OFFICE OF THE ATrORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable W. A. Davis State Registrar of Vital Statistics Texas State Board d Health Austin, Texas Dear Sir: equest for an opinion upon the followi the State Reg- , or the State to aaa to the aiti0m iteas. istrar the med- force birth or the person se of death to su2rlly for in these additional ame Article, ws find that Rule hat a birth and also a death cer- be filed for a stillborn child rate certificates of both the he death shall be filed.* Would age require these certificatesto be printed on separate pieces of paper, or would a stillbirth cedificate including a certificate of birth ad a certifictiteof death signed by the undertaker, or person who buried the body, and the medical attendant who attended the birth, and calling for all the informtion set out in Rule .&Oaand Rule 47a oomply with the require- ments of Rule 39a?R ~.~ ~~-~~~.---..-..- .---..-I -- ..--.. ^- -.-.- ..~ .__..._ Honoreble W. A. Davis, Page 2 Rule 406 of Article 4.477,Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides that a certificate of death cdn- tein some twenty-one items %eoessary for the legal, social, anI sanitary purposes subserved by registration records." They are enumerated in the section. Rule 47s of the same article lists some twenty- four items of informationwhich the certificateof birth _ shell contain. Article 781a, Vernon's Annotated Criminal Statutes, provides, among other things, in respect to a violation of provisions as to vital statistics: "Thet any person, who for himself or as an officer, agent, or employee ol any other perso!, or of any corporation or partrx3%ip . . . (a) being required by this Act to fill out a certific- cat6 of birth or death and file the sane with the local registrar, or aem er it, upon request, to any person charged with the duty of filing the same, shall fail, neglect, or refuse to per- form such duty in the manner required by this Act . . . shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shell for the first offense be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($SO.OO),and for each subsequent offense not less than ten dollars ($10.00)nor more than one hundred dollars I$lOO.OO), or be imprisoned in the county jail not more then sixty days, or be both fined and Imprisoned." Article 781a, as quoted above, would apply to any person required to fill out a death or bdrth certificate under Rules f,Oaana .L7a,Article l&77, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. Article U77, supra, relating to vital statistics, is a legisaive exercise of the state's polioe power en- acted in the interest of the public health. The Legislature has "deemed necessary* ana enumersted certain items of in- formation which every birth and death certificateshould contain. The violation of these statutory provisions relat- ing to birth and death certificates is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Article 781a, Vernon's Annotated Criminal statutes. Honorable W. A. Davis, Fag6 3 The authority of the State Health Officer, the State Department of Health, and the State Registrar is set out in Rules 34a and 35b and other rules, of Article 4477, sum, and it does not include the power to add ad- ditional items to the%irth or death certificates. In the absence of au express delegation of this authority to them by the Legislature, the State Board of Health, the State Health Officer, and the State Registror, a0 not possess it. They can only administer the law, e.tId are without legisle- tive power to augment or add to the requirement of the law. Furthermore, since violation of the law is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment,the law must be strict- ly construed and only the exact provisions of the law it- self are enforceable. It IS our opinion ana you are so advised, that the State Health Department, the State Hath Officer, and the State Registrar have no authority express or knplieclto add to the items required of death or birth certificatesunder Sections LOa and f+7a,and Article 4477, v=rnon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and consequentlymay not force the aedical attendant in case-ef birth or the person who buried the body in case of death to supply the information called for in additional items. Turning to ymr third question, we wish to quote the first sentence of Rule 39a of Article J&77, supra: "That a stillborn child be registered as a birth and also as a death, and separate certif- icates of both the birth and the death shall be filed with the local registrar, in the usual foxm and manner, the certificateof birth to contain in place of the name of the child, the word 'still- birth', etc." We must assume that the Legislature in using the word Wseparate" as an adjective employed it in its ordinary and accepted meaning, that is, in the case of tr.ingsthat have not been connected as %nconneoted", "not united or assooiatedW,or naistinct.W Since the word Wseparate* customarily suggests QnconnectedN and "distinct" objects or things, in using it in respect to Wcertificateof both the birth and the death", we feel that the Legislature had separate pieces of paper as well as separate forms in mind. Y3eparaten oertificates~areequivalent to Vnconnected" or "distinct* certificateswhich could only mean different sheets of Honorable W. 'A.Davis, Page 4 paper for the two fem. It is our o i&n that the requirementof Rule 39a of Article 4477, &ernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, that useperate certificatesof both the birth and the death- of a stillborn child be filed with the local registrar means separate sheets of paper for separate forms instead of one sheet of paper designated %tillbirth certifica~ew and containing two forms, one for.birth and one for death. Trusting that we have fully answered your.inquiries, we are Very truly yours BY Dick Stout Assistant DS:L?d APPROVED DEC 4, 1939 GERALDC.XANN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEUS APPROVED OPINION CWITrEE~ BY B. 7:.B. CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion