Eonorrblb+Ano~ &awkinr
ptoabar82, 1939,
the faatr nhortly
ho tollowlryquee-
Statuter,1988, fo-;
taxa...eha l! be
Or 00%0&W and thr
iols 8955, Rarlsed Clril Statater,1985, pro-
ia part, as tollowrr
l... prorlded that amy totof who
18 rubjoat to pay a poll tu under the
lawr of this Stata . . . shall Herr pal4
arid tax before offaring to votr at v
llrotion in thh 8tate and holds a fo-
o*lpt rhowl that aald poll tax wae p&U
befor. tbo i
"52yytof tobraary
iwdi~ ma ll 01 4 . # . Thr 9rer
=H= a OM
of thle Artiolm as to oaating ballot8
shall apply at &ll al*otioa* inaluding
general, ipeoial aad primmy uleotion8.w
Your attention 1s oallod to the opinion of Honor-
able Soott Gaines, Assistant Attorney General, rendered
Maroh 31, 1931, in responss to the Sollow!ng qmstlont
Vho la a qualltlod voter la a
boa6 eleotion?"
The opinion, la part, raada a8 rollmax
*In order thut one be antitled
to vote in said rleotlon, it would be
aeoe88ary that he or she #hall hare
paid a poll tax rlor to Tebnuary
18t of the year PIIwhloh the person
8eekks’to .vote aad holda a 9ropar poll
tar reodipt lame6 thenror, or ia
exempted themfrom . . .-
We believe this opinion 18 equally appliaablato
the quoatlon you ask.
No oall your attention to the oasesOS E&ml1et al
v. Pllo ot al, found la I5 S. 8. (2) 899. In thl6 @ILSO,
8o~0 twenty persons presented their 1953 poll.kr,noilptrr
and were allowed to vote by virtue thereof, in EJIllootlon
held January 9, 1935. The aourt u8es the fellowlag 1-r
*The eleatloa wu8 held on tam&y
9, 1939,and only pursoas who ho1.b1932
poll tax reosipt8 were q\uliried to
Vote, tULbs8 they W6X’UUsqpt mm the
payment of a poll tu un4er Mom provi-
aioa of the 1.a~~~
The rule $6 olear in Teur8 that a permon must quaI%-
fy beroro Februmy 1st of the year in whlah he or a&a uok8
to votec It foblow that a puaoa who has not paid hla 11
tcu, or has not othemvlae qunlifie4,botore February 1, p"939,
Eonoreblo &hay Hawkins, Page S
oanaot rote in an eleotlonto br hell In 3otober,1939.
Your8 very truly