Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion


Dear Sir;

                                             th furtherraf&enoe
                                              Of our '0plxlioR
                                                the faetr

                                  or   the        creationor a
                                    Tarletea         College. Be-

ArtlOle4551 of the RsrlredStaOPtseof Texas and Artlale
s, section49 ur the uQm3titotlonof.Texer.
        You furtherstate that at the tina the deflo-
ltumy wnrrantwas authc&eed tQ be issu8Uby the Oarernor,
there was no pro-er1cltl.q
                         valid law authorizingthe
emotion of this building.
Hon. r_. I!.Thornton, Jr., IGay 2, 1939, Page 2.

        You ask. the opinion of this Department upon
the question as to whether or not the Leglslsture,  under
the foregoing state of facts, now has the authority to
appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 for the purpose of
payingthe deiiclency warrantaloreznentloned.
              Article  3, Section 44 0r the constitution or the
State    of    Teras , provides In part as followar
                  "The Legislature ... ehall not grant
        .... by appropriation or otherrvise,any amount
        of money out of the Treasury of the State, to
        any indlvldual, on a olaim, real or prrtsnded,
        rhea the same shall not have bean provided