OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. B. T. Walter8 County Auditor Smlth.County Tyler, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O- Ret Does Art. oonuuiesione Thle Depa ved and oonsldemd your request ate stated questions. 8 Department,written tornby Oeneral, inal Mstrlot Attor- paears upon the above h a oopy of Opinion ii36d~CiVilatatutse oi Temm, Ia@, ie a psrmisrive statute The aotioa of the oom- liaation $0 made The 0ommie~loner6*flourt*saction subjsot to review. on No. O-1500 also defines the tern *paupsF. sting that this eatfsfaotorilyanswera your inquiry, end w%th bestwgardm, we ara Very truly your8
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion