Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

-, OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~llr. I. huaa0ki County AUditOr OalTeston county Oalreston,Tour 8. 167, 168 Uld 117, arats uhargss, but on of the hi&my . The same applfer to Cam8 Roth 171 u5l l888- H. Ruttingclr;md fa oharged on this bill for the ofienue ar 8 r?r rafluro OS the defendanta to appear "1 unaerrtand froapthe a0wy Attommy that a warrant of arrest wa8 immd after aamd~te rdld to appear ror ~d~she mica that was mrvebd by the 0rr:iiorr making l ,vhe Trial rw ior rustiossof the Pea08 arr provided zzM$;%ole lose, 0. a. P., Reriaed Civil BtatutsrrlOW5, * *Pour Opinion i8 248 sotiully requested a8 to the C+OFPOOtIUl8of the rO.8 0f aiead and I would appreolatoan lul~ nnly rith refcwiae to 8awmqw . Mr. I. Predeold, April 17, 1939, Page A You nnd M enolo8ur-e which 1s a copy of th elaodunt or the Yuetioe of the Peaco ior Pnalnot DJo.7 of Galre8ton county for thd?Uonthor Heiroh,1939, uhIah %m dated April 1, 1939, and uhioh shows acme PLneteen ease8 aa hatig been tried and rlnally bispomed of by 8aId~JuatloeOS ths Peace and aId JuustIce of ths Pea08 OOptend8 that hm $8 entItleA to the utm of #42.50 from Oalveston County.rorbls nniaes;~rt~tho rate 0r $2.50 par oaw trieden4 diapowd or by hi& Artlale iO5e, Coda or Crlmlnal Prmedure 4s the State or.Terae, reaae as iollaw: "ThreoDollar8~8hallbe paidbyths oountyto the County Ju4ge, or Judgk 0r tb Court at UT, and Two Dollu8 and Zlftr oenta 8hall he paid by the oounty to the 8u8tloe oi the Pease,for oaeh oridnal motion trried and finally dim- pond 4r bd0n him, ProvMed, howeru, that in all +euntl*~ having a population0rso,ooo or lows, th, JustI Fwaar &all wofrs a trial ree.ot Three Dollazw. z-oh Judge rC Jubstlao&all preoent to the ~NiiUa1OnU8'a0h oi bl8 04unty lt a regular turn tbersol, l wr itta n loo0olillt 8peclfying .eaoh#rM aotion in which he alaIm 8u4h See, ~rtlflsd by 8ueh Judge or Ju8tioe to be 8orreot, and fllod ulth the County aiak. The ComnI8doner8* Court 8hal1 epprove much looount far 8uch amount as they find to be aorreot, and ardor a draft to be hmed upon the County Tkeamrei in favor of 8uoh Judge or Justlee ior the amount eo apprwed.-.Provided the Comlm- donerm* Court 8hall not pay any aooountmr trial rH8 in any ease tried and In which an acquittal 18 bad unlean the 8kt.e of Taxa vaa representedin the trial of 8e.Ldaaun by the County Attorney, oi &is assistant, Criainal D triot Attorney or hIa aaeietant; and the aertifloateof%f d Attorney lm lttaohed to nld lcoount cutlfybg to the raot that 8aiA cause uas tried, and the State of Texlu wan nprewnted, and that in h%e ju4gmmt there was 8uffioient lrideme in &IA aaun to demand a trial of 6amG2# :~ Ilrtlale798, Penal Code of T&m, read8 a8 rouolnl: Vfolation 0r'proniee to appear. In &me 0r any guson arrested for rioletion of hhe prsoedlng art&lea relating to npesd of fehloles, unless suah person 80 ureated shall 4emn4 that he he t&en rorthwlthberore a oourtor co-tent Jurla- AIotion r0r m-~&5eAlate hearing, the arresting orricu shrill take ths lloeme number, mm an4 make of the ear, the mm a& aadmrs of the operator or Arlrcr thereot;'anbnot$ry suoh operator or driver in nltlng to appear b&fore a Aeslg- nated court at aompeknt ~urltictlon at a time an4 place to b apalfled In amh written notioe titleant five Aaya subse- quent to the 4ate thereof, apd upen the promise in writing of amh person to bppoar at.8uoh timm and plaoe. suoh orricer 8hell rorthdth release mmh person fxum austody. Any person wUfu.lly vlolatfng mob proaltie,regardlee of the die oeItIon of the ahuge upon which he wae orlglnelly ax%eated, akll~ be %r. I. Predecki, April 17, 1939, Page S wtlned not less than flre nor more than two hundm4 dollir8.* Artlole 424, Oode of Cririsal Proooduro of Texas, rea4s a6 fo~lous: *Whenever a defendant is bound by reoognlsauoeor ball bon4 to appear at e tea of & oourt, aad fall8 to appear on the day set apart ror taldag up the srImlna1 Aocket, at ~auysubsequentday wh*n hi8 ease ooasm up ror trial, a r0p reiture of his reoognIsanooor ball bond shall be tatin.' Article 425, code as Crimiaal Procedure or mm8, read8 as r0ii0rt3: m&mner4ftelcIngororre~tum. ~4OgniZ6R408~A baI1 boa48 are rorretted in the r0ii0ag manner- The same 0r the deftmdant 8hall be oallod@l8tinctl~ ot the%ourt house door, pad:lf the AefenbantA008 'sotappear within a reasonable &Lm after mch sall is made, juAgtxentahall be antemA that the State 0S Texar reaffu M the Aofemlant the mmbunt or ‘aaMy in uhlch he 18 bound, Ma of hi8 hl’Oth8, the amount of rouey in uhioh theJ are respectlrelrb4un4, which JuAgment shall atate that the SaM 1 be made final, un.lessgood oausa be ahoun at the nut Y em pi the court rhj the Arton- Amt AlA not lppeumW Artl6h 626 or the &xie of CrlaInal Prooeduro 4s Texas read8 as rouma: Wltatloa _ _to suretfe8. _- _ 0s tb Oourt~ a oltatlon shaU i8fiUC1 notifying the sureties of'the defendant that the reoogriitanoe or bohd ha8 been rorroiteb, and nqulring them to appear at the next term of the oourt a114 8hOw cause uby the same 8hOUld not be made iinal. It shall not be neoe8sary to give notloe to the defendant.* It Is note4 that in the aeoount of the JustIae of the Pease. submIttedwith your request for opinion, there appears aan Ilo.178. Ange~loSasiartIno charged wItb *forfeitureOS bail-, which oause appears to have been.triedby the Justice of ths Peace MA tha defendant found not guilty for which the Justice of the Pease, In his acoount, filed hi8 bill $0~ the 'sumor $2.50 an4 also, case of the State of Texas vs. V. Sama~tlno,Ho. 179, wherein it appears that he also *as charged dth $orfelture oS~baIln, and likewise was tried an4 Sotid sot guilPi. f.by the Justice or the Peaoe, Sor which the &stloe of the Peace riled his aocount for $2.50. Forfeitures of ball are not orininnl case8. The proceedings to forfeit bail are clril aotions, although they arise out or a otiminal case* The purpo6e of baI1 isto insure the pmsenoe of the derendaa &htiataIal. To insure this presence the defendant and hia maretier,on bia bond or reao&nleaqceare penalized by the rorteltum of their b&d or rscognltanoeto the pecuniary extent 48 the mount of'the bond. . Mr. I. PreAecki. April 17, 1930, page 4 ft i8 the OphiOn Of tbi8 DOpart8Mt tbpt the fee8 i#i the89 c(LSOS, s00. 178 and NO. 179, UW not he8 tiiOrnd t0 th#J Justice of the peace by lawaad 8houl4 not k paid bytha e0ue.y ~ to the Justice 4s the Peace. Galveston County lmr a population in sxoese or 20 000 luhabltents. The Justioa of the Pease OS Galreston.County1s entitled to the sum of $2.50 ror sacb oririnrl lotlon tried au4 tina.llyillsposedor berore him. 2lm Cu0lsslonrs* Court.is 04t authorized to pay auy loeount far trial rees or the ?umtIoe 0s the Peace ip any sane trieA aud In imlch au laqulttal fa had unless the ghts or hum was represented in the trial of nk4 o a uaby e th eCo untyAttorney, o r M S l8SfSta nt, CrlmlMl DIstrIot '. Attmtssy or his a uI8ta n$ l, aA the certirlcateor saIa Attol-neyis attached to -ia laoount, aertiiying to the hot that ml& uuao nstrled,8mltbet-the state 0r~~8~s~p~40ntsd‘m that in h isJuAgmnt th e r w ea sa Ufio lent lrldwtie in sald oauss to .. AemanA a trial 0S aan. The autlflcate or the County Attorney 0r advoston County, lb x a si attaahsd to th elooount of the Justice of the peace, is wherein mob bounty AttOnUy asri;lrlasthat he has sxulned the ~’lcoount of the Jurtiwl Orthe Puss lab that he outlrler that sll, gases that wsrs t&A aad aaqultted as reported in 8aid locount thattheStakorTexmsnsnpreunte4 therelnbrthe County Attormy and hi8 &8sf8tant, MA that In ths &xdgment or the County AttOmNy there wa8 suiiioieatlridenop In each or-said cause8 to demanaa trial 0s the mm. ~smmr4e, you ais respeotrullyadvlwg t&at.lt 18 the opinion 0r thir Department,that under-the factumulm.lttoA, oonsIAemA togetbu xdth the aertiiiaataof the County Attorney of Galveston aounty,Texas, rindghe m&mu arridavltor the Ju8tioe 0s the mace or Prsoinct Id. It 0r Calvesten county, nxas, that all or the rees'in',theenoloseA account show be palA.to the Justloti, or the Peace of Preolnct l&o.7 or Dalreston County, TexasF rgth the exception of Nos,'lT8 an4 179, as above shboip. Trusting that thie ansmrs your iuquI~,re are Very txtiiypurs S A'lTORRE!i OF TEXAS m (Signed)2 $ Fz . . Asslktant- WJF:AW APFROYJKk