OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN oIu&m0.MANN ,~*-- Honorable James E. Kflday, Director Motor TransportationDlvislon Railroad Co~lssion of Texas Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Station being between ZHXIyerda apart on key and one cmd'one- ;a apart oa enother r letter of June 9, 1999, is8 of Bryan and GolLoge t there ia a dlstama or per to Gollego Station proper, been extended suoh that now ne-hs1r pilss betneen the oitp 06 on hlgbway IJo.6 (new highway) and 800 and SO0 yards between the aity' on highway Ro. 5 (old highway); You here are oetiain aotoi rshloles uarqlng now operating regularly aver said twe hl@k our opinion aa to whether~or not the Rall- mad Coirmirslon would bavq jarisdlationover such nmtiorVehiOl88 and whether the operators thereor nmat obtain aertirioatss0r oonlrenisnae and neoesslty from end bo regulated eeoopdingly by the Railroad CommZss~on. fctiale 911-a, Revl~ed Cltll Statutes,provides for Honorable James E. Klldoy, P, ge 2 tho regulation of motor buses by the RaIlroad Cormnlsslon. Seotion l-o of sold Artiols 911-a reeds es follows: “(0) The term ‘Motor Bus Cornp~~y~ when used In this Act (Artiole 911-a; P. C. .1590-s) means every corporation or persons as herein defined, thslr lessees, trustees, reoelvecs, or trustees nppointed by any court whatsoever, owning, oontrolllng, op- erating, or managing any motor propelled passenger vehicle, not usually operated on or over ralla, and engaged In the business or transportlag persons r0r compensation or hire over the pub110 hIF)lwaya within the Stats of Texas, whether opcratina, over fixed routes or fixed schedules, or otherwise; provided further, tk~:t the term Wotor Bus Company’ as used In thlo kot (krtlole 911-n; P. C. 1590-a) shall not, Include oorporztions or persons, their lessees, trustees, or re- oelvers, or trustees 2ppoInted by any oourt $yheteoever, inoofar as thop 0x5, oontrol, operate, or aYclnagemotor propelled passenger vehlola? operated wholly within the limits of any incorporated town or city and the sub- urbs thereof, vihether seporotely inoorporated or otherwise.” Seotlon 4-a of sald Artiole 911-a reads as follows: “(a) The Coemisr:lon la hereby Vested *’ with power end authority, and It is hereby made Its duty to supervise and regulate the publio servioe rendered by every motor bus oompany operating over the hlshwuys In this State, to rlx or approve the maximum, or minimum, or zaxlnum and mlnlmum, rares, rates or charges of, and to prescribe all rules 2nd regulations necessar.; for the CoverTslent or, each motor bus company; to prescribe the routes, schedules, servioe, and safety oi operations of each such motor bus company; to ooqulre the riling or auoh , . Honorable James E. Klldsy, Page 3 annual or other reports and or such other data by suoh motor bus company as the Com- mlaslon may deem necessary,* Seotlon 4-b or said Article 911-a rends as hollows: “(b) The Commlsnion le hereby vested with authority to supervise, oontrol and regulate all terminals ii motor bus oom- penles, Inoludlng the location of taollltles and charges to be made motor bus oompanlec ror the uss of such terminal, or termlnl; provided, th*>t the Co:~~IscIoa shall have no authority to Interfere in any way wlth valid oontracts exlstinq between motor bus oom- panics nnd the owner or owners of motor bus terminals at the time of the passage of this Aot. (Article 911-a; F. C. art. 1690-a)” Seotlon 5 of said ArtIole 911-a reads in part as r0n0ws: "sec. 5. No motor-bus oompsnp shall hereafter regularly operate for the trans- portation or persons as passengers ror oom- pensatlon or hire over the public hi&ways or thle State without rlrst having obtained rrom the Cb!nmisr.lon under the provlelons or this Act (..irtIole 911-a; P. C. art. 1690-a); s oertlrioate or permit deolaring that the pub110 oonvenienoe and neoessity requl re such operetlon; . . .” There la 50 need for the purposes of this opinion to oop~ further rrom the above statute. It Is evident from the quotetlons which ~;e have given tbt the fiellrond Commls- sion is vested with authority to supervise and regulate the public servloe rendered by every motor bus oon~any operating over the hIr;hways in this sthter Seotlon l-o of said Artlole 911-a Cerlres the term %oC,or Bus Company." Brierly it in- oludes every person or corporation operating any motor pro- pelled passsnEer vehicle except railroads and engaged in the business of transporting percons for compensation or hire . . Honorable Jamae E, Kilday, Paje 4 over the pub110 hr’ghways Of thls state. There Is exoepted from this deflnitlon those whloh are opemted wholly wlthln the llmlts of any lnoorporated town ar olty and tha suburbs thereof, whether separately incorporated or otherwise. Prom the taots v:hloh ym submit to US there 1s a short strip on eaoh of the hlghwaye connectln~ these two cities which 1s not within the oorporate Units of either of them and over w’loh motor vehlolea carrying passenger& ror hire &re now opsrttlng regularly. Howver short a pleoe or highway my be, jurlsdlctlon 1s given by the statute to the Railroad Commiadon to regulate the operation thereon of motor ve- hloles oarrylng passengers for hire unless such hlghway be within the limits of er incorporated tom or olty and the suburbs t!; meof. Our answm to your question 1s an affirmative one. Your6 very truly ATTOiiIiEYG’?SZikt 0,” T2WS By kd- Glenn ic. Lewis Assistant CRL: FL APPROVEDJW24, 1939