Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN / Honorable George G. Roan4 County irttorneg goartBand County Riohmond, Texas Dear Sir: lowrr I Oourt "Does the Cosmlesi Uountr hew euthority omobilee for the use of coTmisafon4rs oial buaioass?N oi tkm opinion that the Corn- ting under the Oensral Road ut in Title 44, Vol. I, of mpowered or authorized to buy r the aounty ta be used by rmanw of their dutti38 ~8 COUntp oper%te uk:er agaoial for a mor4 detailed zzminteaanceof road4 in Such count,ies. In ati lnetanaes these speoial road lewe provide for the purchrtweczd >eyment of various k',ndsof aqui;.ment,fneLudirE:pick-ups, ato. 1% ia our understnodlng t&t your county operate6 under the GaUiPr~l maw, and th.eGeneral Law umkes no ;~ovisioq for the paynwmt of aacounte or erpnses incurred b,y aoannissloneraarhiieual~g their own private outomobl~lesin oonneation wit.3their budiwes Ron. Gee. C. Rome, Zsge P l;~OOWI~~ COL+DX&Z~O~QX,nor does it *&Q any prwlhon~.~iOCr the ~urohase of autombil~s or pick-ups for the county, to SC ~33~5by the ccsmty coxnlssioners in the conduct of their office. 48 you state tbit you hme a oopy of our OpMon 1J0.O-752, we ~332siotsenbiw you a copy of Ban@. Tm.sti!q that this 8atisfaOtOrily rm~rB y0Ur inquiry, we %?a3