Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable ‘#ayne Leferre County Auditor Clay County HeKLriOtt4, %X48 Deer Sir: ellnquent teoe earn- 4na 1934 it 00ii00t- on the above stated question hea be 4th day of April, 1919, County held an eleotion r a epeoial roe& tax lQ dollar valuation OS texa- uld be levied, areeeeed end leotlon resulted in favor loners* Pcecinot No, 1, end eialler in Preolnat No. ,?on April 14, 1915, end Agril 14, 1919, and in Preoinat Ho. 4 that all of said.eleotions resditeh in these eleotione being held for the purpose ether or not a mjorlty o? the legal qualified property texpeying VOt8r9 of eaoh preOiuCt desired to hare levied, asasseed end collected a road tar of tifteen cents on the one hundred dollar raluetlon or taxable property in each of said oomlsslonere* preoinots. Art&ale 3937, Vernonte Civil Statutes, reads in pert es follow8r Honorable %eyne LeSevre, Page 2 "Each Assessor of taxes shell reoeive the fO1lO~ir~g ooffipeneetionSOC his eervloes wbioh shell bs estimated on the total value of the property esseeeed es Sollowe: For assessing the State end County Tares on all sums for the Slrst Two ~lllion Dollars ($2,000,000.00) or less, Slve (5) oents for each One Bundred Dol- lars ($100.00) OS property assessed. on all mms in exoess OS Two k!llllonDollars ($2,000,000,00) end leas, then i%ve U.llion Dollars ($5,000,000.00), two end one-hali (24) oents on e@oh One Hun&red Dollars ($lOO.OO), end on alLsums in exoeas oS slve ~4lllon Dol- lars ($5,000,000.00), two end one-sourth (24) cent6 on eeoh One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO), provided, that in oounties in whioh the popule- tlon does not exoeed twelve thousand, Slve hun- dred (12,500) inhabitants, the Assessor shell reoeive on all suma Sor the first Four Ellllon Dollars (64,000,000.00), the au 0s rive (6) cents for each One Hundred Dollar6 ($lOO.OO), and on all sums above such amount the See shell be es above stated, one-helf OS the above oom- pensatlon shall be paid by the State end one- healsby the oounty; for assessing the taxes on all drainage dlstriote, road dlstrlote, or other political subdivisions OS the oounty, the Asses- sor shell be paid three-SlSthe OS one oeht Sor eeoh One Eundred Dollars ($100.00) OS the assessed value of such dlstrlots or subdivlsfone." You further iniorm us that the Tax Assessor is clelollngthe three-fifths of one cent for each One Hundred Dollars of the asessed value of the various comuiissloners~ precincts by virtue of the above rrrentloned elections, oleim- lng that the above mentioned eonmissioners' preainots are road districts as mentioned i&Article 3937, supre. It is to be understood that we ere not here paes- ing upon the validity OS the above mentioned eleotions. Zectlon 9 of Article 8 oS the Texas Constitution, reeds aa follows: "The State tax on property, excluikm of the tax neoessery to pay the public debt, end or the taxes provided for the beneslt of the Honorable %'ayneLeSevre, Page 3 public free sohools, shell never exoeed thlrty- five cents on the one hundred dollar valuetlon; end no couhty, oity or towa 8hell levy more than twenty-five oents for city or oouzty puxpo8e8, end not eroeeding fifteen oente for roede end bridges, end not exoeedlng fifteen oents to pay jurors, on the one hundred dollar valuation, ex- cept for the payment ,oS debt8 incurred prior to the adoption of the azendment reptezber 27, 1823; end for the ereotlon of publio buildings, street, sewers, water works and other permanent improve- :zents,not to exoeed twenty-five oente on the one hundred dollars valuetlon, in any one year, end except es 18 in this oonatltutlon otherwlee provided; end the Legislature may eleo authorize en additional annual ad valorem tax to be levied end oollected for the further maintenanoe of the publio roads; provided, that the majority of the qualified property taxpaying voters of the oouaty voting et en eleotion to be held for that pur- pose shall vote such tax, not to exoeed fifteen cents on the one hundred dollar8 valuation of the property subjeot to taxetioh in suoh oounty. And the Legislature may pas8 looel laws for the maln- tenance of phbllo roads end hlghweys, without the looel notloe required for a speoiel or looel laws.* Referring to the above Quoted eeotion of the Con- stitution the court in the oese of Commlssloners~ court of lu'averro Couaty et 41 v. Tinkstozet al, 296 s. W. 271 (writ of error refusedj used,the So~lovAzg language: *The Leglsleture 1s only empbwered to euthor- ize an eddltlonel ad velorem tax to be levied for the purpose of maintaining pub110 roads by a major- ity vote of the qualified property taxpaying voter8 of the county for the purpose OS malnteinlag the roads of the county, end not of any subdlvlsion thereof. The measure authorized was one for the benefit of the entire oountg,and to be voted on by the property taxpaying voters of the entire county, et an eleotlon to be held for that pur- pose. The language clearly excludes the levying of the tax therein provided for by any other vote I than of the entire county and not for 10041 but for county-wide purposes, end prohibits euoh tax Honorable %ayne Lefevre, Rge 4 so authorized ironiexwedlng fifteen cent8 on the one hundred dollar valuation of the property sub- ject to taxatlon in the oounty. * *:** statutes presarlblng fee8 ror publlo orricers are strlotly construed; and heaae a right to fee8 may not rest in lmplloatlon. See Texas Jurisprudence, Vol. 34, p'.508; XcCalla v. City or Fockdale, 246 9. K. 654; Blnrord v. Eoblnson, 244 !:.'J;. 807. Commlssloners precinct8 do not constitute road districts or other wlltloel subdivisions of a county 88 contemplated by Article 3937, aupra, where three-fifths of oue oent for each one hundred dollar valuation or the assessed value of taxable property 18 allowed a8 fee8 ror assessing the sane. You are respeatfully advl8eU that it iB the opln- ion of this Department that the tax a8sas8of wa8 not entitled to three-rltths of one oent for eaoh one hundred dollar valua- tion or the asseesed value of taxable properky in the oommfe- sloners' preolncte. Thle being true, there are no delinquent tees v&lOh the tax a88e88or was entitled to as such fees we18 not provided in the first lnstano6. Trusting that the roregoing ray an8wer8 your ln- qulry, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNEY GltNERALOF TEXAS By Ardell wllllam8 ASS18t&l& -$L4&&&.- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS