Re: t!aqa & of,thecounty
bo&d ,octi@ees slrobold
tbd officdof t- for en
I ltbbpd& @Doldiatrict.
We ue la mpipt of yqy latter.of.,Septqba~5, W3pF In which
you mquest aa op2aionof thiiDqwtaee 6” to wZIstheror not a member
of.tbs coonty-6 of .truetece
may alab hold’t&x&?flce
of tnmtee fbr
an.~~~~chool6l&rict. "
Ths use Whichyou cite in your letter,.Tbon+s,
et al. V. &r-
nathy,Co+y.LlIMJndepe$a$ Bchqol Di~rict,.290'8:W.. 152, In in.polat.
In.fhlnce+tba Cdr@ippqfAppealq brildtbat.oSLparsmcouldnot
holdbot&theoffi~sof schooltrustee aadaldemanbft~ ci$y;despite
the factthat the officebf..k&xA tiustekvasnot ~,,ofSic~of emilumat.
The court heldthatthe4.mtdesor the two 0rrb~n w0r0 *03npatibh ens
to,'tbeotherandthersforethe mm permn wodd not be.eliglble to bold
both. This we uaS followed bythe Waco Courtof,Xvll AXrpealr in the
EILSSOr Ih@0, Bt al. V. Ol.S?JiU
Rose j2epaOUt &boo1 DiqriCt RO. 1,
50 8. W. (26) 375. In this ca6ethe courtimidas follows:
%dectfra cq law,tba ssme&on c&L& I& two
incontprtibl~ -- t&It $S, OffiCel,tk~dUtb?S or which
or q*
downby our courtsis, therefore;whether
or not tho 0rfi0.0r t~stee or a sc~l diatr+t:isincorqpstibiewith the
other+ficc.vhi&the bamepersonwishesto hold. '~
w'shave tha em
J.uthlr'.casa perrrcqtqixigto holdboththe
office or tnmt(ra~0r sn’i.ndemt m0ol
dirtri* and meplber 0r.the
couutyboard of famte+s. Uhllethe countybdof .trustees &sin&
exercisethb s&r&~ overthe ind+n&nt schooldlrrtkicta does
over the t&?nnmmso&o1 distriote, +U it'd&s e&&e s&b control
as would.qsk~i$m twb offices~bsromnight%mmpatible. .x3iie very &od
CXS#Qh Of this i6. wt Out iI& &Pt,iCh .&6 Or tw ‘Redire& civil&%tUteS
of Texas,.vbichArticle readsas follows6
Emorable Cbarlea~S.:~, Ppep !2(O-l396)
“W child&elt.llyenlal6u in ay di8trict or lade-
be bal+~d to the 6nmUmnnt of any otbr illstriCt'or.
inbpszrdrntdtmtrict intha 6sm countyppogaer$ttenap-
pll@&nofthe&ent orgwr~orpersonhsvinglsrful
contro'ofwchcbild, flledwlththe qo#y superintea@t;
di6+tiwfi0awith anytmuyfer mtb+bytba county6uperfn:
ttm&at o;r ~-3rc6i8~ch 8ctionto tbs coullty.board
true06 0ro a id countywh olb q ll the right t0 a nq el
h a ve
and csnceltbetqsferalloee4bythe cowttysupe~i&endent.
'Thedppllapt iq uid application
t&at it
16hirbom fi&eUte&ioato sendsuld.childtotbeschool
"&oat& certification of the tnuufr of e child,
from cm districtzto anotherUtrict, bytlwcourrtgsuper;
intB~.ti.thu county.,gl~~~t~ chllarecllles qt the
tims or tbetnp?fer, the StateDepqttmsnt,ofI++lon
~hnll tnrthodwtthe Stgte Weaurer to pay m slirwtly
the per up&t* t&rtl~j in ItrU6po4&nt
dlstrlctr or
fivehuadmd(~).orarqre schoUst~cpopulotion,tbths
diotricLtoyhi@ ~ch+il~I~tqo+sfe+ehjmid in'&.
otherdlat~ctr,to.couz&yBup@iiiItendeutr,to b8 paidbp
him to @a M~lrn ulBtrict?;-to
which,suchga+wl "4
trsmf~d~'p&rl&ed, ti triwfer sh&be'rdo &or
+&p Mm statue abokqnt out a&ili~ebetvieen echool
&~Wictr ovwtz-sm6fe~ and over *ha'pg.the per Capitaappor-
tid by t6s +h001 ditirict 'becaw of BT+C&$raqfez, wouldbe'ap-
paalmltotheboardoftrusteea. To allow&a6 act aa (Ltrue-
tee of oae of the:disWgts aud also to serm aa~a m+ber of the board
or truotws of -thecountywwi&dbe to allow~9.InteytBd psrtyto act
as arbiixator mr dtrputs6b&man rchoolatstrf@G There i6 110queer-
ticn but what tbs two officesla thip iast+cb are lncompntlble
an& ln-
ccasistenf one @h@a ot@er. ,
It is the opinion of thir Departmn~,,tbe~foie,tljat
a ma-
bcr or the countybs4a: of tnmte+ psy cot all, how the officeof trus-
tee r0r m ladepenAant school+qtrlct.
APPROVZDSEP lk, 1939 APPmvRD WY tnlljY@=@
o?nvxoR ATJ!~ocsww,~oFTRxAs
/s/ oaald c. l&m By /s/ BillyOoldberg
m. !c@As ASsl+ti’