OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN f?5ro?sept49nberZ, of thS.s Uepartment ece of c-SohOOl a oattractof an- t011eui.ngda7 both eCount7su8rrperiotend- ortfAugust 2l*lss9. tS8S4UMl&U%tXOUSOfth~ 7approre dab of the mm- on from tkes as to vkml cou- attodauoe ~211 be. It is agr&d that tia rilltm emea gradea,tros the first to the oewnfh, inclu- aire,andom teacher cottldnotproperly l2mtmotfbe sta- dents. At the concludoa of tho headng the c&t+7 J3uperinten%antstsfedthatherefusedto approvethe contracts becuuwe there w3re sot a mwioient mmw3r of 8cholMtioscrPfhorisil&the @Ppmml. ~eCount~Boscd took the pslfion that theyhad no authority to thematteratall, andthattberemasno appealp" 2X7 aotlonof the County IRqerlutaadent in the matter. You &S-t3SOBt t&O tOllOh@ QV3StiOlUJ ior, C5P COMidCWat%.on; *willfoe ploaee8dviseme Anmdl8tely whet&r ea'mottbeBoardebeuldaotmat210 appoal,anclwhethrorwt auom%r should be cnterodto apme the Yates cmtract or refuseit, or in othermnls, atem or re- Wtlcle STSO R. C. 8. %Wz6,vo+ides that the Boardof Tmstees shalihave authorityT&WT~ the aver age dallyattexlance Ml1 be. 8eotlond,li~B~@33,4tIthtogicilature pawides tbatr l8t6te a Id tader~o ~lslo nso ?th is Aat shallbe allotteduponthebas%sefone tea&- or for 8aqftuszber of scholastics f!mmSo to 88, ud one atlditlonalteaaher for oaek efldi- tion6130 m3ho1satlcs, or fvaet10w1 prrt there- of, residingln the dlstriot.+ l l.. Youwirlrlotathat this&ticbasedllpm themlui- bar o? soholastlofl resldlagla the dlstrlot)fmd not apou tellsaYerage doily attexiance.Xt does mot appearfromtour let&r rbothepOr not thb 10 8 sttd-aid *OOl. ThheState Departwmt of Eduootiorr has iorwsrdedt0 811 city a& cmn supiw%&m&mts ooplesOP the ~orwxmtloned R.B.O3R,ri zi ootmmts and instruotions, ia whlcb the schedulefat tOmher- pupil load LB state-eid s&hoolsallow t8o feathers Ben the net residentsoholretio pqulatloaIs 37. Loodoubtthe c~~tyysu~llt~snt or WalkerColmayhasbeea sgpplioarltb l . . aou.n.t.Bumm-agea &t1010 nao, R&.8. 1926,provides county8ir IntoobMt shallrp uvo oontraml fewhers rotewh lnoommus crooldlsfrlcts. &Mo10B69311.0~~1@26. that all a pealsfromthe(Lecislonof the Count7Bup&.ntenbsnt o! RablloInstruction shalllie to the Count7Board of &hoo1frustees,8ul &mLmlaithw part7dsri*otofaw- tlmr appealsuchmnttere,th~ are yen tho rlgttt to ap 1 to aa7 oourt h8* p‘oporjuresdIotIouof fho sub- r ect netter, or to the State Eupociaterdont ot'ptlblioIn- rtrtlotlou.Appeal Is alsoallovedfrom tho rulingof the &ate SuperIntendenf to the Stat-oBoard of’ Bdueatlan. VheutheCountyauperl.ntendotirakaesto op- provea torrcbar*~ COIBtrwt, suohtewher t glveuthe right of appealto the Count7Bosrd of'SohoolTrustees, end wimn sue31 ap el is duly and properfJperfeoted it bo- ooamsthe duty or 8d.dBoard to her end dotermlnethe is- sues oselltsa . mmosa vm goman, 22 6.1. (2) 683; wpoii Te 6%rSOA, 43 8. 1. (2) 1113;~illOX'l8. fhdlq, 66 8. w. (2)4178 Isbell~. Stovall,92 80 1. (2) lG6?. The a to,mdnallngof t.hoCount~Board of SchoolTrustees T1 merely.oneofep %n the seriesot appeals-Ided b7 stet- ote with referon to the e&ion of the Count7SuperIntendont upontea~~s* ooutrects. Itbouro ou thet the CountyBoard of S&o01 zzaI~ ruthorb eP anilIt Ie its dut7 to hear and de- lsfrom tJlecollnt7superIntelnleut's aotionin 0 approve 8 0oxWect enteredintobetueoua teach- refusiugep" er end the 1008xboardop schooltnrstees. Be toot86tatsdIn your letterare'notsnftioioat should be m&e for us to atteqt to advisewhat disposlflon of tai6 owe, but 80 trust our dlao~sIou maybe or aid. Ve onolosohormltb a oogp of QW opinion110.0-6~3addressocl to non. B, Ii.GrlfSInwith rofcrome to ArtIole2760. Yourswry truly moRlmY wsxm& OF TEIAS RI!%-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion