Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. n. I. 131edooe Guunty astornay Prlbddi0 county Ilrrfs, %x66 i Dum tsirr ,r’ \ Fr. R. I. Blsdsos, Page 2 Rational Guard and the National Guard Rs- SBTlW, or sn 0trt00r of the Crrioers Rs- serve Corps of the IkLted State8 or aa on- listed man in the Or&mized Reservei oi the VnnitcdStates; or retired ofrioers 0.fthe -UnitedStates Army, llavkand Karins oorps and retired Warrant OrfIO8+Psand retired enlistedmen or the United States Aphy, Navy, and Zarine Corps irow holding in o~Jum#tiOa with such 0rric0 any othsr 0mc?.'or position or honor, trust or prorit, uhder thb state or the united Statea, or rram voting et any eleotlon; general,.speolalor pr5Illary 'in this state when otherwise qualiried. (Seation 40, Artlole 16, adopted eleotion Xovallber8, 1932.)" Ii a persori5.8eleoted or appointed to if11 two inconsistent0rrl0e8, his qualirloation0r the seoond oper- ates in law as a resignation or the rirst otiias rorwhioh liequalitied,whloh thereby beoomes vaaant, State vs. Rrinkerhofr,66 Tex. Reports 45, 17 -'??109;Rx Parts Call, 2 cr. R, 497. In the oase or Thorn8 et al vs, Abernathy County ISne IndependentSchool Diatriot, 290 $W 152, the court held that oneperson muld not hold both orrices or school trustee and aldesman or the olty, even though the office of sahool trustee~wasnot ah office or emolument, es the duties of the two orrices were lncaapatlbleone to the other. Artiole 2076, Revised Civil Statutes or Texan, provides for the eleotlon of rive county school trustees eleoted frasl the oount~, one or whom shall be eleoted rrom the OoWty at large by the qualiriedvoters or the oommon end CoasoIidatedIndependent sahool districts or the oounty and one fioineaoh oowisstoner~s precinct by ths qualiried voters of each oomtissloner*spreainot, eto. Artiole 2677, Revised Civil Statutes or'Texas, provfdes that the eom- ~izsloners* court shall cmnvass the resulta of au& eleo- tion. iifiicle2687, Revlsed,CioilStatutes or Texas pm- vides that each county sohoolY.trustse shall be?paid three dollas pOx day, but not sxoeeding thirty-sixdollars la any oae sp~ex,for the time spent in attending metlags, out of the Cemmal Pund or the oounty by warrant drawa OE order Ron. R. P. 3ledsoe~ Pa@ 3 af the ocasalsaioners*court aftor approve1 of tke ac- aamt, properly sworn to, by ths president of t!m aounty sohool trustees. Article 3688, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, providee that all appools irc%sthe deolslon of the aounty auparintendentof publlo'instructionshall lie to th8 ooul)tyboard ot sohool trustees. eta. Articles 2725; 2808, 2741 2742b, 2622, 2226, 2S28, 2782, 2787, 2746a, 2677 and +Hor articles, Of the Revised Civil Statutes of '?exssdool rith thQ VtdOUE relations of the cce&sslonersv~corlrttc the nohool sya- tans of ths aounty. On Xay Oth, A. D. 1929, this departmentheld in sn orinlon written by hon. Anthony Wtnlscnlao, Assls- tsnt Attoraey Ceneeel, that one person should not hold the orrices Or county oomla iouer and sohool Crudtee, as these offioes were lnoomp,.tibleand ttit the aoosptanoa of the seoond oftlae :;a8a.resIgnetioaof the first. Tbo%ofoore,you ars respectfullyadvised that It ia the opinion of this dupartment that one person may not legally serve es county oommissionar aad as county soho Wustes iitthe sare the. Tmh&g t!kt this armmers pour lnyxiry, wa am’ Very truly yours ApPROVEDti 26, 1239 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS