Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon. I.A. 9, lOSO, Fag. a roll 8UOh R boldrr or a Retail D66lor.6 Lloenmo or R WIn6 and Be6r Retailer'i Permit, V&IOon17 80116 barbeoo6d meat 811Sundry8, ir not nomall angaged la the 6al6 of food a d Oth elrWtWditieR fo r h r nun Oon6UaptiOn a8 OOnt6YQp l6t- ld b7 Grotion lC6, Artiole I?ot the Teur Liquor Control' Irot. Tnartlng th 6 tore6olw ln6wr6 your inpulry, W r W!JiD Tour8 7ery truly ATTOR NEY 0EtGTW.L OF TEXAS m Ardrll~Rllll6ma AmlrtMt Afaob ATTOR?GT OENX?AL OF TEXAS