a OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EPnorableQlorge II. Ihrppua &m&Wolla of ?abllo hroantr Aurtlu, Tuar ngrerr tar upenres on with the Voluntorr nalwtr reeon- w of neent opln- 00mptr0118r San- Wertedto, lo p le8 lr , la a n o p inio n o f trollor QInenl oi the Fhe orlglnatd rtattu of the $4,9&15 the ln- vortment of whleh I8 emtr0118a br the Irglrletfra lnaetmnt above olte(L, bar boon iollr Uaourrod in our oplnlion.Ilo. 0-19P an4 in l lottor opinion ei date April 13, 193l br thlr Deparaslent to Hononblo f-l. aOo3L#, Muber of ho iioureof Roprerontatlror,Aurtln, lbhur, url wo 40 n0t loer a further rtatement neeeuerre bnorable horae II, Ilmppud, ?ue 2 -The hot of Oon&noO of July 8, 1896, )o 8tat. 730, 731, 8athorirod payment to be made horn -dare1 fundr to th0 Qo+ernore ot 8ny 8tate or Territory, 0r hlo 4ulf au- thorlud lgentr, o$ the roaronablo ooot8, o h a r gl exlo lx- penor lno~md by him In lldlq the Unitall8tokr to reloe thh,~ountea,r Army tbr rervioe in the War with 8pain, by ,o lo th ll Du(, P P ~Y~ l~ w(, i PW, P WW, a nd Ptory who mre tr8nrport"f * ammor the #tat0or Terr rite* war(L08ooeptod into the VolunteerArmy of the UXiite48tate8, raoh rl8lu to bo mottled upon proper tourhen to be tiled an4 paoood apon by the proper lowunt~ oitloero o fthe Tr ur ur y. ‘j k rmmt agree with the rontentlonof the Do- rtment ot Teuo that Oo~ro88 appropriated the orUln81 ts ,OOO.OO to Teur *on the prrrumptlon that tho rtate had paid tha man* on4 that ronoepurntt* tha Vnltea Itateo aId not, 8114doe8 not,expertreturn of 8ny ramdnl4 bal- lnoe under Ohaptor U5, 55th Oongreor,Xaroh 3 i&699.* On the eontrary, ua porolr% ia oar oplalon hsntohn lx p r er r ed thatthe ltato of Teur bar M'?rlghttitle lnterert or oldm in and to raid brlanoe ok #4,988.15, but mame in hold br tho ltoto ruthoritlor,in truot, for prymat, upon prop- or proof, to rn0h orflorro and un oi the VolunteerAmy* the War with #pain le bomme ontitled to %nterir paya for tho period and at the rater tlz8d in tho aboro lltod Aat or 004reo8. ?rerumptItel~,ml1 olalu o? the Etote for roim burrumnt ot lotual l pendituree rde ?or lqulpplng, 8ub- llatlng lrd tranoportlagit0 uota o? the Volunteer Army, hare lon( minor born pnaente 8 an@ 81lowe4, u on proper vouehrra, broauor, by A& o? Qonsrroo ot.Xaro#i7, 1908, 30 dtat, No. @, the prrlod of limltatlon?or ruoh olabu ?or roimbaoement under theor Asto of Qonger8 wao lxtondo4 Crcn 1906 to January 1, 1910, It thlo #&,968.15 18 to k demo6 the runti end propart of the Stat0 of hxar on the rrlmburoamont theow, lo eonten&d by thr Department of Texao, than It would hare proprrly born oorrnd into the Tr00Our~ of tho State under thr Aot of tho Lo~irlaturolbollrhlng 8paal.d ?un&, and thr Aot uuler romideration hare would olearly k an unauthorltod(Ipproprlatlon Of th000 furi40~ A8 lo lo thir balano* remelne with tha State of “4 Nxar, through to proper otflelalr,it 18 tha property and ?undro? the ottlaerr and man of the Volunteer Armywho k- oaa8 rntltle~ to urh portion8 thrrrofl8 reproornte(l their Xonorablr Qlorgr H. 8heppax-4,padr ) prop- winterlmpay* for 8wvloe8~ No period of llmita- tlon oppeero to be tired in the Act8 of Oongeor oreatiry th48 fund, for the prromtmmllnt, d.lowonor and ~wyment of ruah lla lu to there offleero and aan. Until ruoh olelmo @hall ba preorntad for payment, thooe fund@, or .thebalencr themor, lre bpreored with l tr ust, and the iltatela undu the duty to ward on4 proteot luoh ?undo. Conoelrablr, no llalma will over br preoented to tha &ate by thooe antitled to the remain1 portion of thlo fund, and In thlo oontln- (anoy we rinta "fn our orl&nal pooltlon that the United Itateo of herioa ham l rrraroionary interrot thrnln, an4 0ongeoo ean, at wy tlma it dauu the matter ohould be olooed; oall upon the varlouo rtator tar en @COOtU.Iti~o? any unax- pen406 balance and nquirr them to par lam0 into tha ~008~ry of thr Unitrd Itotem. Thr iaot that no ruoh Aot o? Con&rear bra hrn lnaotrd or propored or that thr CompWoller OInrral of tha Unitad 8tatqo ha8 not made any form81 elalm or domandr upon th8 vorlouo rtatro ror tha return 0f thio unexpended balanoe, but on thr rcatrar by rrrlouo letter oplnlonr, hao n or thereto, doer not oontrol ladiooted'nolntrreot tharr I' thl8 lltuation or bar 8 ?uturo Oaugreoo from aolll4 upon tho varioum rtatro for an 8COOUnt O? their truotae8hlp. Xenoo, rftrr~aarrl'ulan4 aympathrtio oozuldrratlon or mur roqueot for our nrlrw of opinion Ho. o-192, wa la regretfully oonotralnrdto rd+lor you and lnterertrd partlea, that ~14 opinion oorreotly 4l8pooeo o? this queotlon and ohoul4 be,.idhorod to. T,aoting the tongoing ?ull~ @newer@ Jour lnqulrr, m ore -’,4 Your0 row truly : ATTORNlIY Ul!NElUL OT TEXAS rat M.Neir, Jr* A~@l@tOnt a/ uroirr 8ellerr EtIST AS6ISW'IT ATTORNItY UlWRAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion