June 24, 1939 Honorable B. M. Whlteacre OVBRRDLED'byo-6124 County Auditor, Grayson County in part. Sherman, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-980 Re: Allowance of discount authorized by Senate Bill 402, 46th Legis., in the absence of authorization by the governing body of counties, common school districts,or lnde- pendent school ,distrlcts. By your letter of June 12, 1939, you asked the opinion of this Department upon the following question: "Does the discount authorizedby Senate Bill 402 apply to County Ad Valorem Taxes without the authorizationof the Commissioners'Court and to Common and IndependentSchool Districts without the authorizationof each school board or set of trustees?" Section 1 of Senate Bill No. 402, Forty-sixthLegislature provides as follows: "All taxpayers shall be allowed discounts for the payment of taxes due to the State and all govern- mental and political subdivisionsand taxing districts of the State, said discounts to be allowed under the following conditions: (a) three (3%) per cent dls- count on ad valorem taxes due the State or due any governmentalor political subdivisionor taxing district of the State, If such taxes are paid ninety (90) days before the date when they would otherwl~se become delinquent; (b) two (2$) per cent dlscount~ on ad valorem taxes due the State or due any govern- mental or polltlcal subdivisionor taxing dlstrlct of the State if such taxes are paid sixty (60) days before the date when they would otherwise become de- linquent; (c) one (1%) per cent discount on ad valorem .. . Hon. B. M. Whlteacre,page 2, O-980 taxes due the State or due any governmentalor political subdivisionor taxing district of the State, if such taxes are paid thirty (30) days be- fore the date when they would otherwise become delinquent. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to water lmprove- ment districts, irrigationdistricts, levee dis- tricts, water control districts and other govern- mental subdivisions,cities, towns and Independent school districtsunless and until the governing body of such water Improvementdistricts, irriga- tion districts, levee districts,water control districts, and other governmental subdivisions, cities, towns, or Independentschool dlstrlcts by ordinance, resolutionor order, shall adopt the provisions hereof; and in the event any such water Improvementdistrict, irrigation district, levee district, water control district, and other governmentalsubdivisions city, town or Independentschool distrlct'ele&s to allow such discounts, then the governing body of each water Improvementdistrict, Irrigationdis- trict, levee district, water control district, and other goverhmentalsubdivisions city, town or independentschool district, shail have power, by tk ordinance,resolution or order levying the annual taxes, to desi ate the months in which such discounts of three 'I" 36) per cent, two (2$) per cent, and one (1s) per cent respect- ively shall be allowed, but In no event shall the same apply to split payment of taxes." You will observe that the Act expressly provides that the provisions of Section 1 shall not apply to independent sdhool districts unless and until the governing body of such independentschool districts,by ordinance,resolution or order, adopts the provisions of the Act. Since the Board of Trustees of the Independentschool district, Is, by statute, given the power to levy and cause to be collected ad valorem taxes for maintenance and for the pruchase, construction, repair or equipment of public free school buildings within the limits of the di.strlct,and for the purchase of the necessary sites therefor, it Is clear that such board of school trustees for the district is the governing body referred to by the Act, and that the provisions of the Act are not effective unless and until adopted by such governing body. We are of the opinion that the phrase "other governmental subdivisions",as used In the second sentence of Se&Ion 1 of Senate Bill 402, was not intended by the Legislature to be Hon. B. M. Whlteacre,Page 3, O-980 limited ln Its applicationto other goverznental subdivision of a character similar to those districts expressly named lmmedlatelybefore such words are used In the Act, but we think It was the intention of the~Leglslatureto use such term In Its broadest significance,so as to include such governmentalsubdivisionsas counties and common school districts. It follows that the provisions of Section 1 of Senate Bill 402 are not applicable to counties in respect to their ad valorem taxes unless and until adopted by the Commissioners'Court, the governing body of such county. In respect to common school districts,you will observe that Article 2784, R. S. 1925, makes the Commissioners'Court of the county the governing body of the common school districts In such county, Insofar as the power to levy and cause to be collected the annual ad valorem taxes In such common school districts is concerned. Where the function of governing such governmentalsubdivisionsIs thus divided between two govern- ing bodies, it is evident that the Intention of the Leglslat- ure must have been that that governing body which Is charged with the duty and which has the power to levy and causesto be collected the ad valorem taxes shall be the governing body which shall adopt or reject the provisions of Section 1 of Senate Bill 402. You are, therefore, advised that as and when the Commis- sioners'~Courtadopts the provisions of Section 1 of Senate Bill 402, with respect to ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in common school districts within the county, the provisions of Section 1 of Senate Bill 402 will become effec- tive without the action or assent of the board of trustees within the particular common school district. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY RWF: pbp:rlt:aa /s/ R. W. Fairchild Assistant APPROVED JUN 24, 1989 /s/ Gerald C. Mann A!E'ORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS APPROFED Opinion Committee BY /s/Bw CbX
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion