Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

April 19, 1939 Hon. D. Richard Voges County Attorney Wilson County.. "Florea~il~~,'Texas:: DearSlr: Opinion No. W%Q~. Re: Use of farm registrationlicense &xI.regiatretlonof a truck used only for pouez,~purposes.% .' ~:~~Your:request for.an oplnfonas towhe$d.mr:theowner--- ~oS~l~~e~tock:.tr~spo~ted:~to~vaFious~:pla~es~ for b~ee&lng pm- .psises~a~ent~tleid~:toipsec'a ftirmliaense-.on:the rtru&k-uaedin auch~Instances~:tias been .recelved..bg'thie-department..i'~ .i_~, Artlale 66~5a+6a~&mfddes in pa@ as-Soll~&: 'When'~a~comme~clcrl~moto~~~~vehicle:so~ht to .beregfstered arid- used:by the.owner ~thereof-:onlr in the transportatl~on .uf'hisown:poultrp,!daie; live&ock, ati.farm products to market,‘or to ~., other poLnts forsale: or for sale or processing, or the transportationby the ownerthereof of * laborers from their place of residence,and mater- ia3s, tools, equipment and supplies,without charge, from the place of purchase or storage, to. his own farm or ranch, exclusivelyfor his own use or ,useone such'Sarmthe registrationlicense See, Sor the we&ht classificationsherein mentioned, shall be fifty per cent (50%) of the reglstratlon See,prescribedfor weight classlflcat.lons in:Seo- tlon.6, (Art. 6675a-6), of the Act hereby amended." In drafting the'above statute~theLegislature,obvl- ~ouslycould not set forth all the many Sact situationswhich might arise that would entitle the owner of said vehicle to the exemption prescribed In this article. We believe that It wasthe intention of the Legislature to help the farmer by lessening the burden of operating an automobile or other vehicle when It was used solely to supplementother earnlngs.ofand from the farm. We think that they Intended that the truck might be used for such purposes as were necessary or lncideh- tal to the operation of said farm and the raising or breeding OS livestock Is certainly a purpose Incidentaland Rr,obably Hon. D. Richard Voges, April 19, 1939, Page 2 o-607 necessary to the successful'operation and maintenance6f a farm. Based up6n our opinion of the Intention of the-Leg- islature in passing this statute,we are unwilling to say that the farmer who owns livestock used for breeding purposes and without additionalcharge conveys such llvestock to the places of breeding Is not entitled to operate the vehicle used in transportationof these animals under a farm license or per- mit. We desire to qualify this statement by saying that the use of the farm truck~for hauling such livestockmust be an occasionaluse for that purpose. In our opinion a truck used to any great extent for that purpose is not such a,truck or .~ use as was Intendedby the Legislature to be exempt from com- mercial registration. As to your question, if the operator of a truck used only for power In the drilling of wells, but moved from places of operation under Its own power lqqstbe registered. As the facts relgte In your letter this truck Is use6 upon the public huhways of this state,.and,ifthat .betrue we find nothing in.the-statutesthat would exempt the owner oreo;peratorthere- of from,havlnga license upon this truck. You are, therefore, advised that under our statutes If the truck is used on the public highways of this state, It must be registered. It Ls the opinion of this department that the farmer may transport his livestock.lna',truckoperated with a farm license to the places of breeding if the truck is otherwise used only for farm purposes. You ape also advised that the truck used for power In drilling wells If It Is also used on the public highways of this state, must be registered as Is provided by the law. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .Nii:omb:wc By s/Morris Hodges Morris Hodges APPROVED: Assistant s/Qerald 6. tiM ATTOlWEYGENERALOF TEXAS