OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mar05 77, 1999 Deer sir: servlnijthe remainder or the term tar vMoh he was elected or appointed prior to the pae- sage 0r tois aat.' jhrticle 2774~3,Sectfoa 2, Civil statutem, ulaoted In 19s3, rdatlng to boards of trustees In aitlee and tovm vcheretba schools had not been removed r~m~~~ic-ipal contml. mada ss r0ii0w: "In all such tovms and &ties having fewer *Aan seventy-five thousand population -)as shorn by the Federal Census of 192.0,tbs board of trustees ahal. be oompwed of 8ev(P wmber8 end .those'laai ocmdi&etw reoelring ths lar~~tnuabuofvokm ettherlrat ltie- tlon; end'thothm or t- emdlbatu read+- irrgthelar~8tnrubu qf V&Matallmbac quaa elwUous a8.U k eatltlod to auve aa tnmtow eleofion ahall uhiohthey.uoto *orTo. aradn&nlmu8 cm., tw ad ukm 8ballSOrrr . r0r ons you, tb tu3 ~eabum arndng 'r0tp and .gtYe&ell~em, roe two Jrua and the *rrora- bar8 draulng numbera ldx ma 8ovea #hell'6uw . rorthreo yeercricirontllthelr 8ttWe8aer6 are .eleot*deld qtuuifie4;,8t4aroglrlerly tbbroef- tu on Shr flrat SettrrdayfnAprllor iaoh-year, three tn&wcr or tko t~teoe &all be eleotod for a tow.& three yu&ra tp macaw6 thtitmeteee vthoseturn shall et that tlU expire. .Thornrn~ 'bus of the.boer4raalnSn6 after a veoenap crhsll tin the same rot the o~ozpired turn... s00ti0n i or atida 278w read8 a8 r0u0w: wThe-tenn Quun&,olpel8ohoal distrlat,* a6 twed lo this kot, 8heUl inalude eny Oity or torn oon8tituung a lmgante sad iEuleponbmt 8ohool dietriet ueder authority or Se&ion S, or Artt)le 7, or the Oorutltuflon, es amade& aoa/or seotion 10, or brtlaZe ~1%.of the Con- 8Ututlon. the bounbariem of the 8ahool,wr- poretlonbdngthe same sathe boumhuieo of the city or town and wh$oh,aia olty b*a a population or thirty theuaend (96,000)or lees; aooording to the lest preoodlng wt0a Statss Cenaw .” Section 2 pro-citiesfor a p3ttitloasod election looking to the _-aeparatloo 0r t‘n9 sch00l rr0s munioipal. control. seotloo s pre- aorlbes the rorz cf ballot, Zectlon 4 lbr tbe aanrass 0r returns and deoleratIon of result and coqmrate name. Section 5 relates ta tin powers conferred, Section 7 to the as8esaakent and oollaotion 0r taxes, SeatIon 8 tc property rights, 5eotIon 9 to bonds and outetandlng‘ob- llgatlons. Seotlor 0, and Sections 10 and 11, of Artiole 27SSb mad as roii0ws : of tbs Board or Bluoa- "That the nePsla,ers tlon orths boerd of trustwe of sunh WtnIei- . pa llalwolQistrlotehall amtinue lathe PI- bma oftho Board of Ednaatlon or Ward d tma8tess of mh Imle~r&oat aoboe tU8tdat eftormeperatIonrtolammIalpelcontroluatIl fhelr tums rorwhiah they bare boon elmkd or ~appolatad, as Umoese my bo, shall have lqlro4, or until t&lr au8aessor8Ban bo6n eleotodupd: ~ualiflea~ prodtIe& theta gwurale@ation shall be held onthe rirst Sattudq inApaGIl.of eaah esr in v&loh veaanoles on the board oooar, z r-r t1;0 purpose of sleotlag tmrt*ea for aal4 - vaaano~es far 6 tom 0r r0ur (4) parag pro- YidOd &her, that ia aass ai a T~~IUOJ or rseI&eetIonoi a member at the board of truatya, the raaaauy shell be filled forth8 uno*pIrd : tern bp qppointt~~t art60 b tae b0ua or tmt~k~?.: -Ii any wution, untame, oleuee or phreao or this Aat 16 held to be U8OmtmtUtI~61, ueh dreialon shall nat efreotthe validity0r the PO- IIA&A~I~ POX%.%OA Or fhi6 h4t. Hpaid A4t shall not rapml eey1.a elree~~ in wlstenee, ard eepd.elly this Aot ehellnot repeal Chapter 302 (Art. 278Sa 1, 0r thr Qu~eral tarr:passed by thu Party-flratLegislature,et fte Rsmlar Se~sloa In 19.29,but seia law, as abreoed id said Chapter,shellend d-6 rwsin in ruu for00 anc.arreOtot, pad If that part 0r 8*4ti0a ii ?qling that *this ii4t 8htm not %qmal any lava 8lroaQ eat3espa4lally sballnot rep061 -in uiatmme, Artlole P78?ie*.be Interpretebso literally e8 ta mean thet aef Jew ~oonoreblcRalph Logan, Xaarch?7, 1939, Page 4 any city or tow continuing to operate ~itbout taklne epventage or said hrtiole P763b. krtiole 2774a, Section P, et111 governs the length of' term of trustees in those alties and towns hsoing a population of lass than 73,CiQOend riarethe aoimob are at111 mnIoI~slly oon- trolled. ItwouldlIkewiss detenaine the length of term of trustees of a1044 districts whioh have been divoroed fnxsmunIoIpe1 oontxvl undu krtlole 27836. However, Section 10 or 27831,makes speoIfI4 pmvision as to tbs length 0rt4m 0r the trustees in those lade- pendmt school Gistriots forrmd unaer the euthodty of that ArtIdle. The team rixed is dour pars end It 18 p33md0ethat eleotIoa8ahau be held 6s Apti 1st of eaoh year $n whIoh *rewsls8 owur. . Ouranwu t~four~~stionIathatt&~lengthoi Soad .* * tzu8tow inthei~~t~~eo iaquIra6 abmt Is r0pt yeara.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion