Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN June 1, 1959 I?onorable5’.2. Tr?abls ?irst ASSistant&tat& Zuperintendent Department of Wucatlon Austin, eexaa Dear Sir: your.latter ar isayes, 19939,requestingan ment with ro~(ar4to whethsr or not the he city of El Paso sm8t ooxaplyw-i aity an4 prooure a permlt in or40 ior the purpo*a request a letter rr0m Yr. e City 0r Xl Pa80, sated ut what jurM4lotion this the aonstructlonof eohool bulldlnga ts ot El Paso, feerae. &da Is baeed on the BuiUUng Code rd of Fire Undrmwritere,whiah re- uiluings to be of rireproof eonotruc- e plans o? a aah bullding meet all requirementsof the code beioi?eB gswit Is laaue4. The Fl Paso ~cboclBoar4 has taken the stand that .ths City he8 n? jurisdlotionan4 therefore does not ham to Epestthe re@rsmezts of t&e Bufl4ing Code or obtain a permAt from the City for soho& buildtrg aonetruotlon. *Please inform me if we bare any jtu-$sdlation or not. , "1 aP;enalosing a oogy of our Building aode.* Ran. T. M. Trleblb, June 1, 1939, paSe 8 h&d you also atthch to your request a copy of the Building Code of the City of El Paso with our attention dlmated to Seation 4OS, ITlreproorConstructionRequired. SubseotlonE thereof reads as r0liow : "2. LPecial occupancigs. Schools, asylums detgn- tion buildings,iiospitsls, jaila, mrs~:rfes, au4 theatreg hereaftererected Bbsil be or ~ireproof-a0netruatlOu, txctgt that-theatershaving a seating capacity ot not zore than 1000 pecple and i.:thout4resslng rooms or stage upon ahlch stags gagntry msy bt used, an4 which are used an4 dtsientd for use only for motion ploturesor for purposes of sssenbly, md which are sftustdl outside of Plre 'ZoneNo. 1, say be or ordinary construction, provide4 that all inttrlorwalls an4 gll oelllng3 shall have a iire reslstggasrating of not ltse than.one hour as4 the projectionCOOI shall have g'fire rsslstaaee ISting Of not its8 than tUU hQUX-0,Pndet the Sknbard tests of the National Boar4 of Fire Un4ersritsrs.a In reply to your 0ammunla,ation, we wish to advise that trcm;an independentinvestigationma40 by this Depaheent ai'terre- .eelptof your rtquest, we have procure4 the ioUo@ng lnforlutlon which we are advlstd 1s authentic an4 80 WI rely thereon. Under Artfale 3781, et seq of the Rsvlse4 Clvll Statutse or Texas or 1879, the City or El Paso ssauaet-aantrol-orthe so&eels within that city on the 4th day of 'peoember,l.SSS,an4 has since said day aontl.nuaUyaontrolled the schools within It as a part ot tht city governmentas ie in such oases made an4 pro- vided by law. On page S4 of Souse Bill no. 196, Chapter 5, or the katg of the J.eglslstureof 1907, speaial laws, a aharter wee graste4 to the City of El Paso and in Seotlon 1 of said charter It pro- -*1&4 : m . all the inhabitantsor the City or r.1Paso, lriZl Gaio County, Texas, as the boundaries an4 litits or said city are herein establishedor my be hereafter establishedshall conetitute and eontlnus to'be a body politio ss4 oorporateby the nase an4 style al the *City of bl Paso' and as such they and their suoctssorsby that namt sh~lllhave perpetual SuCoeS~ion au4 shall have, exeroise an4 enjoy all ol the rights, immunities,powSr6, prlvilsgesand frauohisgsnow possessed tid enjoyed by geld city as well as those herein granted or oonfsrrtb.' .:,a. Bon. T. li.Prlmble,Juqe 1, 1939, Pago S In Section 2 of the same aherter, it rurther prorIdes: R . . . end it hall have adlexerolaeall powera of mnlclpal goverment not prohibited to It by this charter or by SOIZCgeneral law of the Stcte or kexae, or by the provisions0r the Constitution0r i&ee.m Section 28 or said charter glree the Clty OS Is1Paso control over the school fund of such city end Sootion 70, Subsec- tion (a), under Kenera parers and duties of the city oounoll gives to suah olty the rollowingpowers: 11 . . . to dire& and determine In whet part of said city bulldizgsof wood ehell not be emoted; 1) . to provide for and regulate the s&e oonstruo- tlon, &ipeotion aridrepair of all prlrate and pub110 buIlddingWithin said city, and to replate, ZvMmln, or prohibit the ematlon or wooden or rrame bulldIng within the limits or smld oity, or any part thereof, . .* And in pursuanoeto the &me hale Act of the Leglalature of 1913, governingcltiea or like kind end ohareater as the City of El Paso, the City of El Paso did idopt and some uuder the Home Rule kat. lmd Seation 25, Article 1176, Rs~lsed Statutm, the Eoma Hub Aot, prorldee: \ *2!5 . To provide for the establishmentand designa- tion of rlrs llmlte end to preeorlbo the kind and aharaeter of bulldIngsor etructuresor Improvementsto be emoted,. therein,end to provide for the are&ion of tire proof buildingswithin oerteln limita, and to provfds for the condemnationof dangerous strueturea or bulldings or dllapldetedbuildings or buildings aalculated to lnarease the fire hazard, and the msrmer of their removal or dastrueC tlon.* Section 26, Article ll76, Revised Statutes, the H~EW Rule Act, provides: “26. To divide the city In souse or dletricts,end to reffuletethe looatlon, size, he%ght, bulk and use of buildingswithin such some or diatrlots, and to establish building lines within such zones or districts or othemlse, end sake differentregulationsfor dirtsrent districtsand Hon. T. t'.'Lrlmble, June 1, 1939, Page 4 thereafteralter the 8-e. The govoting euthoritiea may be authorizedby their charter to croete a coa~lisaion or board for the purpoee of carrying out the powers of t:.iasection,or say provide for the creation of a board or eppeels or review for the purpose of hearing and deciding on e?penle iron and reviewing any order, requlmmnt, decision or detcmlnation of the governing authoritiesIn rarryl:.c out tLo powers end authority trcreir. conferred;provided the authority end power herein conferred shall never i;econstrued to be e llmltetion of eny other power end authority conferred in thfs chap- ter.* And Section 32 or the u~me Rule Act (Artlcle1176, h.s.) em edopted by the City of Kl Peso, provides as follows: “32. To provide for the establlehmentot public schools and public school system In any auoh alty, and to have exclusive control over same and to provide such, regulationsend rules goverulng the mamgament of amte aa armybe deemed edvlaeble; to levy and oolleet the,neo- emery taxes, generel or special, ror the support of suoh pub110 sohools end public soho ay6tem." not deem it neeemary to oite authoritiesIn rriklng . Fr'edo the statementthat cities of the kind and class as tbe City or Pl Paso here authorityto pa@6 and enforce a Building Code. "Propertyor pub110 eehools 18 held in trust by oity, diatrlot, oounty or other statutory agenay to be used for the benefit or sohool ohlldren thereln.' Lore va. Clty or ?ellas, 40 s. K. (2d) 20. It eazithue be seen that the City of El Peso has oon- trolled it8 mhoola long prior to the granting of a special aharter to eel6 city by the Leglsletureof Texaa, end long prior to the adoption of the Home Rule kct, end by virtue of the above cited and quoted cam, the property of the public echools la held in trust by the city. Be, therefore,hold that the school authoritiesof the City of El Paso mat meet end comply with eaeh requirementof the Building Code of the City of Xl Paso, end prooure from the proper authoritiesthereof a pemit to erect such building or buIldlug aa they desire to 80 erect within the corporate liEit Or oaid city. Yours very truly