17, 1353
ar. Joe Zunachik
Commissioner of Labor
Austin, Texas
Dear sir: ,-..
..\ ',, ',
Gpinion No. Q-416-~...
z:o: ::ketkerIndependent.So‘hool
3istrlcts come within.theqro-
vlstons of Article 5159+'
Your mqueet for ad apint& as to whether an
independent eohool disbrict as sach,&ould coae within
the provisions of :,rtlcla5159,a'hsabeen received by
this o$fice. ,--.
*Rot ices thin the general prevail-
&&e bS per dim wages for nork~of a
the looality in
--\\. wkicb thework is perfomed ..........
‘)ehsll be paid to all laborera, work-
men or &eohanics employed by or on
alr oi;‘~.'....any.......dfetrlct,
ng&ed in the construction a? public
&rks, .. ...."
-. ‘,,
\, ?Jie/
‘;\ S,egislaturedid not place any llmlta-
tlon bpoti~the/;typeof district eubjeot to the pro-
She low. Xn Independent aohool district
would coW%tkln tbe purview of the word distrlot
r as wed.
Tublic xorks" is defined by Artiole 5159a,
Section 4 33 follows:
".\nyconstruotion....done unum aon-
tract, and poid for in whole or in part
out OP public fuuds,....wketker or not
done under publio auparvislon or dlrec-
ticn, cr paid for wholly or In part out
of publio funds, akall be held to be
'public works'-....*
The construotlon of a school building by an
independent school distriut neeessarlly involve3 tha
expenditure, ot least in part% of.poblia fund3 for
the reeson.tket the cost3 of oonitruotion are paid in
--hole or in part by funds ralaed or bond3 paid for by
It la, therefore, our opinion that the con-
of a sohool building by an independent sahool
distriot is suok a3 would be governed by Artiole 5159a,
2evfW:d Civil Statutes 1925.
Very -truly your3
Richard R. Cooke