nomwahle Y. 2. sexton, say 1, xmih Page 2
lEach officer nsmtl in thLs Chapter shall
first 0uC of the current fees of his offic0
pay or be psi.& the amount alloved him mdcr
tic provisions of Article 3883, together with
the salaries of his assistants and deputies,
and authorlefxl expenses under Article 38;5D,and
the amount neoes55x-y to cover costs af praim
on cfhtever fiuretybond ploy be roquire& by lar;.
Lf the current feco cf such office colleoted in
any year tc more than the mount needed to pay
the mounts above qcclfieG, same shall bc &XIII-
ed cxccssfeos, arat &allbcdiapo~ed~f in the
manner aerfahafter proribed.
*At the ololme of each Ronth of h5s telmre
ot 0mOO each OfflOOr -05 here&n who ie cam-
peacrated oa a foe baelo shall make as part of
the report ROT req@red by llu, ou lfaniaed pad
molp st8tdaoat of all the sotusl an& neoesecy
oxpeREec IRourred by him 5ll the oon&lot of ILIE
omae, srtob as 8fationery, sttmp~ felephon*
praniraps on 0mOi8w bOnas# tnaladiog the cost
of suretyhondsforhisDeputlstz, pmaius~onriTe,
bar&%x-y, theft, robbe~insursnceprotootl.mgpub-
l&a fun&, trawling expenses sod Other aeeeossrg
eq emsea lEfeThe smountof such espeneee,to-
* l
gether vith the xmtouatof salaries psid to As-
eisfante, Deputies and Clerks shall he pa&d out
of the fees efuaed by such 0ffiaer.a
The Statutes are silent as to the rate per mile to be
allowed the County Attorney ta bc deducted frmi the 8x0868 fees
ot orrice, cm route to ;ina from the Justioe Preaincte nit&In
the aounty In the oo@uc.f ofhlsoffzloe though the statWe
Qee stipulate that he is cntifzod to Ed1 aotudl snd neeosemy
HomrableL Pa Sexton, May b ISm, Page3
expenses 2x1 the con&et of his office. Therefore, it 5s
our opinion that Ile is entitled t.41
actual expenses In-
ourm?il by bin In the necessary wnduct of his office,and
should be relmburscd for traveling expenses, if such
frmd is available frou his excess fees of off&e.
ver?rtruly yours