, . I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN u.... lm- ea o oha a du5o n to 4 * eip sa o r a leo ted o r q ip o lp ts 5u d th l8Sta te, Qe (*Lo a ) 8o lla r .’ ~ArtiolcwsT& Revlmedc5vil statutes#providea that the clerk reeeiring the ooamssaion *al1 ondorma thtaeon the da7 on rhioh noMoe wfmgWeq pla, ,ii the part7 pays the state RIO for omadamion 8nd qualities qmxwdhgbla~, the saldolerk&c~Unot~theseem- tar7 of 8kt.e 0r MJI qwlitio8tSoz4 gW2ag ate of w ~~tthefeetosa9dorfioeh rho aboveaueat5oned8tatutoa 8pstifieall7 pm- * that the 8eorotary of State d&all regeire a one (&00 domsr roe ror oaoh oom5hstin 5~6ued to ovewyoitieer olw t odor8ppointodin th5e &atewbIeh iaolndessamniss$.om 5uued to a notary priblia, and that the oountyclerk &all rueire a tee of -7 (tit){)oat* ior apprcW.uga pDtar58l homd and f5ft7 (ap+)oents SWr qnalwg a notry priblfck c 08lrio. me fir tho oourity olerk in reoordlng mwsrer, uta~o WSJ, up* pramdam that the eoaat7 olark 8hal.l rwelve tm (XI+) seats for euihBuamlrdwnr&~rrsaoldingUltrpers~