Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Ronorabh 2. R. I;Lnbley, hrah 28, IQSQ, Rxge 2 Honorable E. R. I.Im¶lq, hlarohZ3, 103, ?a@ 4 Fiomrable E. R. Llndlay, &woh 2Bth. 1939, igSe 5 e~n, 71 Tsx. 19i3,9 %.K. 99, appllsa to this oa8e. NOW t&it KB have d&Xtl%&l& thct t&Y lsn& la qUe8tiOU i8 exmpt tram State taxation, we are wn?rmt& \hiththe.questlon of *ether or not that &m-t of the 011 retslned by the owner (a one- eiatwnth in this oeae) 18 subjsot to the @rme pmduotlontax on 011. That qusstlon is answered by t!.mease of Group No. 1 Oil Car- poretlon v&s. Sheppm4 (Ct. Clv. App.) 89 s.%. (P&I 1021 (writ error refuw4), deai404 in 1935, in which lt v.aohe10 that in,the cam of thiveraity ~RXI~OKW~ by the University of %3Xe8, v.hlchnes not sub- jwt to 8tatetuw, tha State us8 not entltlod to oolleot a gnaw prodootiollt~ondorktialo~~~onthoUnlnscli~'~ myaltyfn- IionorableIL il. Lindley, Waroh 28, 19999,?uge 6 thorityto pmvlda for pqaent OS it. Yours very truly