Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

160 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Gee. H. Sheppard Coaptrolleroi PublloAecoumts Awtlu, Texas Dear Slrr Wo are in reoeipt a, fiml.,or wrp3rati8a plae8 of amweawat, or 8e in 68lm8~tloawith the l8h a prtw in the foonnor nomy ~81~8 is offeredor i&ma to row et *aah theutr8, plaoe 0r uslaw8 enterpriw, and not igiven row there& papipe the same aha* Zr 8ay crertafn 8ervle8,oom&it or wltertaa- sant, oh8llmade 8 verifiedseathl’ J mpwt on. Zha tmntp2iti~ day of -ah math to ths CW@- trollorof YublloAdQ,IIILts M! the State of 'POXss, saawingthe WOW% of aowy so girea in pL'IW8* and the value ot all pr&ur Qr s*ards a0 gives in conaeetiionwith ruoh bustaesa Quriag the next prewdi~ month. 3.61 BormrableGee. H. Sheppard,Page g *(b) There is hereby lerleda tax equal to twentyper cant (2X@)of the valua 0r all such money, prlus;and awurds given in acmnee- tlon with the operation of eaah aad all oi‘the ioregolngbuslneseenterprises,and at the time or makbg the report to tha Coeptroller o? Fub- 1%~ Aooowts, the ouner or operatoro? any swh businessshall pay to the State Treasurer sush tax apoa the total afaoaat o? money, prizes, and .awardaso given during the next preoedfngolonth. -7IT l ” Xeepingthe above ?aots la mind and readingths statutesoara?ally,we rind that part or the statutesutfm- tied whloh requiresthat the prlss be given auay ln sonma- tion with a theatre,plaoe er afawewnt, or businassen- tarpriaa, The prlw nsoessarllybeing given to a patron, we also ?lnd that put o? the statutehas bean met. Ths only quaatlonleeitis whether or not a partloular cua+mr is ashlbitlngthe sklU neaossaryto plaae tha bullet YA a eortdn 8p00irisd pattern 1s puylng a oharge a66itiwul to that paid by other putrow of the-businessenterprise. In oar opinionhe 1s not. vi0aa~ SW no benefit la o r ulng to the operator0r the ahootinggallerytbroaghthe uot 0r a mrtlcular oustcnaer in pUcS.ng the bullet6 rithln the apsoirledpattern. Se oannet see uhera he 1s dalirorlng aore to the operatorof the ahootU.ggallerythanls tha austoiner who doss not shoot se well. Our aumrer to your qwatlon thereioreiollows,that tha tax is dae. Yoaun very truly CRL:tM COMM”TEE ATTORNEY GENERAL Or'TEXAB