OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorrble Corm F. Xreaoe County Audltor .~. ‘dilalp Countr Cameron, Ttxar \ h\ ‘i, Dear Sir: OplnlonNo.4&*5“-' : iia: ccns true tihn&.Jrt’~c1 t 7315b,$totion 6, Vrrhofi's‘ sssry to aqloy local ab- 103 1s et9ttd es roiiowrr lot me your opinion a e to , under the fact8 btrcto- it it proper to fnclltdt at court oosts’ttt ressontble exponssr rcr prcouriag data and hiorwtion e5 to ttit nant, identity, locetion end ntc- Honorable Corm R. 18atO8, p%58 2 tsrary ~rtlts and ntot8stry legal dt- tcrIptIon or thr proptrty.m You era tCvIsed that Article 7345b. SootIon 6, vtrnon*t Anaotattd Civil Statutes, provides that moh reasonable azpanses as the taring unltr say Inour In rrrocmriog data and Inioraation at to the naiat, Identity aad looatlon of neotasart psrtles, and in procuring ntc- trsary bee1 dtrcrIptIona of the property, shall ba chargteblt a8 oourt costs. Thtrerore, It la our opinion that any reason- ablr expenses In proe.rIng the above information mar be chargad is oourt coats In each tax suit. i%owever, the qut8tIon a8 to just nhat data and Inrorpation ar8 necasnary, and what tha reasonable expense thereorrould ba Is e qU68tiOn Or iaCt. Tnmting tba t the rortEoing fully ans?.wrs your ln- quiry, we art, Tours vary truly B
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion