signed) V!alter R. Koch Walter R. Koch Assistant AX’EOVXD DEC. 12, 1939 (signed) Gerald C. Mmn AT’TORNEY CZIERAL OF TEXAS A PX Q?XD OPIXION COXITTEE SY 9. Y. 3. CPAIR%N.