OFFICEOFTHEATTORNN GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN 338 I tinned br c- I Honomble Quo. II.Sheppard COm@X'olferOf Pub118 AeaoMt(l Awtln, Texas Dear sir: * you wbmit fO? the opinion of thin %partmnt tion, rhioh we Quote rr0r r to SemattiBill Ho. MS, the Porty-Slxth.tegisla- uhether the.,texpayer ile@m or thiff4lsoowt on tha last a pafd in the went he eleet#it&o e&ion I oall your attention to Seo- lauae of lrfiiCh reads, as t@11UU6: * but in no evqnt &all the mum apply to apllt p&&& Of taxerr. ' I ala0 oaU your attentfon to Sub- aeetion (0) of Section S.* Hon. Gee. E. Sheppard,Page Z Seation 9 of the Aot under oonelderat.lon la amendstory of Article 9356, Vernon*8 Revised CIrll Statutes of 1966, being the statute allowing the payment of all taxes owing to the State and the various oountiee and politleal subdivIsionathereof upon the apllt-pament plan. The apparent purpose of thia'amndrent is to Incorporateinto this stetute the benoifts of the dlsoount for proapt paynont of taxes, fixed end allowed by Seotion 1 of the amending act, being Senate Bill Ho. 4OS, Aots, &gular Session, 46th Legislature. Subseatlon (a) ot seotlon 3 acoomplishesthis purpose by allowing the benefits of this diecount upon the last halt of auoh payment under the split-paymnt plan but not upon the first hali, in the follaring language: "(0) Ii one-half (l/2!)of suoh ad vslorem taxes have heen paid on or before Howamber thirtieth or the year in which the 8ame are assessed, the dlsaounts herein provided for shall be effeativeand shall apply to the lest halt 0r tbe ad nlosem taxea ii safd alnety (90). and thirty (30) days respeotIrel9,prior to the ilmt day of.fuly, when the atusebeooae dolioqttent as hemin pm- viaea; but ouoh disoount shall not rrpplyto the first halt of ruoh taxes Ir the aaae hare been paid on or before Honmber thirtiethof the year In uhrrhioh woh assessment Ia lad6 .* But you point oat the following aoniusing end oonflleting hnguags in the last ChII38 Of s6OtiOn 1 Of the Act inVOhd: " Provided, however, that the prorlslonsoi this s&h& shall not apply to rater inprovemnt dls- tricts, irrigationdistricts, levee districts,water eon- trol dlstrlota,end other gooernmental~ibubdirisionu. cities, towns and independentsohool dletrlats unless and until the governing body of such water 3.nprovenent districts, irrigationdl$trlota, levee districts,water control.distriots, sad other govermmatal subdlvlsions, cltfes, towns, or independentoahool distriots by ordinance, resolutionor order, shall adopt the p~ovlaions hereof; and in the event any suob water imprOVomOntdistriot, lrrlgtitlonDistrict, lefee district, rater oontrol distriot, and other governmentalsubdftisione,efty, town or lnde- pendent school dlstriet eleate to sllow so& diseomts, Zen. Gee. ::.Choi;pard, Page 3 then the govsm:og body of eeoh water iuprovmneut dietriot, irrigationai8triot, .lestee district, rater ocntrol Ciatriat,and other governmentalsubdivioio~, city, twn or indspandontschool distriot, shall have power, by‘tte ordluanee, resolution or order levying the annual tnxes, to dealgnnte the aontb8 in uhlch such dissouutm or three (g) per dent, two (%I per aent. and cme (1%) per aent respsotlvelyshell be allomed, but In no event stall the scixeapply to spilt paymmt 0r tdl(e+.~ (GZGF- 8ooring cure) You wish to be aatiaed or the errrOt 0r tua marrllmd ohuee upon the ri&t 0r a.toxpayer tc a 8ad County di8OOUX4t on Stats ad valorea taxes under subrlotloa (6). section 5, or the Aat, vhsn the qdlt-pnptent plan is followed. ii;* tMhlnl;this aImwie lo l spcolal Umitetlon or restriotlonupon au00tm3 or taxes merally atr0rdedby kot10n 3, su;uweotion(a), heninnboya quotd. rhcm pia under the so-called r?pllt-paym3ntplan. Ii thi6 be so, thur it nsoessarily.followsthat besp1t.ethe general lsxgusgeand toam OS Bub8eetlon (0). Yeotlon % Or the Aot rmder ooosiaeratioa,it la only State ad valorem taxes xLlch faU within t&e purview o? mmh subsection,80 8s to be lhued the dlswunt therein prorioed vhm the 8pli+pWWnt pin ia ieua*ea, All other tax unit6 and po3.L tiasl subdl.rislans, lnoludingoouuties still hsve the hen&it oi the 8put-jtapw Phil proriaoa in ~&i6 98s6, YO~PDOII~I Hwiw Cl~ll Statute8 or 193d, a8 emended br tha Aet .iuvolveahers, but. they.are not sntltled to the three (*I per oent trb Cbp1 pm-oeut ti one (1%) per bent dlsoouat upon the last apllt tar papent it paid nlnst~ tnstt~t of lMh l90), Olztf (601 or taittr (80) asys,'respeotlvel.y, prior to the rlxnt day of July, when they be- 00511,delinquent under euoh p&u. This holding sad construatlonlm npplled to the oounty taxes about whioh you inquire beasume in Opinion So. O-989, ;f&d;z Jum PA, 19S9, to Hon. B. Y. fMteaore, County hubitor,, G this Depertxent held that the phrtiso*other goverumentslUU "3$ lyl~i&P aa u;seain th8 aeoond santenoe 0r *&ion.1 or SrrueteB%U Eo. 4Of!, involved here. providing for UiScouut in the prompt payasnt of ad valorem taxea, ues not intended by the ~&k&ktwe to bo lirlted ln its applioatlonto other goverumentelrubalvielons0r a sharaoter girdlar to those expresslyname4 .previowly Sn the Act, but the t6m tan us24 in it6 brosaer siguirioan0e80 es to Jmoludeeouxtieb and omanonsohool aiatriots. But we do not meen to 8ay by this opln.%on that a ta%pYeX m]r psy and a tax aollaotor reoeivs Stats ad valorex taxes aitparrt- county ad valore?a taXEE, for the pulpoae of avoidlr,Fthe diacrImI- nation u&e by the i+i~l&tum betwean the two kind6 or ta*ea in ra~ard to dlsoount6. To allow the payment, undar any olrizuaatanooa, of State ad valorom taxes separatelyfrom aounty ad raloreaitax66 and other taxes upon the uaneml tax rolls of a county, not within Artlolt?XWie, Revised Civil Etatutsa, allowing aeparata payment, would dlaturb not only your long-atandin(r, adm~nlstratlrerula, promulgated under ArtIola 4344, RevIaed Civil Statutes,and uphe& in prinolpla, by t&e oaae of %xuard r. Thompson, Z61 9. *..81? but would ba oontwry to a rettent opinion qf this department. 4ha opinion adverted to ie HO. O-1262, dlreetad to Ron. J. P. Bryan, Coun- ty Attorney, Braaorla Courity,Texas, and holding that, under the statutes and decllsions,a taxpayer muat pay at one and the 86~ tlmo all Stats and oounty ad valor- ~axaa aaaeaaod upon the cow&~ tar rolls against anyona partloularplaoe of property, sad will sot ba allowed to pey only hl6 Stats ad ralore~ tax66 on tha data firad by otatute for allow~naa of a dlasount, and Later pay his oounty ad valorarmtaxes, on *hIoh no dlaoouut Is allowed by the Coniaaion- ara’ Court, at the usual taxpaying the In January. A aopy of this opinion has been forwardadto you, and this will obviate the nao- eaalty of further dlocuaaIoaof thla quastIan. W6 fully reoognlre that this laads to the anwmlow result of saying that a taxpayer who dosIrs the benatite of the split- payment plan, with dlaoounte , on Stats aa aloraa taxes, by payment thnraoi within the ti#aean6 In tho manner provided by Artlala 9336, VS~XOII~SRe~laed Clrll Etatutaa of 1936, as aaumded by Senate Bill Ho. 402, hate, Hagular SaaaIo~, 46th Le&islature,lauatnaverthaleaa at the atma tlae pay oounty ad valorem taxes even though he Is allowd frodlaoount thereon, but is allowe suoh dlaaount only as to btata tuaa. But with the WIS&JM of thf6 le@al.atAon,wa hara no oonoeln. It is the provlnoe of this Department to oonstrue tha law as written. 'irustingthat ths foregoing fully answers your question, we am Yours very truly ATi’ORSlEY CERRRAL OF TXAS Pks?zR APPROVEDOCT13, 1939
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion