THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS February 1, 1939 Gerald C. AUWI-IN 11. m , Hon. Y. A. (Bill) Morrison opinion Ho. 181 Criminal Dlstrlct Attorney Bec Legality of vacancy appolnt- Milam county ment of non-resident of Cameron Oameron,Texas - to the office of City Attorney. Dear Mr~. Morrison: By your inquiry inder date of January 17 1939, you seek the opinion of this Department upon the legality of the con- templated appointment by the Mayor and City Council of Cameron, to the office of City Attorney, of an attorney who does not~live within the corporate limits of said city. You append to your letter of inquiry certain statutes of Title 28 of the Revised Statutes, applicable to municlpalltles operating under the general law and having the aldermanic form of government; hence for the purposes of this opinion we shall assume that the City of Cameron is existing under tha< form of. government, and your question will be determined by statutes per- taining thereto. Article 977, Revised Civil Statutes protildes for the governing officials of guch municipal corpora 4 ions and constitutes them elective offices. Article 989 Revised Civil Statutes, provides for the filling of vacancies in the office of mayor or alderman by special elections and other statutory offices, lncludlng that of city attorney, by appointment. In respect to such appointment, said statute provides, In part, as r0ii0wst nIn case of a ,vaoancy in any other office in the city, the mayor or acting mayor shall fill such vacancy by appointment, to be confirmed by the city coun~ll.~, The foregoing statute embraces vacancies arising from whatever cause including resignations, as In the instant case State ex rel &gsbury v. Brinkerhoff, 17 S.V. 109. ConsequenCly, the Mayor and City Council of Cameron are properly proceeding, onder said statutory authority, to fill the vacancy Ln the ‘office of City Attorney by ap ointment. The only difficulty confronting them is the residentda~ P requirements or qualifications for the office of City Attorney, embodied in Article 1003, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, as fol1owsi Ii&. W. A.(Blll) Morrison, page 2 (181) Wo person other than en elector resident of the “,;z,;t;$l be appoint ad to any off ice by the city The question presented by the application of the fore- going statutes to your inquiry is thus posed, Is a vacancy appointment of a city attorney &I Council, under tantamc iunt to or equivalent to the appointment of such requirements of the iatter Article applicable? If an affirmative answer to the above question is war- ranted, the residential requirements of kticle 1003, Revised Civil Statutes, will prevent the appointment to the offior of oity attor- ney, of any lawyer who does not live within the corporate limits of the City of Cameron. If, on the oontrary there ia a valid di8- tinctlon to be &awn between appointment to thla offlor &y the rp~pp~, u on confirmation by City Council, within the language of 4rtiole 919, on the one hand, and appointment to this offloa CLpuncil within the meaning of Article 1003, Raviard C on the other hand, then the oontemplated appointment in thia ease. is auat ainablr . Whilr thla quratioa is aot without diffioulty, it ia our oonolusion that the foregoing question ahould ba umorqd in the affirmative. 4ny other oonstructioa of Artlola 1003, Rrviaad Civil Statutoa, would rondrr it, ‘for all practical purpoaaa, a nullity and defeat the palpable purpoor or tha Leglalatura to rrquiro all mun1olpal offloara to be rraidrata of the munioipality in question- Artiolo 2927, Raviaad Civil statutea, 1925, ia a gomr11 atatuto govrrnln tha eligibility of olootivr Bteta, a@u&aty, prroiaot and muniolpa f offioara, and aa to the latter roquiroa rrtldraor la thr municipality involved, kctiolr 987 Rwiscld Givil Itatutaa 1925, provider that no parroa ahall be rlkgibla to tha offioa of Mayor or rldarman, unlaaa ha hra roaldrd ior a oertaia orlod within tha oity Unita* 48 WI have herrlnabovr rhmm, Art10Po 1003, Rovlaod Civil Btatutea 1929, requirea that no parson ahell bo a polatrd to my offlor by tha oity oounoil unlraa ha raaidra with Pa the oor- orate limit8 of the oity ia quuration. Aeiola 989 Wovlmd OLvil titatutor 1929, undar whioh thr appolattnrat in thla’oaar La aado, ia’ ailenk~ aa to raaidratial quallfioationa, but WI aubmit that in tho abaonor of an rxprraa provirion in auoh atatuta allowiag the appointment of non-reaidmtr, we are not juatifled in aaoribing to thr Leglalaturr an Mont to orratr in thia one inatanor an rxoep- tioa to ita unlvrraal polloy of requiring muniolpal ofrioara to be resldonta of the oity whloh they are ol8otod to aorva~ Hon. W. 8. (Bill) Morrison, page 3 (181) Moreover, it is our conclusion that the vacancy appoint- ments by the myor with confirmation by the city council, in accord- ance with Artlolr 989, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, should, under reasonablr statutory oonatruotlon and the authorities be deemed an appointment by ‘the city ~oouncll so as to bring into operation the resldontial rrqulroments of A&o10 1003, Rovlsed Civil Stat- utes, because “oity council* is by statutory drfialtion in Article 977 Revised Civil 8tatutrs, 1925, and under ~the common acception of the term, oomposrd of the mayor .and aldemOn. Vacancy appoint- ments are made by the “city counoll~~ in this aonso of the term, and are not made by the mayor alone or by the aldermen alone. The + power to appoint said ~offlcers under Article 989 Revised Civil Statutes 192!i, 1s not absoluto in tho mayor, bu 4 oonditional upon its oonf&aatlon by tho city oouncll. This conclusion finds support In the decisions of this and other statos, holding, in princlplr, that where the power of appointment Is absolute and the appointee has been determined upon, no further consent or approval is necessary, and the appointment may be conslaored as made, but where the assent or confirmation of some other officer or body la requlrod the appointment can be complete only when such assent or conffrmatlon is obtained, because It is not until then that the last act required of the appointing power is performed. Brumb v. Boyd, et al 66 S.W. 874. Mechem,’ Public Offices, Section 11 2: and cases cited. In the case of Brumby v. Boyd supra, the municipal char- ter under consideration provides as foliows* “In case of a vacancy in any elect ire 0fri00, from whatever reason, the council, upon nomination by the mayor, shall fill the vacancy by the solec- tlon of soae porron by a vote of a majority of the aldermen elect ad ana qualiz lea. 11 With referoncr to whether this charter provision confer- red the power of appointment upon the mayor or upon the city coun- cil, the court had thfr to say, We think it is clear from the language of the chartor abwo quotod that the mayor has no authority to fill a vaoanoy in an elective offior, and that such authority ia Vested rolely in the olty oounoll. Pho selection of the person to fill such vaoanoy must be by the council, which Is composed of the mayor and board of alarrum. Neither can act in the matter in- dependent of the other, and no legal appointment tem- porary or otherwise, can be made unless ooncurra (I in by both the mayor and a majority of the board of alder- men. Tho nomination by the mayor Is only the initial . Hon. W. 4. (Bill) Morrison, pa%! 4 (181) step W-making the appolntmtint, ‘and the appoint- ment .becomos. complete only when Cohcurred in by a majority of the aldormon. M&hem, Pub .orr . Par. 114, . .'I Under this authority, wo believe the word “appointtient”, as. employed in Article 989, Revised Civil Statutes, must be con- strued to mean nselectlon” or %omlnatlon” by the mayor, and that the appointment is only complete when such seltiction or nomination Is confirmed by the city council. It necessarily follows that the appointment to fill the vacancy in the office of City Attorney of Cameron is governed by the residential requirements of Article 1003, Revised Civil Statutes and that no attorney who lives beyond the confines of the City of &meron can legally be appointed to this office. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGBNERALOF TEXAS By /s/ Pat M. Neff, Jr. Assistant PM?:N:wb APPROVEiD /s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEYGENERRQL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion