OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Kla Pike County Attorney Hartley County Dalhart, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. 0-M lcdependent ec ;:‘e have your lette uesting our oplnlon upon a question stated in sub Kay the Coun rusteea transter territory rrom one let to another independect school fer la opposed by the trusteee of th riot iroE which such territor.y is majority of the qu from one school dlstrlct and ,and further ProvldlnE for the s an? uelng, the latest legislative is controlling under the facts set s statute among other things provides as follows ded further that before any portion of any any part thereof detached an election shall be held at uhich the qualified t&x ;~ayin~: voters oi such district sou&t to be divided shall first vote by a n;ajorlty vote to divide said district and shall define the part of said orlsinal district sdu@t to be detached;” Tze lax pertaining to your question is fully~\ALBGU3SBd Lr our opinion X0. O-275, written by ilonorable Cecil C. Cammck, Fionorablo i-iilliaz J. R. Wng and t&is writer, addressed to h‘onOr- able Gilbert Smith, County Attorney, Jones County, Uson, Texas, and approved in conference by this Dopartnent; a copy of said opinion is enolosed herewith. _I . Honorable King Fiks, tags 2 Trusting that the above satisfeotorlly answers your question, we are Very truly yours ASSISTAXT 0 ERS :AxK APPROVED OPINION F;NCLOSURE COMMITTEE By 65%2& c**‘“Y4*
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion