Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN r;rtiole 0, 2ectioa5; of the Condltutlon oi Wxaa yn+ovMeritb7.t'no zaoneyshill be Crown ~~OIZthe 'Zressury bnt ;a qu-suancsof s;taciMaa;l,gropriet&%xs ~~cieby lnw." In the aam of IZcnion y. Lookha%, r;t.ate ?raawIrer, 114 E.L (2) 2l6, the traasurarhnd plaaad oortalnixaeyc in the %i.%eti RevanuaZua& oi the state aad ths aotioniraaune or m to aoqel tha treaaurarto pay tk03 naount tllexeor ta the xd.r;:or.ho :;a0tcr a-On; tho opiaion or tb? aqu-elm court aa follotYG: "(2). I t 1s ahorsn that xeepondent, l&Qt- the opinion rsnsderod inl: on by the ?Atorney 2xB?ral,depmd- ._ thla . .fwzMy - in tp3 @seral ._ Ee in goad raith depositedsuoh money qulroo that it be appropriatedby the Legis- .&mdrt&n eocordanaswith the pravi.rSons of seation6 OS artlale8 of the Conatltutlon. ll.espan4eut does not now hme ln his passes- aion suoh f&&s, and, themfan, hs is un- able,without an not ol the Le&laturs, to pay 8a33 to those altitledtharclto.RaYlag aontplbdwsitihthe advbe of the Attorney Oeaernl,in maktnaeuoh transfer of funda, it wcul0 lx~botibunjuotand unfairto ullfer- take bywrltafman@oraastoooqmlthe troaaurextopnythLBaraountormDlMpout of !llopemonal furdo. Itwas 0ontxnrytQ len for tSe fando to be depositedin the revenue?u.nd,as was Gone, hut they fgm3arr:l hslvegasawlbeyond the oo?ltmlof the treasurer,and it is now bnjm68UaleSor the txecarrerto pay to reln**ca tie amountof funds so CeposPtedwith hU.7 xt 3.sp?ixhape not out of place for UB to pd.nt out 172 Gi?L:FL