OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GERERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mlrroh14, 1939 Ban. R. G. Watsrs Casualty Ixwm3nos Ooirdsaionsr Austin, Texas Deer Slrr Forty-~lmh-IaglaletM?e, Aelm 3987." You atate that thlcramndment ia d48lga48 a* en emendmeat to Baotion e0 sr Senate BlLl ITo.98, u h io hlo - tlon Beta out ssreral ex4siptl0iaS up&z the ( Lfst, en6 y su b,‘., . ., .,, ilc;n. i?. G. "aters, ?-:aroh:.?G, 1939, I'aF,e 2 soy tbst it is proposed to s:d SootIon (f) to t?<:lint cf exempt ions stnted in CkctIon 20 of Senate Fill Go. 96. IOU dirinot sand u> (1 aopg *f the entire bill al:<+e am :.ot in poseeaslor, of some, bet you are re- s-~ect.rullq- advised that ft is t';.e opinion of this Depart- .mentthat t&e language of Seotion (f) (the propoemd emond- rnt ae set out above), when u8sd .4m- 4x1 sx4aptlon 4laune, would olearly sZeppttilinaorpOretedor unlnoorpratid Mutual ln8~rano4 aaapanles, their -8 and ropamta- th e @or&sad , e& u o p er a na ting b ? a d.blayth 6r lty at 8enate 8lll Roe 181, .Mithtgiolmture, Aatb 1X57* Aeeiatazt ; - ;, ,/, .“. : . ,‘.. WJl’rAW . APPROVXD: