Honorable Gee. II. SheDDard
ComptrolleFof Public‘bccounts
Austin, Texas
Dear Sir: Opinion No. O.-l099
Re: Is the $50 .OO pald in by‘manu'fac-
turers of headlighting equipment
for each hsadlight~~devicesub-
mitted appropriated for the use
of the Unlverslty of Texas
Your request for the opinlon.of~thls departmetito&the
question of whether or not'the $50.00 .paid in by manufadturers
of h&iidllghtingequipment for each headlight device submitted
for approval Is appropriated for the use and beriefitof the
University of Texas in testing the headlight equipment has
been received.
As you point out in'youtiletter of July 8, this find
lntb 6xistence Under an act ijfthe Leglelatu*e'~in1925
and is codified in Vernon's Annotated TtixasStatutes iihlegts-
latfon under Article 6701, SectLon_.
5 reading as follows:
'Any person; fflrmor 'dotiporation
may submft
to the State Highway Cotilssion a lens; reflector
or headlight control device intended to make a
tieadllghtcomply vith the provlsions of this Act,
and make application that the same be tested as
to conformXt:tg
with the requirements of this Act.
Upon such'~appl.lcation
being made, the State Hlgh-
way Commlsslon shall, upon notice to the applicant,
submit such lens, reflector or headlight control
device to the testing agency as herein designated
with the request that such device be tested as tb
conformity with the requirements of this Act. Each
such applicant shall, upon the filing of his appli-
cation, pay to the State Highway Coimnissiona fee
of fifty dollars. All such fees shall be paid by
th8 State Highway Commission into the State Trea-
sury, and they shall be deposited In a fund to be
known as the Highway Light Test Fund, and the State
Treasurer shall keep such fund separate. The mon-
eys in such fund; or so much of them as may be
necessary, shall be used to meet the expense of
Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, page 2 O-1099
the tests as herein provided, and for such use
they are hereby~appropriated, and the balance
thereof, If any, shall be paid into the State High-
way Fund. Moneys in the Highway Light Test Fund
shall'be spent under the directlon of the State
Highway Commlsslon, and may be spent only to de-
fray the expenses of testing by the testing agency
herein provided for."
This Section Constitutes a valid appropriation, but of course,
it was effective for two years only.'~Constitution of Texas,
Art. VIII, Section 6. Atkins vs. State Highway Department,
201 S.W. 226.
Your letter states that the question arises as to
whether the general approprlat1on appropriating money for th8~
HIghway Department also makes a specific appropriation fdr'the
use of this Highway Light Text Fund for the Us.8.Of-theUnlver-
sity~of T8XaS. In an opfnlon dated May 3, 1938',to-.Hon.
Julian Montgomery, State HIghway Department, Assistant Atto@
ney Gen8ralW.B'. Pope held'that the duty of supervlslng 'and
approving lenses-and reflectors under.ArtLcle 6701 had b-88i----
~traiisferredtotheDepartment of Public Safety atthe~t%me'th4t
department vas'created by act."ofthe Legislamre. Upon inv-es-
tigationof-the departmental appropriations mad8 by tti8&5th
LegIsIature; we fir&that. non epeclfic~~appro'prlation
lh shy bill for th8 use of-this'Highway LLight~Test Fund.--It
Is ther8forethe opinfon of~'thF‘s:department that the mdney
paId into-this find-isnot now appropriated for ~tb8 use of
the University of Texas In testing the headlight equipment.
Yours very truly
By s/Ross Carlton
Ross Carlton
APPROVED J-t%26, 1939
s/W. F. Moore
Approved Opinion Committee By s/TDR Chairman