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Eon. %kUriOS ALZlock, Page 2
,'In viaw of ths ahove mentioned Sact situation you
submit Sbr the opinion OS this ~cpart.vient the qusstion set
out in the’ caption hor.eoS, which we have quoted from your
firticle 3788, Fwviced Civil statutes of Texss, 1925,
*Cboct an exaoution egal0s-t the prroj.:erty OS any person
is ismwd to sn-officer, ha Ohal. ;:rocecd Y;ith0ut delay to
levy tha 3wit3 uporl tim p370rtg of the deSendaht hot exempt
fro13 excoutionc uu2esis CithW~?Jj.sQdirGCtCd by ylnintiSS,
11% a;l,ert, OI' ~al;torney." (Uadersood.ng 0~~5)
lrU'ti.CleS 3789, 3790 GDd 3793, r\CWh3Sd civil GtatiJtGEl
Cl 33xu3, 1925, provide far the ~rocedurc ,t,o .be Sollwmd by the
orlY.cer exctt~iti~ the writ of, execution, iihd p0lht Out ho\Vthe
QffiCfx shall levy the wl”l.t on ran1 proJrsrty or pereoml property
OS the defendact, iS any.
WSha.sld an 0fSioer fell or rafwe to ‘levy upon or .Sell
hny.‘prsprty subdeot to axeoution, wiieh ths eam’r&ht have
been done, he aid his suratlos ~!i!ral.lbe liable to the party
entitled to receive the money oolleatod on 3uCh QXeCutiOh
for the SulJ amunt OS ,t.he debt, interest cind eostn, to be
recorersd oh rzntion before We cou,rt fro.? Aloh soid eX%CU-
tion issued, Sive days srevloua notice thereof beitg given
to ~nid offJ.cer ard’his sureticb.”
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In your 1etlor you ~Cnte t!mt tlro.-;lro.wrtyt todt, oil
and gos~leaeehold estate, vkxlah &ha plaintii’f has dtimnded. that
the shartff lory on 1.8 not ownad by ‘%?;a dnfondailt in sxucutibn
but otl thrc contrary is owmd by third prtioti rat named ir! the
juQ,m3at OX cxe;eaution* ;;s are tkmcfom of ~tho opiufoa .tbat
the demnd of tl:e plaintiff io unr&xmnablo and not sauotioned
by low &WI should nnt be ruspmted by tk:;c shwif'f. 4'lroaman On
m3Outi0ni3, 3000~d aa:tk052, 123~63 m3, :imti0~ 100.
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