80 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hbnorablo Compton Ridto county lruditor Freestom county Fbirrield, Tarsa ontreat with court lor aol- liaqubat rrtate, distrlot and 1 dlbtrfot taxes. \v (4 1989, rhioii ads la rbb pt f pur letter \ ollolmr part am ot September 9, am a aoatraot with Banby ate, eauaty,,roeddie dlstrlot delinqtwat texea. ty Tax A8s868or4oll~tor of thfa ocrsnimlona due tb delinquent fs.direotall oomudga~wb dub him , 8n4 road diatrlot taxes. etofon, thb Ter Assessor-Dolla6t6rhea ~44 all 8ohoal nox&*s to the proper authority end the 4allnquentoollwtor masired his o@m- kZae%one b ylehoal reuehor8 died br the tmrteoe oi tba tarloas ao8ool diatriota. These rouoher8 are alro sigasd by the ocmnt~ snpariataadmitand the ooanty auditor. 81 Eonora:.leCozgton ;.hit:,, &q-e 2 "-?-0~14 it be lo@11 for the Tar i.sse~sor- -Collectorto retcIn oom~~i~~~lons due the dsliu- Cuent tax oolleator on4 pay him dlreot as Is done,on state, county and road distrlot tares, or la it nooesssry to us0 the vouoher apstem a8 w% have been p.ch~g.~ For the purposa ot this opinion, we assume that thls delinquent tax aontrect w%th xrr.Vlbrook was entered into In aacor4anoe vith the ~rovlslone of Art10188 7335 an4 9335a of the Revised :lrll Ltatutes of Texas. “8 40 not have this oontract before us, and oannot construe the rarloas terms and provisionsthat stayappear therein. Ylth respeot to aommqn aohool dlstrlot taxes, Artlole 2184 of the Revised 01~11 Statutss, 1925, provide8 In substance that the Cozmlesloners*Court at the aounty shall have the power to levy aud oauee.to b8 oolleatad auoh taxes, end this statute %akeB the Commlsslonera~ Court of the oounty the @overnlngbody oi the oomxon aohool dlstrlats in suoh aounty inaofur as the power to levy and tieuseto be oolleatedthe annual ad vslorem taxes In suoh oommon school dlatrlota is oonaerned." At.torney General*s Oplnlon 80. O-980, dated June 24, 1939. As such ~overninp body, the Court may lawfully enter into aontraotewith an attorney ror the oolleatloa of delinquent taxes, for such aommon school dlatrlotrr atate and aounty taxes. Artlolea and other dellnquiusnt 733s. 7335a and 7337, RevlseG Clvll Statutes of Tsxas; Cherokee County 8t al vs. Oaom, 116 Tex. 268,.15 S. 'di. (Ed) 536; Corznlealonera*Court et al 0. r;allaae,et al, 118 Tox. 219, 60 S. C. (2d) 535; State vs. Spperson,12l Ter. 60, 42 S. L. (2d) 228; MoGollam vs. City of Rlohardaon (C.C.A.)121 S. T. (2d) 423. Artlole 2795 of the Revised Clvll Statutes provides for the levy and oolleotlon of aommon echo01 distriot tares by the Commls~~loners~Court and reads In part as fOlloWt3l ". . . The tax oollsotor shall oolleat said taxes as other taxes are collected. The t8X aaae6sor shall reoelre a aomml8slon of one- hair at ona per cent ror aesesslng auah tax and the tax colleotor a oo~~~~lsslon of,one-halfOf 82 Eonorab+e Compton White, Page S one per sent for aoUeotlne tha anam. The tax uolleotorshall par all luoh taxes to the oounto treasurer,and said traasurar shall oradit eaoh sohool dlstrlot ~5th the amount belonglq to It, and pay out the same in aooordanoe dth law.* We aaaume thst the County kaaeasor-Collaotoror Fraeatono County, Texas, has been lawfully authorltedto oolleot oomon aohooldlatriot faxes in aooordanoawith the provlalonaof Artlola1043b, Revised Ulvll Statutes of Tares (Orr00tiv~ Mar 19, 1939, Aota 1939, 46th Leglalatare, B. B. 10331, uhhlohreada in part aa~iollowa: “Alu . aoannonaohool dlatrlot . . . la l . hereby suthorlaadby ordlnanoe or br proper re- aolutlona to authorlaa tha Couuty Aaaersor0r tha oounty in rhlah aald . . . oomon aohool dlatrlot . . . la looatrdto sot as Tax Assessoriar said aonmm aohool U&riot or authorlae ihi iax aolleotor 0r the aou&*l;1 whlcahla ld . . . o-n aohool dlatrlot . . . ia altuatad to aot as Tax Collaotor for said . . . ooawn aohool dla- %riot. . . "Se0. a. When au ordlnanoeor prqper roeo- lotion la passedmaking available tha aarviuae or the County Tax A8a ea a 0 le h o o to r luoh t . . a.tmaoa ~ dlstriot . . . it shall ba the duty oi the said Tex Aaaeaaor of tha oouxty ln whlok . .. . auoh amamon aohool district . . . is aftuatad to aaaeaa the taxes ror said . . . oommom aohool dlatrlot . . . and perarm the dutiaa or Tax Aasoaaor ror said . .. . oomuon aahool Qlrtriot . . . aooordlng to the oldi- nsnoea or reaolutlaaaor said . . . oommMiahod dlatrlot . . . and aooordlng to law. Y3e0.3. When an ordlnanoeor proper rasolutton la passed avalllng aaa& . ,. . common aohool dlatriota or the sarvloea 6r the countr Tax Oolleotor, it'aiallbe tha duty oP the lald Tax Colleator.& the county in whloh said . . . oomwn 8ohooI diatrfots are situated ts oollaot the taxes and aaaeas- &t; ror said . . . ocnmon aohool dlstriota. . . Honorable Compton %hlte, Page 4 and turn over aa soon am oollaated to the raapeotlveproper depositoryof aald . . . oomaon aohool dlatrlota . . . or other au- thority authorizedto receive auoh taxes or assastmants,all tares or monaya oolleated . lass his roes herelnartarprovided io;, . . .* In State vs. Epporaon, et al, Xl Tex. 80, 42 s. 1. (gd) SZ8, decided by SsotlonR.of tha Uoagi8slon of Appealsin 1931, a oontraotwas entered into betwaen Pipper-' son, an attornay, and Bldalgo County for tha oollaotlonof dallnquent state and oounty tares. A oonCroveray arose as to oodaslona due Epparaon, and Eppsraon illad his petltlon ror mandamus la the Dlstrlot.aourtagalhattha Uounty Tax Colleotor,end by amended patltlon, all urbara of the Oomlaslonera*Court were made na~ondenta to oompal the uolleotorto hand over to him some $&S;OOO.OO in oom- missiona allegedlywrougfullywIthheld. In the oourae of lta opltion,the oourt said8 "By leglalatlveaot the Stata ha6 oonatl- tuted t&e Tiax aolleotar or tha oounty Ita aaent to reoalvs delinquenttaxaa oollaotaa under-aaoh oontreot,aud it la the duty of luoh offioer to par all faea and oommlaalonalewfully lnourred In the oollaotlontheraor to the .verlouaParties who may be entitled thereto. Under auoh olrauastaaaaa, the Tex Colleotor'sduty with rafamkaa to manay balonging to perwna who are antit ad under valid oontrioti to mmoelvs the same Srom him la xmralz: ministerial. If he rlthholda the payment or suoh muda when e person la lawruur entitled to reoelve the aama, ha heiafaiLad to dladarae a duty irpossd upon him by law. end his aotls a wronufulone.* (Undersoorlngours). The Court also said%, *xi EpperaontaoontentlonIn the ault riled by him in Hldalgo Couatr %a trim, that la, that he has parform& oertalu aarvioee under e velid oontreot with the CoadSr,lOnerS'Court, and that Ronoreble Compton i;hite,Yaee 5 uz&¶erthe provisionsoi suoh oontrecf he haa earned oertein oomnlar;lons which lawiully belong to hlm, then it logloally iollowa that tha Tax Colleator. as an apent.of the State. la wonp 1J ful wt 0 ‘itla his leaoludutyunder the statutes or thfa State to deliver to iWerson~w See alno, Cornell va. Swisher County, et al (C.C.A.) 78 S:Y. (2d) 1072. Tartley Tax Colleotor, et al va. Rpperson,(C.C.A.) so s. R. 26) 919 fReveraadby Sup. Ct. on other grounds, 79 s. z. t2d) lOS1). Under the authority ot State vs. Ep p er eolupra, n, and Astlolea 7335, 9333a, 2'184and 733V, you are respeotfully advised, and we hold that when t&e County Commiaclouers@ Court as the governingbody oi the oommon aohool dlatrlota l&its oouuty for the ool$eotlonor oomaon aohool dlstrlot taxes hae by roper ordlnenoe or resolution legally de- E signated the ouuty Asaes%or-Colleatm 88 its aKent to oolleot the taxes in aocordanoa wlth the provlaionaor AX%- 1010 1042b ai the Revised Ci~ll Statutes, then it la tha duty of auah tax easeasor-oolleotorto perform the ninla- torlal aot of rlthholdlngsuoh amountatasrey.bs lswfully due to the tax attorney,under the delinquenttax oon- traot. Such tax assessor-eolleotorbee the duty to,periorm this mlnlsterleleat tar tho various ocmmon aohool diatrlota involved In eotlne as their agent, just as he has the duty, as pointed out in State vs. Rpperaon, aupra, to oolleot the delinquent taxes due the&ate, ena wlthhol&;Eyonthe amounts _ so oolleotcidthe lawful bomalsslonsdue the dolirrquent tax attorney unaer hlr oont6aot with the ComJeelotaera*?i?ourtand pay the same over to him. You are thereforereapeotfullyadvised, end It is the opinion of this department, thst it la leFa1 and props r0r the oounty tax oolleotor-assess& to rrltatn oomleslons lawtully due the dsllaquont tax attorney under the terms oi blfzoontrect with the Couulsslonars*CoPrf from aauohooamon euhool alatrlot taxes oolleoted and pay the amme to such attorney aa you state has hem the pro- oedure prevloualy rollowed with reremnos to del.M@Wit 85 Eonora:le Coapton Vhlte, Page 6 tax oolleotlonson the state and oounty taxes. Toura very truly ATToMaLY cmmu OF TEXAS B,&llc& Aislstant ATTORNEY c;EN~RAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion