OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Ronorabls cbmrley LmMkart Stats Traaaurer Austbx, Tl3xEs Dear Sir: 68BWldd by 88Xl&8 84i 46th Lsgl816tUra. .%areoei9oU , raquestlng our qbinioa a8 to 'wðer aseoc iatlons EM scmrptfrom the pa evied by Artidle rc47*, Iis9lsad a9 ta Bill x0. t4, b6th Leqlslnture. y of a tax or Texi(106) cents tar the rim Two matbed ecured by liens rk’s offioe, this stat&e then 1 not apply to instrunlcnt8, note3 n behalf of the flnltodStatea cr tr any amporate agemy or infdmztentality of the hste of Texee in oarrying out the exprewdd in any eat of the Oougreas 0r the Legfalatureof the ,Pt&e of Texa&" “(a) Creation;dlreotore, The beard 1s htreby auth- or5,zsdaad bfraatod to oreate a eorporatlonto bs lrnow 8s the Home Owners* Luau Corporation,dich shall bs 81)' non. Chcrley Lockhart, ?age .? lnstrumentelltyof the United It&es, which shell have aut,borityto sue end to be sued in any murt of competent jurisdlotlon,f'ederalor State, and w.ich ehali be under the direction of the Beard and operated by It under such by- ieva, rules, and .regulatlonsae It cay prescribe ror the aocampllshmentof the purposes and intent of this section. The members of the ijoardshall constitute the &era or Directors of the Corporation and s!:allserve as such directorswithout additional cozponsation." Subdlvialon !o) of Sr.ctlon1483 provides that: "The bonds issued by the Corporationundnr this sub- seatlon shall be exempt, both as to principal and interest, from ail taxation (exuspt surtaxes, estate, inberltanoa, end gift taxes) new cr hereafter im;msed by the ialted States or a:~.y District, xerritory,dependency,or possession thereof',or by any Ltate, county, municipality,or local taxing authority. The Corporation,Including its fr&hise, its eapltal, reserves and surplus, and ite losns and LIpoox.8, ehail lirewise be exempt from such taxation; except that any real property oi the Corporationshall be sub&at to taxation to tho same extent, according to its value, as otter real property.18taxed. . .N Tbe drganiaatlonof Federal Satin@and Loan Aseoolations is authorizedby Subdi9ision (a) OS Section 1464, U.S.C.A., which reads as followa: *(a) Gr,:anixation authorized. In order to proolde 10~61 mutual thrift Institutionsin which people wy invest their funds an& in order to provide~forthe l'inaneing of bomes,'theBosrd is authorized, und(!rsuoh rules and re- gulations.ssit xay prescribe, to provide for the organlma- tion, incorporation,examination,operation,and regulation of aasoaiatlonsto be known as 'Federal&~in(;s and Loan &socIations,v and to issue charters tbarsror,givFng primary considerationto the best practices of looal mutual thrift end home-finanalnginetitutionsin the United States-" Subdlvislon (2) or said Section 1464 reads 88 tollowe: n(f) Aesoolaticnsas members of 2ederel I!c~me Loan hank. :ach such association,upon its incorporotlon,shall be- Crtgage lnstrume~tstaken by it. The question thus left tor our dateruinationlo whether under the terms of the State statute lostrumentataken by such ltlonsare subject to the tax. The fact that Subdlvlelop (k) ;lon 1464, U.S.C.A., provide8 that such assoclatloneua$be ,d as flaoal agenta of the Government and xay also atitaa for other lnstruuentalitlesof the United Stattt3,when *ted to act In said capaoltiesby the proper authorities, m to oonolnde that the Congress of the United State8 did not ar .tbatsuch as6ooiatlonswould. generally be lnstruuentalltle~ Ita ot the Uited States In the periormeneeof their usual ms. This view is strengthenedby the fact that the l&me 1 I.wp Corporationis expresslydeolared .to'beatiinstrument- >i the Cnlted States, and..withoutany llmltatlonbeing &wed 1, and by the dlftarenotsmade in the matter of exemptlone ixatlon. Fhlle in your question you rpeak OS Federal Bulldlug and woelatlons, we aseume that you have reiertnoe to Federal I and Loan ksaoclatloneand answer your.questlonin the nega- This answer requires urnto overrule an opinion written June 10, ,p HonorableH. L. Hllllford,Asslatant Attorney General, to mtt S. &ages, Aseletant County Attorney of Galveston, Texas. '.., Yours very truly A'i'TOEBXYY%ALOF TEXA3 0 Glenn R. Lewis Assistant APPROVED OPINKm COMMn-rEE ~%iz%~