Xarch 25, 1939 Honorable Eaco Walter County Attorney Taylor county Abilene, Texae Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-302 ke: Xhether CoxnIssIonerslCourt should pay the gre&un on County Superintendent'sbond and If not, who Is to pay saine,or out of what funds should It be ?aId? Your request for an opInIon.on the above stated ques- tion has been received by this office. Your letter reads in part as follows: "Mom McGehee Is County Superintendentor Schools In Taylor County, Texas,.and Is required under . the law to.nake a one thousand dollar bond. Maryland Casualty Company has made his bond for $1,000 whlah hss been approved by the Comleslonersl Court, and has oharged a pre- mium of $18.50 for making this bond. "Taylor County pays the premIu31on bonds exe- cuted by other officials In the court house. Under the law shculd tile aounty also pay the premium on 5fr.BcGehee's bozxias they have the other officials In the court house? If Taylor County is not obligatedto say the prenium on this bond, who is supposed to pay sazm, and out of what funds should this be paid?" ;zticle 2689 of the SevIsed‘CI+IlStatutes provides: "The county superintendentshall first take the official oathand shall enter into a C’ x : i., HonorableEsco Xalter, Xarch 25, 1939, Page 2 bond of the sum of one thousand dollars, with good and sufffclent sureties, to be my- able to and approved by the coxnlssloners~ court) conditionedupon the faithful perfor=- ante of his duties. Any SW collected on a forreiture or said bond shall beoome a part of the'avaIlab1.ecounty school fund." ~- Article 3899 or the Revised Civil Statutes,which provides ior all reasonable expenses necessary in the pro-~ Includingpremluns on offi- per and legal aondftct~.bi-office cial bonds and the costs of surety bonds for deputies, applies only to the oiilclals specIfIaallynamed or designated In,ArtIole3883. The County Superintendentof public instruc- tions Is not named in Article 3883, thersl'oreArticle 3899 supra would not ?=Ispplleable rsicitlveto the County Superintendent of public InstructIons. kiter a careful search and Investigationof statutes we are unable to find any statute'whlch~authorlzesthe'CozmIs- sloners' Court to pay the premium on the official bond oi the County Superintendentor public Instructions. You are respeotfillyadvised that It is the opinion of this Departmentthat the Commissioners*. Court has no author- ity to pay the prsmIn on the otflclalbond on the County Superintendentof public lnstructIonsout of any County funds and the County Superintendentof public f'undswould be per- sonally liable snd shbuld pay the premium on his otflclal bond. Trusting that the foregoing anTera your Inquiry,we remain. Yours very truly \ AlTOFmY c-amAL OF TEXAS (Signed) By Ardell ;:'IllIaius 'Ardell xilllains Assistant Ah': bbb AE?ROVXD: X. F. Moore (SQned) XEST ASSSISTANTXPTORNEY GENERAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion