OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN U.ey 16, 1939 Donorable R. 2. i'oreman County Uditor Ssfferaoa County ?jeaukont, %mas Derr sir: y S, .QS9, In whiah tJaa rdlwhg l-u er an eloation for triofr or 1088 th8n fire the tr wteu o fleh au of ArtIalaS948 and 8nd alerks in aoud& trustee sa# per hour QYor CIme 8s pro- be pala 41.00 per 68~ 88 pra- 8s. 9ledIon8? 8 BOt applloabls in l jo inti ll88tion 8 urd OOOnt~ SOho tl’Wt888~, pSr- $it@8 lo tkio&r$jer~oOlsxKm8ebeol dlstrlot 0 properly aanduot the ele8tIon7 8ti@U -8 umWslW& by this Depwtmnt In 4 nprfl El, SW, by blcum R. Led8 written to the ftcmorable E. D. till, a oopy of *hIoh 1s enoloseQ hsr+wlth. In that oplnion it uan held th8t In truetss slaotIon8held In an independent school dlatrlct of lose than five hundred sabolartlw, the badp rbfch rrhoul+doaxwah8 the returns, dealare the remit, and tS8Ua the COmaniS~iQtlnS to thS tTWtbO8 e~eote8, IS the QOiSWiUiOIk(ll'S* oourt of the county in which the slaatioa ie biela. .. Art:clc 2676, hevised Civil t~tatutes,proriecs for the &cction of five county school trustees elected fro= the county, "one of whox shall be elected fro3 t&t county at large by tke qualified voters ot the common end consolidated fndepekent school ~:strlate or the county, end occ from each coz~4ssiorl~r*sprccitct who stall hold office for e tern: of tvro years." This hrticla fur- ther provides: "The tfse for suah elcctionshall be the first Saturday :n qrl) of each year; the order for the elcctlon cf county school trustees to be usde by the county Ju@e at least thirty (30) days prior to the data of said election, and 8uah ONOr shall de81 te one rotlng place for aaoh oom- Ean SOhO blatriot. .r 0lleotlon offloer sppo%nted to hold the eleCtiOn for tTU8teO8 in 0a0h OolDlDoIIschool d18- triot 8bball hold the elsotion at the sante plaoe therein ror the oomnty school trussto+.* ,_ Artlolle Z746, Beolmd Civil Statutes, aa amended, which ~ppllam to 8o#!aum school dI8triot tm8tee sleotions,provide8, In QUt, a8 fOlhW8: "Said trustsem mar appoint three pcrraonafop each rotl.n&box of the district who 8Ir8U,be ~aalIfie4 rotera Of the dlstriot asd who ohall hold stmh election8 an4 m&c r8turn8 thereof to said trU8tU8 dthln five 8ayo. atftmraueh eleotion, and 8aId permna ahall receive @s C~ctwfiOR for their 8O~~iOe8 the 8M Of $l.~'&i&i:. to be paid out of the general fuad of the county LD.wIah 8aid elUtiCn Wet8 helAd," ATtIole 277b, ~vl~sdClril SttatUt.8, pror%diiS tbdt el8ation offi&d8 ror school trtmt00 CSh&&3Zt8 in independent school bin- tfi&i8 sh&l XXW.iv6 one dollar for their 8enlCe8. Mtlcle 2945, Title WJ, Election, Revload ClvIl Statutea, to whloh you refer, provldse that *judgecl and olerka of general and 8~0Cial eleotlona *hall be paid $S,oO 8 day eacth, and So# per hour for any time in exoeae of a dey*s work'as herein def%neQ." lt has been helQ that aahool trustee elections are general elections but the pVovJolon8 of the Terrell ileation bra apply oniy where them la no speclfla provisions in the Lawa ralatiag to aohoole covarlng the same @abJeot zcattsr. Schen v. Telfer, (T. C. A. Austin 1934) 74 S. ii. (2&) 929. in c~:swerto pour secord question, you me advi~.edzirat election cfficials In ~cbool truotee electiLrk, notr:lth.stending they a;160 hcl(i t&z hicctlon tar county trusteee, should be paid fl.00 each for their servlcea. -ith reterance to your t!k-d queatlon, we rerer you to that gart OC Artlole 270% whict: applies to'ooGlconaohool district trustee electlons aad, tkerefore, edrlre you that the trustees mep appoint three persane fsr each Voting box of the district rto s&all te ?aid fl.00 eect for their sorrloes. ‘la armlose herewith aopfea of opiniona Hoe. O-100 and 0479, whloh deal hlth related questloxm and tay esaicrtyou in approving expanse8 in aohool trustee eleation*.' Your0 rely truly BY
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion