OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. srlloetculnll couaty Attorney xl Paso county El Paso, Tan8 Deer slrr Eon. Ememt Quinn, page 2 advertisemnt onoe every day for said two weeka period, or ona8 eaoh week for the twu weeka? "QuestionNo. 4. Does Artfale 236ea 15 any wise limit or repeal the provisions ot Artlole 1659, and if 60, to what erta;lW* At the outsat we wish to oall attention to the iaot that the rtatutory law of this rrtateprovidea ia certain ree9eotr a dffrerentmthod for the purohaee of etatlonmy ,bythe Comiaclloner8'Court or a oounty rropp that metMd authorizedfor the purohase of stationeryby the 0ouaty 0rri0wa or a oounty. This distinotlonrhould be kept oonotantly in aind durin(5the rollowine approaoh to the questione under oonsldsration. Article 1652, Revlmd Civil Statutes, 1925, en- aotad in 1905 (hota 1905, pa@ 324), provides: *Bida ah&U be arked for all el;ppllea or etationery,books, blarka, reoorda, and other supplies ror the v~rioue ofiioers for wbioh the county icrrequired to gay, and the puvohase made rrom the lowest bidder, after tiling maid bid with the auditor for reaord." Artiole 1659, Revised Civil Ytntuter, l92S, orig- lhally snaoted in 1966 along with.the preooding artlole and anended in 1921 (hots 1921, page 155) readrr Vupplfea of every kind, road aad bridge material, or any other inaterial,for ths use or eafd oouhty, or any of lta oifioers, depart- menta( or inutltutiom must be yrohaaed on oom- petitive b:do, the oontraot to be awnrded to the party who, 3.5the judgment of the Coimieaionerr Court, has mbzltted fhs lowest and beat bid. The county auditor shall advertIs for a period of two week8 in at least 050 daily newspaper, published aiidcirculated in tha aounty, for suoh supplies and material acaording to speolfloationa, giving la detail what ia needed. Suoh adver- tieements ahall state where the BFeeiriO%tiQ5II are to be round, and shall give the ttme and plaae ror reoelvin$ suoh bida. All such oa!npa- tltlve bide ehall be kept on file by the oounty Ernest oul55, page 3 auditor aa a part of the reoords Of his oifloe, and shall be subjeot to lnspeotlonby any one desiring to eee them. Copies or all bids re- aelved shall be furnishedby the oounty auditor to the oounty judge and to bhe oonaleeloners oourt; and when the bids received are not sat- israotory to the said judge or oounty oammls- sio5er8, the auditor 8hall rejeot 8ald bids and re-advertisetar new bids. In sac5880r enter- Z&ing oura). - We have undersoored the emer~enoy provision of this artiole. MvertiStng ror 6ompeOitfvebid8 is 50% neoessarp in oases or emergenaywhere the yurahases are not to exoeed $150.00. hrtiole 2252, Revised Cl011 Statutes,lsea, (Aots 1901, page 252) provides8 The oomlseloners oourt by as order anta- ld or raoord, may oontraot as hereinafterPO- sorlbed, with some suitable perran or persoss to supply the oounty with blask books, all legal blanks and stationery as my be reaulrea by law to be furnlahsd the county ofrloials,a hrtiale 2389, Revised Civil Statutes, 1926, (Id,) reads as follows; *The oonraiseionerscourt ah@&1 advertlao, at leest onoe in every two years; ror sealed proposals to furnish blank books, legal blanka, stationery and suoh other prlntirrgas may bo required for the oounty rOr the ,erm Of suoh aontraot,and ehall reoeive separate bids for the different olasses hereinafterdesignated. 884 Hon. Ernest GUAM, page 4 amount oi sup~lles needed.* (UndersoorLngours). -- Artlole 2362, Revised Civil Statutes, 1926, (Id.) olaseltlesoounty atetionsry; "The stationeryshall be divided Into four oleesesr Class *A* shall embreae all blank books and a.11work requiring permanennhand sub- stantlel binding. ala88 *B* shall embraoe all legal blanks, letter heeds and other printing, stationery end blank papers. Class *at shall embreoe typewriter ribbons, pens, ink, muollage, penollr, penholdere,Ink stands end ware or like klrul. Class *D' poll tax receipts and all eleotion supplies oi whatever nature end de- soription,not furnished by the State. Raoh and every bid shall be upon e partloularoless, sop- erate and apart from any other olaes. .Tothe lowest bidder 05 eaoh oleae 8hell be awarded the oontreot tar all work of that oleee.* ConstruingArtlale 1659, supra, with Artloles 2S58, 2259 and 2362, supra, It is apparent that the iera- er 18 a general statute with an emergenoy olauee. On the other 2359 and 2362, supra, are spe- hand Artioles 233tb8, oil10 statutes governing oontreotsmado by the oommis- sloners~ oourt ot 8 oounty ror the purohese Or -lank books, all legal blanks and atatlonary,eta." It Is the rule of oonatruotlonthat when a gen- eral statute and a speolal atetute deal with the same subjeot matter, the rormer is oontrolled or limited by the latter. SO T%X. JUR. 212, and oases oited in note 5. It ia our opinion that Artiole 2359, aupra, got- ems in the matter or edvertis5ngfor alters to supply county stationery,I.e., blank books, legal blanka, atation- cry and suoh othar printing when the purobaee is to be made by the oommlssloners~aourt of a oounty. AOOOraing to the provfalons of this article the advertisementfor bids must be made *et least 0500 in every two year4.w Rzthermore, the edrertleementshell be made by the ooun- e olerk Who shall notify by registeredletter, eaoh newspaper and job printing house in the oouaty, end at least three stationery end printing houaes in the State, Hon. Ernest ouinn, page 5 of the time aaid Contraab 14 to be awarded, and of th. probable amount of supplies nmeded.* On the other hand, Artlolo 2SS9, supra, gorern- ing the purohs84 of statineq 4~~pli44 by the mo-imsicmi- erm oourt, does not Coctain an mmmrgmnay olaurm, as doom Article 1.659,8Upa. Oonsequently, Lo.this parflmular re8peot Artlole 2359 does not supersede Artlola 1689. It ia our opinion that thoaergenw alause OS Artiolo 1669 would apply to pUrOha8CSby the 804d4810n4r4 oouxt with- out advertlmlngror bids or enough blank books, legal blanks and stationeq to meet thm nmsdm of thm mountr until the provisions Ct Artiolm 2369 oould be oo~~lled with In an minountunder no uoridltlonto lxC44d 0x10hundred and rirty dollars'. Thus far we have dlsOu84Od puraha448 of statlon- 0x-yby the oommiisf4ionerm oourt or a aounty. ft Is our ~~anolusionthat hrtialam 22U!8to 2369 RmQiaed Glvil Statutes, lO%J, gOQ8rn mrompt in mmmrgmn&m whmn llmlted purohasesmay bs mad0 under Artiolm lbSO;fBo- rleeb civil Ytatutem,1925, without adrartislngfor bids. ~nsldmring ths 8tahUtmSauthorising 4OuntJ oiii- c4r8 to purmhaoe stattonsrgwith the approval of the 00~ miri4lonmr4Court, we turn to seotion 1 of Art1e14 389Qb. VeYfnOnj8Annotatmd Civil Statutes,wbioh reads am foll~m: Wiero shall be allowmd Co County Judgmm, Clczkm of the Di8triOt.andCounty Gourtm, Shor- ifis, Uounty Traa4Urmr4,Tax A48a44or4 and Ool- leotor4, muoh booke, mtationmry,inoluding blank bail bonds and blank oomplaintm,and offlo fur- niture a8 laaybe n4Ceeamry for their offiaem, to be paid for on thm order Of tha ~OXlli88iOn4~4 court out or the County Trmamuryt and suitable offlmmm shall also br provided by the Cotmaim- mlonerm Court roareaid~officers et thm 4spsnso or the Oounty. And SUOh books and mtattiary a8 are nsoessary ln the psrfoxmanoo of their duties 8hall also be furnished Jumtlo~of the Peace by said Conml44ioner4Court. PrQQi60& all purohases herein must be approved by Connais8ion* era court, and-met bo mad4 under the povimionm or Artlola 1659, Revised Ciril Statutes Of Tmt- Et8,1@28." 886 Hon. Rrne8t Wi"n, page 0 Said Section 1 of Article 3f39$b,guwa, was en- aoted by the Forty-rirmtLegislature,Regular ae4410n 19S9, Rouse Bill NO. 446, Chapter 807, pago (463,General and SpeOlal Law amid Act deolarlng an emmrgenoy ae fol- low*: -he pub110 importanceor the purpmsem herein oontamplatsd,and the faot that Artlole SSQS of the R4rlmed Statute4 of Texas, 1911, whlah pro- vided that orfioem and mtatlonerfbe furnlmhe6 oertmin offioerm of the oount7 ~44 omitted in the oodlfiaationof 1925, orsste an emergenay and an imperativepub110 neoessity that the Qon- etitutionalE.le requiringbills to bm read on three several days in esmh House be suspmnded, and maid Rulm 18 hereby suspended,and that thlm Act ehall take err80t and be in roroe rrom and after its padsage, and it 14 40 lnaoteiL* We wish to call attentionto Seation (b) of Art. 9p)99,Veraon's Annotated Clrll Statutes, enacted mub44- quad to Saotlon,lof Artlole SB99b for the purpose of pointing out that It cannot asply to 8tatlonerJror the subJact matter of Ssotlon 1 of Artl8lr StNQb shoe it is a genmral statute which does not expremml~ inoludm mr repeal the ltemr of the opeelflo Statute. ft le our oplalon that Seotion 1 of Artlole $SQSb applies oxaluaively to purohaeemof~boakm, mtatfoneq in- cluding blank ball bonds, blank ommplmlntm,aad offioe f?ml1tur., eta., by county 0rrl4hr4 with the approvel of the oouaty momml8slonar4oourt and that Artlole 3899 (b) has 50 applioatlonto theme Items. Since Seetion 1 0r Artfole 5899b 14 montrolllng am to purahaaem or stationeryby oounty offloerm, the latter ln making acme xuustoonply wlth the requirement of said utiole th8t all puraha848must b8 mmde under thm provisiona of Artiole 1659, R8vissd cl~ll StatutaS, 1925. Artiole 1659, mupra, provides of oourme that the amuntr auditor shall advertieefor a period of twm.meks in at leC!8t one dally newmpaper published and olroulatee ln the oounty, r0c suoh 4uppli44 and mmterialm, et.. Also where there is an emesgenay,puroha444 not la mxaeam Hon. Erneet Ouinn, ~.a~07 of one hundred and fifty dollars may be made upcn requia- itlon to be approved by the Commlsslonerm*Court, withat advertisingror bids. Construing Artlolem 3299 (b) Seotlon 1, Parnon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, and Article 1659, Revlscd Civil Statutes, 1925, together,we have reaohod the oonolumlon that when oounty oiflomrm desire to purohame books, sta- tionery, inoludlng blank ball bonds and blank oomplalntm, and offlO% furniture, under the former etatute they mu& advertise for bids ln compliancewith the re?uirement of Artlole 1659 unlese the purchase 14 made under the mner- genoy provielon of the latter artlole In whloh oaae they may with oommlaeloner~mapproval and without advertlalng pZWOha84 enough statlBn%ry4upplia4 to last them until the advertisementrequirementoan be met, the purCha80 not to exoeed $150.00 In amount. Ill 6Ii8Wer t0 yOuI'first qU48tiOIl, it 18 OUT Opikl- ion that Artlolem 2358, through 2367, Revised Clrll Stat- utes, 1925, govern in reapeot to the purohase of etatlon- cry by the County Coznmlesloners ( Court and reculre oompet- Itive bidding at least once every two years, with adrer- tlsement by the oounty olerk aa called for ln the statutq but that the emergenoy protl4lon of Artlole 1659, Reriaed air11 Statutes, 1925, applies when stationery muppllem are badly needed in whloh oaee a purohaae of not more t% $150.00 worth of stationerymay be made by the CoacaIamlon- era* Court without the competitivebid advertiseznmnt re- quirement of Artiale 2359. It 14 Our further opinion that puroha884 of mta- tlonery by the oounty offloer8 as provided in Section 1 of Artlole 3299 (b) are governed by Article 1659, Revised Old1 Statutes, 1926, end the provl8lons of maid article in re- epeot to the method of advertlae3lentin conneotlonwlth mu& purOh88cSmust bc met exoept where they are made under the emergency clause wiilohappllea as it does ln the oaee of purchase6by the CommiaeionermlCourt of a oounty. In an8wer to your aeoond queatlon,we wieh tc advise that Artlole 2359, Revised Civil Statutmm, 1925, appllem to the purchase of atatloneryby the Oommls8ionerS* Court exoept ln the oa8e of an emergenoy but that Axtlale 1669, Revised Civil Statutee, 1925, applies to the puroham 888 Hon.gcne*tmiJlR,pagea of 8tatlonarTyby oouatr otiioers a# 8uthorlzedunder Yeotion 1 of Artiole 5899b and that Nero It appllu there muat be oomplianoerith the requirement or adter- tlswnt r0r bid8 *rot a period 0r tno raek8 In at lea8t daily nmf8paper.I tub3 In an8wOr t0 YOU2 third QUestiOn, it i8 OUT ORin- ion that the phrase *rhall adtorti8e fur a period oi two mok8 In at least on0 dally nevapaper*,a8 oontained In Art101e 1689, Berised OIVII.8tatut88, roes, S?8QUirO8a daily adrertiaementbeoaueo the ror48 =8hall advert%80w In oonjunotlonwith a4allr new8papeP 08n only'moan that the Legislaturehad a dally adtertl8ementin mind. Artiole BsSSa, fernoat Annotated Oitll atat- tlto818 HOUSe Bill HO. 818 (&et8 1951, p. 869. oh. 168) as enaoted by the ?Orty-8eOORd&Bgi8l&tUlT8 at it8 R@gU- lar ,Se88iOn,a8 amended at the FIrlltOallti Bes8IOn, Aot8 1961, p. 48, Qh. 94, 8 1. It8 08ptiOn re8d8, in part. a8 rOllOW8I -Aila& req?iritl$OUBd88iORU~8' OOWt 6Rd gorornin$bdai*r of Oith8 and tom8 in thi8 8tate to advert180 ror bid8 m mo~rotsrorxm8t- ilX#Dublio inDIWT-8llt8tllkd@EOcbr-iIiOanal-# etO.* (UndeP8otWIw 0~8). Gareful eon8ideratIonor the oaption and the 3worl8iotl8or the Aot itselr lea48 to the 8OnOlU8iOn that it applied only to projeot8 re8p84biq-pllbltsimprov~ont8, and not “to 8llQplie8of every kind, Wad WI& bridg8 JMtm- lal, or 8ny other materIala, Inoludlq rtatleiwry,a8 to- ierred to in Artiole 1689, Berioed Civil iRiatute8,1986, &tiOle8 8388 to ZWl, Revise& ~ltil Statute8, 1935, and Artiole 8899b, Beotion 1, VernOns8 Amotatrb Olvll stat- ater. See: RtJNJ!ER v. WRITBAKERk WASHZWTOR, 8% 8.W. 10961 OIBZ30#v. DAVIS, BIW, 8.W. 80&; mm3oli f. WOBL, 57 8.1. (84) 787; WWA.CX T. CARSOB, 58 S.W. (86) 184. Xt 18 our opinion that Artiole %4b~, Vernon** Annotated Cld.1 Statute8 doe8 Rot rep&l th8 pPOY%8103U 889 Hon. Erneet oulnn, page 9 or Artlole 1669, ReVi8ed 01~11 atatuto8, and llmltr said artlole only lnaorar a8 oontraot8 on prOjeOt8 rerpeetlng pub118 improvements8uoh a8 oon8truotlonOf pub110 bulld- in68 8114pub118 work8 are oonoerned,Artiole 1459 being a general statute an4 Artlole 88668a being a epeolilo law. fn 8UppOrt Oi Our MlWer8 t0 JWUr ifiSt tW0 qUe8- tion8 we refer you to opinion No* O-lS91 of thi8 Dopart- rent by Hon. Wm. J.'Fannlng, iWIi8bmt Attorney Oeneral, wrlttm at the same time the foregofog opinion, on the 8lOthOd8Or plroha8e,by wiiohitaWUIlt~, Texa8 Of legal Sza5k8, rtatlodor~and 8lmllar 8upplle8,ror the use or .the officer8 or the OountJ. TOW8 very truly ATTORNNY fX!NEEU OF TEXAS ATTORNEY GEA'U OB Tms