- -. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS GlmAm c. MANN AUSTIN 1% TEXAR ATFGRNRY GENERAL HonorableR. C. Waters CasualtyInsuranceConmissioner Austin,Texas Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. T. Jay Foster OpinionNo. O-1307 Re: Is a motor companyor its employees subjectto prosecutionunder Art. 570, 571 or 572 of Vernon'sPenal Code, under facts stated? We are pleasedto reply to your letter of November8, .1939. We quote from parts of your letter: "Mr. Blank made arrangementswith X Motor Company to buy a new car. He then called his personalinsurance agent who handledall his insuranceand asked him to write policiesto cover fire, theft, bodily injury,property damage,etc., lncuranceon it and went by with his agent to get the motor number and other data for the agent and vat3told that hi6 automobileinsurancepolicieswould have to be writtenby X Motor Company'sagent or companyor the whole deal wlllbe called off. n. . * "Article5055 (R. C. S.) declaresthat, 'It shall be unlawfulfor any person to act within this State, as agent or otherwise,in solicitingor receiving applicationsfor .lssuranceof any kind whatever,or in any manner.to aid in the transaction6f the business of any insurancecompany incorporatedip'thlsState, or out of it, without first procuringa oWtificate of authorityfrom the Commissioner'. The followi&garticle,5056, declaree,'Who are Agents', and it is clear that the action6 of X Motor Company'semployees come within the definitionthere laid down. . . . "I have examinedthe penal code and find that there is no penalty set out specificallyapplicableto a violationof Article 5055, unless Article 572, P. C. was meant to apply Hoa. R. 0. Waterr, pag8 2 (O-1307) by rayingthat, 'Whoeverfor direct or IndirecteompeQ8atlou rolicltrlnnlrsncrin b&elf of anj inmramce cw of w kind or chamctrr, or trmnmitr for a perron otbr tha m- 8elf an applicatiolr for a po&iey of inrur&ncr to or from luch company, or almmed to act la aqotlatlnn of bruxwm wlbh- out a certlflc8teof suthor$ty to 8ct 8a age& or rolieltor for ruch co@pauy,or af'trr ruch certificateof authority@hall haw be- cancelledor revoked, l kelZ be fined not gore than OM huudreddolkrr.' However,l care wo+ld be very bard to make under that article for the rearon'that it YO&( be 8ec- kary to prove that the Motor Companynr ro~lcItingfor Idi- rect or indirectcompenratlou, I and if at al& porrlble,prore- cutlonr rhoyldbe rtarted,underrome othar article. ". . . “Artlele 570, P. C. rayr thst, Whoerer #ha&J do or per- fory any of the actr or thlngr mentioned In th8 flrrt &tic&e of this chapterfor 8ny inrurancccom~aayreferredto in aald articlewithout such companyhay&g firti complied with the requirementsof the lawn of thlr State, rh8;& bsftied 8ot lem t& five hundveduov more thau one thourandd@.lav8.1 .Article568, the 'firstartlc4 of this chapter'referred to in Article 570, declaren Who Are Inmrance.Agent~,~ and lt la quite clear-frolp this descrlptioqthat X Motor Compauyor ita employeeaare acting am agents or ro~lcltorn. But Arti- cl8 570 says, 'Withoutmuch companyhavlug first coqrplled rith the require?pentr of the IawE of thi8 State' 10 it ap- pears th8t thil articlewas meant t0 cover 8 case where au agent had startedrollcLUng o? wrltisg lurumnqe before the company he purportedto repremnt had 'fir8tcomplledwith the requirement8of the law8 of thir State' and not to 8 came like the presentwhere the companyhas colllplled with thq Jaw8 of the State but the Motor Company or its employeesare roXlcit- lng Insurancewithout a Jlcense from the Cos&rQlomr. "There la a poeslbillty,however,that ArtlcJe 570, P. C. may apply to ths present caee even though it was Spp8rentb in- ten&d for anot@erfipurpore. section 7 of 'Regul8tiorla ior the LicaneLngof Agentr' (Article 5062a, R. C#S.) provi#er that, 'Whenany Loca@ecordlug Agent who has been appointedby an Iamuancg Car$er having a permft to do burinere In thf* State lkal& desireto employ a Sollcltor in the operation of hi8 burlmss, he and 8 comp8uyjoidLy r&all lpakeapplicationfor 8 llcenre-foreuch Solicitorto the Board of Innvance Coqle- alomrm....~ Ia the.prerentcase the Local RecordingASeat and 8 colpa&y have not $oint4 nude 8ppliC8tiOn iOr 8 liceMe iOr the X Rotor Campsayor any of itr egp&oyecrand it say be raid that X Motor CaqpP8uy or~lte rOprQscutative8 arQ 8CtiQg 81 i Hon. R. 0. W&err, pap 3 (04307) 8ollcltorrfor Iany lnmmm CI company referred to In raid articlewithout 8uch c-any h8vl8g conpliedwith the n- qulrementrof th8 law8 of thlr State'88&r Article 570. "If the lnrurancecomp8nyfor which X Motor C!@tp8ny 18 8ollcltlng18 a foreigncorporation,it ha8 not 'corn- plied with the requirenentrof the law8 of thlr State'be- cause Article 5065 (R. C. S.) providesth8t each foreign ineurancecompany shall deslgu8teem officeror agent who ir ompoueredto employ it8 agents or rolicltorsln thin State, end ruch officeror agent rha&l promptlyno- tify the Cosmtlsslonerin writingof the n8me, title, and addreer of each person so appointedor employed. Xo of- ficer or agent har 'promptlynotifiedthe Cos&rrioner ln writing of the name, title, and addresaof any employeeor representativeof X Motor Cor~anya6 8 solicitoror agent. I. . . "I would appreciateyour opinionas to whetherX Motor Colqpany,under the fact8 an stated,lo subjectto prorecu- tion apecifica&lyunder Article 570 or under 572 as affix- ing the penalty for violationof Article 5055 or if neither apply and prosecutionlrhould be under the Article 571." At the outset,we call attentionto the fact that you refer to the "X.Motor Capany." By mch reference,we aso- that the a&or company 10 a flrm or a corpor8tica. The great weight of authoritytoday is that a corporationmay be criminallyliablewhere the punlshnentfor the offense committed1~ 8 fine and not lmprlsonrpent. 13 Tex. I&a Rev. 252; 272 R. c. L. 765~ 33 A. L. R. 1211. Thin line of authority18 not followed,however,by the Court of CriminalAppeals of Texas as is shown by the case of Judge Lynch InternationalBook 8 PublishingCo. VP. State, (Ct. Crlm. App. lglg), 208 S. W. 526. In this case, the companywa8 indictedtwig Actr, 35th Leglr- lature (Third Called Session),c. 36, Sec. 6, appearingon page To8 of the.printedlarrsof said Called Session,which provided in substancethat "any person" engaged in the businessof emigrantagent without first hav- ing obtaineda llcense~ shall be guilty of a mieden&ano,r and upon convlc- tlon shall be fined not &era than $100.00. In holdingthat the indict- ment was bad, the C,purtsaid, throughJudge Lattlmorer "No mqtion to quash upon any proper ground erasmade, but, 8s etatedby the A8sirtantAttorney General,there Is no provirionof law in this &ate under which 8 firm or corporationten be indictedor tried under the cris!lnal lawr, 86 menu tdhare been the effort here. Hea. R. Q. Waterr, pago 4 (0-m) Eon. Il. 0. Watorr, page 5 (04307) The motor companyand its ~loyeor are agent*, so you stata, within the deflnltfoaof Article 566, and they ham ao llceqrer,there- fore they are mbject to prorecutlolr t@er Article 572. AE regarda Article 572;& point out that it would bc diffl- cu&t to prove that colapanrtlop1s balng racelw4 fo rth elrvicra ran- derkld. & order for the employeea of the motor companyto be held guilty for rollcltlnglqrurtmce tithont a lieeuro,rnder this Mlcle, It would be necereary that compenratlonwe recolred for euch rollciting. However, it lr our opinion that the prorlrlon, “for ~lreat or indirect conpeneation,* ar wed in Article 572, only relater to roliclting inmranor. In other wordr, it in our oplhlohthat, under thlr rtatyte, anyam who “tranrgltr for .aperron other thah hlmaelf,an applicationfor a policy of fnrurance to or eom such conpany ... without a certificateof authorityto act 4s agent or solicitorfor ruch company,”or anyone *a0 “amume4 to act dn negotiationof insurancewithout a certificateof authorityto act as agentor sollcltorfor such company,”lr rubjeet to prosecutionunder Article 572, supra,regardleraof whether he did or did not so act “far irect or indlmct compematlon.” It lr our aplnlenthat thlr conclu8lon 4s correctunder the rulea of statutoryconstructlonjhowever,by virtue of the decisionin the case of Jones vs. State, (Ct. Crlm. App., 19231, 265 S. W. 577, it is not neceesaryto rest our opinionon construction. In that case, prosecutionwas based upon Section49, Chapter 1138,Acts, Thirty-firstLegislature,which 1s substantially the sane as Article 572, supra. The only dffference lathe Act6 am: iirrt, the words “of any kind and character" were ealttea $n Sectloa 49, Chapter 108, Actr, Thirty-flrmtLeglrlatum; ~ecomlly,the flnr Jmw ken c@gad from “not lerrt~ oue hundreddollarr”to “not nom than one hundreddollarr.” The lnformatlonin this case, 88 1s shown oa pags 3 of ths tranecrik$, mtated ln part that the defendant“did then and there u@awfully for di- rect and~indirectcompensationsolicitinrrurance la belralfof Protective Life InsuranceCompany,a@ did then and them tmsnlt for a person other than himself,to wit, for Sam Kruger,an applicationfor a policy of in- suranceto said ProtectiveLife Inmrance Compmy, and did then and there assume to act in negotiationof insurancewithout a certificateef 4uthority to act as agent and solicitorfor said ProtectiveLife InsuranceConp4nyj said ProtectiveLife InsuranceCompanythen and there being aa inEUI’B~C0 kompanyagainstthe peace and dignityof the State.” The defenvt requestedthe followingcharge,as is shown on page 8 of the transuript: “You 4re chargedat the requestof the defendantthat before you can find the defendantguilty ia this case you must find and believe from the evidencebeyond a reasonable doubt that said Xmmet A. Jones, the defend& herein, re- ceived directlyor indirectlyeompensstion for such appli- cation of the insurancepolicy.” Hon. R. 0. vaterr, page 6 (0-407) The lower courtr&pad thlr charge. The defendmt arrlgaed euch refuralaa error. In holdlagthe refuul of the requertedcharge proper, the court,throughJudgaRawkim, (*cbredr “Appellant requested tb court te lnrtruct the jury that, unlerr appellant biroetly or inUmctly received com~nratien for hlr awvlcrr, thy wmd.1 acquit him. Thir char&b vaa properly refured becqrre it l@uwed on- tlrelythat part of thr imfomatlonuhlch allegedthat he had trammftted for a perron other them hlmaelfan appllcatienfor a policy ef inrurum, md had arrumed to act in negotlatlanfor inruraacrwithout the cartl- flcate of authorityto a0 do.* In vlev of our above oplnloa, to the effect that the employeon of the X Motor Company are eubject to prorecutlon rpaclflcallyunder Artl- cle 572, lupra, we deem it unnecerraryto conrlderArtlcler570 or 571, Vemmn~s Penal Code, 19251 however,we direct your attention to reveral matterr ln connectionwlth the lart two mentionedArtlcler of the Pena code. Article 570, VernontrPenal Code, 1925, pro~ldem Whoever lhall do or perfom eny of the acta or thlnge mentionedin the firrt article of thir chapter for any lnrurancecompanyreferred to ln aaid article without mch companyhaving fir& eml$ed vlth the requirementaof the 14~1 of this State, rhaJ1 be fined not lens than five hundrednor more than one thoumud dollam.* ArtJcle 568, lupra, im the “flrrt article”which ie referred to in Article 570, eupra,and lr an fol&owe: “Whoevernolicltrlnmrance on behalf of any in- aurancecompany,whether incorporatedunder the lawn of’thirr or any other State, or foreigngoveNt, or who take* or traacrmltr other then for hlaeelf,any ap- plicationfor lnoul;ance, or any policy of inrurance, to or from such company,or who advertisesor other- wise given not+ t&at he will receiveor tranemitthe a-1 or ri@l.,.+eceive or delivera policy of inour- ance of any a&h company,or who ahall examineor ln- spect any Sink, or receiveor collector tranmit any premium of lnrurance, or -kc or forward any diagram of any buildingor do any other act in the making or coneummatlngof any contractof lneuraacefor or with any such inqrance companyother than for hl@seJ.f, or who rhall examine into, or adjurt or aid in edjuetlng Eon. R. 0. Watera, page 7 (O-1307) any lorr for or on brhrlf of any ruch inrurace company, whether any of such rctr rhallbr don. et the Lnnrtancr, or by tha employment of #uch krrurum cs, or of or by say brokar or othw! perron, rhll be held to be tha agant of the company for which tha act lr done or the rlrk in taken, an far an relaterto all the requlre+entr and penaltlcrherein ret forth. Actr C. 8. 1879, p. 32." In your letteryou lt8tb that there 18 Bome doubt 86 to whether the inrurancecompanyhas compliedwith the l.aw#of this State aa required by Article 5062a, Vernon'8Civil Statutes,1925, or Article 5065, Vemon'e Civil statUte6, 1925. In thir connectionwe direct your attentionto Article 5062 which providen: "Wheneverthe Commiraioner&all have or receive no- tice or informetionof any violationof any provlnionof thla law, he Ohall immediatelyinvertlgate,or came to be invertlgated, ouch violation,and if a fire, fire and marine, marine;tornado,rent, accident,casualty,lla- bility, health,elevator,diaablllty,plate glara,bur- glary, bondlng,title, Burety or fidelityinsurancecom- psny hea violatedany of rruchprovieiona,he rhall tie- diate3.y revoke fta licenrefor not lens than three months .a nor more than 6ix month6 for the first offenre,and, for each offensethereafter,for not leea than one year; and, if any person,agent, firm or corporationlicensedby eucb Commlasioner81-a fire, fire a+marlne, marine,tornado, rent, accident,casualty,liability,health,elevator, dirabllity,plate glare, burglary,bonding,title, nurety or fidelityinruraqceagent &al& violate or caue.0 to be violatedany provl&n of thin law, he,ehall,for the fir8t offenre,have hlr licenre revokedfor all campanics for which he ham been licensed,for not leas than three months, and for the secondoffensehe &all have hi6 li- Con60 revoked for all companiesfor which he il llcenred and ahall not thereafterbe licennedfor any companyfor one year from date of ruch revocation." With referencpto Article 571, Vernon'8Penal Code, 1925, pro- vidlnu. 'Whoevervlolateranv urovirlonof the lawn of thin State reps.- latinzthe buslneno f life,.fireor marine inmurence,nhal&,where the punirhmentla not o$4?erwine providedfor, be fined not lerr than five hundred,not(nor).tiore than one thousanddollara,"(italicsours), we call attentionto that portionwhich 8ay8, "where the punishment16 not otherwireprovadedfor." In accord with our above rtated opinion,the penaltyfor unlawfuUy nolicitinginrurance,tranrmittingpoliciee,or acting in negotiationof lnrurancei6 6pecificall.y providedfor fn Arti- cle 572, wma. i- Eon. R. 0. Watern, page 8 (o-1307) It 16 our opinionthat the X Motor Company,88 nuch, would not be eubJectto peqal prosecution,but, the indivldunlwho did the prohibited act 18 eubjectto proeecutlonunder Article 572, eupra. It la=our further oplnlonthat the phraee "for direct or lndlmct compeneatlon," in Article 572, relate6 only to the act of rollcltlnglnrurence. Toum very truly Nl’ORXEXQElVEMLOFTEXM By /I/ Walter R. Koch Ualter R. Koch Aeelrtnnt By /a/ Ran-y Bhuford Iarry dhuford EB:pbp:.lm APPROVEDDEC 23, 1939 /a;/ Gerald C. Mann A!rroRNRY(IERERAL OF TEXAg APPROVED OPINION C-RE BY /a/ BUB CBAIFMAIi
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion