TIEBEATRMXRNEY GENERAL GERALDC.MANN AURT~N m.X%x~s HonorableDon D. Parker CountyAuditor EastlandCounty Eastlaud,Texas Dear Sir: OpinionNo. O-1073 Be: Transferof scholastics niih- in the county--Countysuporin- tendenthas no disoretionif proper applicationfiled. Viesrein receiptof your letter of June 27, 1939, in which you 'sub- mit the folloflngquestionto this departmeatfor an opinion: "If parentswish to tmusfer their childrenfrom one districtto another districttithe same county,aud make the properwrittea applicationto the Comfy Sohool Superintendent,is it optionalor mandatorywith the County School~Superintendent to either appliove or disapprovesuoha traus- Per?" Prior to the 1925 revisicm,Artiole 2760, RevisedCivil Statutes, 1911, provided: “Art. 2750. APPLICATIONOF PARENT OR GUARDIAN.,Any child lawfullyen- rolled in aqy district,oi.iudependent ds$.t+&t,_ be transferredto the enrollmentsof any other~district, 3 or independeu dietriot,intie same countyuponthe writtenapplicationof the parent or guardianor person having the lawful aontrolof suoh child,filed with the county superin- tendeut;but no child shall be transferredmore than once$ providedthe party making applioationfor transfer'shall state in said applioation that it is the bona fide intentionof applioautto send ohild to the sahool to which transferis asked. Dpon the transferof any child,its portionof the schoolfunds shall follow and be paid over tothe district, or independentdistrict,to which such ohild is transferred;providedno transfershall be made after August first, after the enrollmentwas made." Dated April 2'7,1920, letterbook, vol. 235, page 932,,thisdepart; ment renderedau opinionto Miss Aunie Webb Rlauton,State Superintendent of Publlo Instruction,construingthe 1911 statuteinwhioh it was held that the weld "may"was used in a mandatorysense and shouldbe oonetrued the ssme as "shall." The State Superintendent being dissatisfiedwiththe foregoingopinionrequestedthatthis departmentreoonsider~its former cmstruotion ad in responsethereto,the AttorneyGeneral*sOffice issued its conferenoeopinionNo. 2444,Vol. 57, page 303, dated July 29, 1922, Hon. Don D. Parker, page 2 (O-1073) mitten by AssistantAttorney General, BruceWe Bryant,intichthe auth- oritieswere thoroughlyreviewed3and it was heldthat the word "may" as used in the 1911 statutesshouldbe construedas "shall"and mandatory. Therefore,upon applicationfor transferbeing properly.filedwithte OOU~QV superintendent,he had no discretionin the matter and the transfershould be granted. Article 2760 was carried intothe 1926 revisionas Article 2696, and the first sentenceuas changedto read: "AZ@?child lawfullyenrolledin any distrlot,or independentdistrict,ma atthe disoretioaof the county superintendent -3 l- be transferredto the enro ment of any other district . . ." l@ Acts 1935, 44th Legislature,page 488, oh. 201, Article 2696, R.C.S. 1925, nas amendedto read as follous: "Any child lawfullyenrolledin aq districtor iadepeadentdistrict,may by crder of the coon* superintendent, be transferredto the enrollmentof q other disttiotor independentdistrictin the same countyupon a writ. ten applioatioaof the parent or guardianor persoa.having la&u1 control of suoh child,filed with the oounty superintendent; povided that any dis- triot or indepeadentdistriotbeing dissatisfied with enyfransfer madeby the countysuperintendent may appeal frcrmsuch action to the countyboard of -tees of said countyuho shall have the right to annul and cancel the Wansfer allowedby 4he oounty superiatendsnt. "The applioaatshall state in said applicationthat it is his bona fide in- tentionto send said child to the schoolto which the transferis asked. "Uponthe oertifioatioa of the transferof ruqrchild,from one districtto anotherdistrict,by the county superintendent of the oounq inwhich the child residesat the time of the transfer,the State Departmentof Rduoati- on shall authorizethe Stats Treasurerto pay over directlythe per capita apportionmen%, in independentdistriotsof five hundred (500) or more scholastic: population', to the districttoahioh such childis transferred;and in all other diatriots,.;.to county superintendents,to be paid iy him to the respectivedistriotstowhich such childrenare transferred3provided,ao transfershallbe made after August 1st." In a letter opiniondated &y 18, 1938, writtenby AssfstaatAttorn- ey CaneralU. J. Kemp, letter book 381, page 572, the oonferenceopinionby Mr. Bryantwas followed,it belag pointedout that the "wordingof the presentstatutehas not changedmateriallyfrom that of-thestatuteunder consideration ia the opinionof Mr. Rryant,"and the statutelairs held to be mandatory. A similar opinionwas nritten by Dr. Xemp dated August 6, 1938, letterbook 30~2*page 603. A oontraryopinion,ho'scver, WM renderedoa &W-oh 20, 1936, to Mr; Oliwr E. Pape, by the Ron. Joe J. &sup, letter book 371, nage 292, holdingthat it uas disoreticnary withthe aoun~ super- intendentas to "hethor atransfer shouldbe made. Hon. Don D. Parker,page 3 (O-1073) We are infonaed-thatthe Departmentof Educationhas followedthe opinionby Mr. Kemp, and has placeda similaroonstruction upon Article 2696, the constructionand applicationbeing that the transfershould be made upon proper applicatioabeing filedwithitithe requiredtime, subject to being set aside by the County Board of Trustees,if within their judg- ment, the transfer shouldnot have been made. Taking into considerationthe 1935 Pmendnent of Artiole 2696, prior opinionsby this Department,and their appllcatioa.bytheDepartneutof Ed- uoation,we are of the opinionthat such departmemtalconstructionshouldbe follonedr The opiniondated March 30, 1936, addressedto Mr. Alvin E. Pape appearingin letter book 371, page 292, is hereby overruled. It is our opinionthat if parentswish to transfertheir children from one districtto anotherdistrictin the same countyand make the properwritten applicationto the countyschool superintendent, it is mandatorythat the countysuperintendent make such transfers,subjectto be aetssideupon appealto the countyboard of schooltrusteesof said county,as providedin Article 2696,Revised Civil Statutes,1925. Yoursvery truly ATTOREEYGEW OF lEXAS By /s/Ceoil C. Csmaok Cecil C. Camiaok ,,CCC:pbp:cgar Assistant APPROVEDJDLY 12, 1939 /s/W. F. Moore FIRSTASSIST&ET APPROVED ATTOFLNEY GENERAL OpinionComnittee ByREF Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion