Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

: OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QlllLD 0. Id*** . ..WD .-L ?obruarr 16. lVS9 e thsraaftet, -Collsotoraof Taxov of muoh 1 be ontltlsdto roarirethe e earnadby theiroffloerin th ths prorl~lonmof the Maxi- mum Ice Billiprorldmd,hater, that In moh oountlerthe marl8tmanountof ieer rhlohmay ba retalnd br much otfioer,ln- 8lUbiU~all lsoe*sraw, &all ti four ThourandDollarm(#C,OOO),prorldrdmoh offlowlarn8 raifloientiaer to pay this amolmt. 'seotlon8. Saoh Assesror-Colleotor 0f taer eating ram in 0xoem3 or Four Thouland un. Dollarm y300)&all B&o alrporttlozl % o f r uo hl .~) ln a loordmoo rith thr prorlslonr of the Mnlmm PO* Bill. All Aaaormorm-Oolleotorr in oountlw honby lfro0t.dIhallk lntit1 to .adrput1.r a nd l~rlstant~In the nnnu luth o r lr d In the Hukrn Too Bill." Art.1010 SVOl-1 supra, by Itr tona rmldem that In all rount1.rha& population of not P.a# than lS,SSO uldno t8o r thul a M & 4 0l ,o o o r dIng to th erort no o ntlrdlablr Podoralowwm ana woh arallablo?o& mal oomua thondtu, the ammomoor-oollootor of tuna in moh oountlorml robin . rxlmum of #4,000.00If the off100larm wfflolontioos to paP that amount. The populationof Loo Oounty1s lS,bVO,thus falling rithlatho tuma of thlr artlola. Lao Countylr the mly.otity In the 8tdo rhloh,aooorblngto the la& ~cI;,'~Ima . population rithlnthe lImlt#~oolflab In . 8ootIonW, Art1010S'of the IRateOonrtitutlon provide, in put, w iollornr wl. kgIrlaturo&all not, exooptls OthorriW pIW%dOd in thI# OOn~tIttItlOn, paw any looalor #poolallawa,luthorlrlag ....ragti&Ingthr affalrrot oouatlea,oltlem, towus,wardaor rohooldla$.rIot8;....and la all otherO~IOIwhew a ganorallaw oan be made lpplloablo,no load or #peolnllaw rhall be maotod; prorldad, that aothlngherel~ oontalnd #hallba oomtruod to prohlbltthe kglrlaturofrompawing I aold lam for the prownation or 8~. aa.3filh or this Stat0 In oortalnloo~lItIor.w r/ In the oaao,Orar vn. Taylor 887 U. 8. 61, the Suprue Courtof the WaltadSt&o6 de&d a looal1~ as: Vho phraro Qooal law'mema prImwily, at lead, a law 'Infaot If not in forp,Is bIr*otodonly to a .p*oifio#pot.* The ran, ,fXty of Fort Worth~a. Bobbltt,56 SW (2nd)470, holamamongotherthings,that: *An aot lpplloabloto ootitleaharlng non. 1. F. Klopa,Fobmary 16. 19SV.hilo S l population of irom 85,190to 28,wx)ww lr wlw and 8poola1,*Itlagifixaon 78. Ru8011,54 Ohio 8tata490. Own OonntfOom- ml~8108or~v*. @u&r, iS9 td. 575. and that an sot lathorlslng bondsby lltIo#har- lng ktwwa 106,000ad llO,OOOInhabltutm by 1980 leumnmking l pplloablooal# to one llt7 ho14 looallaw within oonmtltutloaal proo+is1oa.= Oonatltutlor,ArttoleS, 8&tIon 89. SW ww, kur Qo u nty VI.T y nn, lt ll,91 ‘U (&IA) 867, hold@in lr fwt, that: Wourtr In dotumlnlngwhothu lmw 18 pnbllo,@noral, lpoolalor looalwill look to Itm mbrtuteo aad preotlod opentlom ratherthan to lt8 title form,phnwo&ogr dnoo othqrwl#oprohibition ad fun4mitd laf agalnmt*poolalloglelatlon rouldk mgatory. The ~1slaturo Day olas8lfy oouutls~on baalaof popul~tlollfor pImpoH or'tlxlngoomponmtlonor countyanb preolnot ofiloerrbut olaanlfloatlonmat k kaod on real dl8tlnotlonand met not be arbltrar- Ily dorlmd to glrewhat in, in mbstmos, l loealor spoolallaw the form of gonenl law. Aota reducingnalarlaaor orfloum ln ooun- ties of L90.000ud lama than 310,000populatlm held Pnbeasonableand ubltruy in lta olurl- flo~tloaand void as l rmolal law.. We ballevathat whetherthe mot in quotiloaI# to k regardedas lpeolaland whetherlta operationla unliormthroughoutthe Btatabpendr upon whetherpopula- tlon &ford8 l fair ba#lafor the llaamlfloatlon of noun- tlem with reforenosto uttua to whloh It rolatr8and whatherthe resultit looapllmhoala In h o t l real ll8r8lfloatlon upon that bamlmand not a domlgnatlonof l minglooount$to whlohalone It shallapplyundu the &so oi luoh.ilas~lfloatloa. Tha law ln quwtlon we w drawnt&t lt lm generallx ion but only lppllodat tlu tlm it wept intoll'fbot to-Em Oountyand probably ooul4nuu applyto enothoroouat;l.k thinkthat a IIon. 1. F. flepr, Pobruuy 16, 1959, Page 4 oouatylan ba AaslgnateAby Aworlptlon ju st l &for- tlrelyls It oan b. Mud a&d that the appllcatlonof thlm act I# 10 lmflaxlbly fixedas to prbtentit lvu : be& lppllombleto other eouxtls8. d Artlclm SBBS prorldem ln pmaral, that lotm- tlos loutalnlng85,000 or 108a kabltanta that the few to ba mtnlned by the tax l~s~s~or-oollootor,tax lsmomm- or or tax lollwtor lhall k &3,400.00lxooptlm other- wlw proridod in thl8 aot. Iu ilew of the foregolugauthorltlos,you ub rospootfallyldr lwdthnt lt Ia the oplelon of thlm Do- putrent that Artlola SVOl-1 lo . qoo1.1 la a114,thwe- for., la 8noomtltutlom1 and told and that the ls~o~mr- rolleotorof tnxw for Lee ty mmld not be olltltl~b to ntaln . mnxlmw Oc .a hi‘ fe.8 of otiloo for the y&r of 1958 but that the uount of few to be rotslnedby muoh oiffwr wouldbe gwernod by the gonon fee law~ofthlr Stats. Tru*tlngthnt the fomgolng luawerm your ln- qulry.wm romaln KrmRmT ORRKRN.OI TKxA8 FY Mel1 Wllllma Amimtaat AT:AT APPm7xD: .